What makes the butterfly a beautiful butterfly is EFFORT

What makes the butterfly a beautiful butterfly is EFFORT

the path to butterfly stateWhat makes the butterfly a beautiful butterfly is the EFFORT it takes to break out of the cocoon.

My best selling product is called Effortless Abundance.

The best selling products are gadgets… gadgets that make everything effortless… because you don’t want any effort.

You are, through and through, part of the eight billion. And you are not happy.

If you are one of the one thousand people on Planet Earth who are happy

Continue reading “What makes the butterfly a beautiful butterfly is EFFORT”

Black Friday… plus what is at the root of your misery?

Black Friday… plus what is at the root of your misery?

peeling the onion... what is the core?I am pretty tolerant. In some ways I am really easy going… Except…

My soul correction (34) has a big issue with trusting… and I have a really big problem with trusting if and when you are trying to pull one on me… pull the wool over my eyes, try to fake me out… how many different way shall I use

I cringe. My self-concern kicks is… and as you know…

Self-concern is probably the only reason you are miserable when you are miserable.

Continue reading “Black Friday… plus what is at the root of your misery?”

Pain vs Suffering: Pain is necessary, suffering is optional

Pain vs Suffering: Pain is necessary, suffering is optional

pain vs sufferingDistinctions are the currency of communication, growth, transformation, and evolution.

And when you look distinctions are missing for most humans… I can be almost certain that outside of the thousand special people who have their responsibility gene on… No one else really HAS distinctions, outside of their profession or hobby. Continue reading “Pain vs Suffering: Pain is necessary, suffering is optional”

Are you dull? bored? boring? Too determined? Hellbent?

Are you dull? bored? boring? Too determined? Hellbent?

This is a post from 2016  that is suddenly relevant again.

I woke up early this morning. I spent, it seems, the whole night with hair-raising dreams… so it was good to get up.

Got up and came to my computer and posted some 45 podcast episodes from 2-3 years ago.

I listened to a few of them, and I was dumbfounded how much better I was back then, how many more things I had to talk about then… intelligently, interestingly, engagingly.

So I started to look what the heck changed that I am so much duller nowadays.

Continue reading “Are you dull? bored? boring? Too determined? Hellbent?”

What if without spirit you are just an object?

What if without spirit you are just an object?
What if without spirit you are just a thing? An object in a world of objects?

When I first read Ayn Rand’s Atlas Shrugged, I didn’t know what to think. That was almost 11 years ago.

And today it hit me: he was pitting people with the spirit working in them against people, the masses, who live without the spirit working, the secondhanders, the self-sacrificing, selfless, the do-gooders, and the moochers and the looters.

She meant to wake up the masses… in my humble opinion unsuccessfully. Continue reading “What if without spirit you are just an object?”

There is no gene for the human spirit?! There is, I say!

There is no gene for the human spirit?! There is, I say!

I never cheated in school. Never made a cheat sheet. I just prepared.

The one time I didn’t… I skipped school that day. It was in 1964.

I remember it because it was the one time. Never happened again.

OK, I didn’t say that so you can now hate me.

I just did what was mine to do.

But not in a dutiful way.

I actually find dutiful distasteful. Dutiful is taking cue from the outside, and it is always low vibration. Always feels like slavery, powerless, not fit for a human.

We all remember that dutiful kid… who never had fun. They were also often beaten up… because

Dutiful and fun, dutiful and playful, dutiful and joy don’t go together. Continue reading “There is no gene for the human spirit?! There is, I say!”

Cheat sheet to conquer your wayward emotions. What?!

Cheat sheet to conquer your wayward emotions. What?!

One of my students is working on creating a cheat sheet for people who have difficulties in life.

Why a cheat sheet?

Because when you have difficulties in life you find it hard to even think, let alone look at the issue with sober eyes. Without emotions. Look at it like a math problem, or if you are not good at math, a missing ingredient problem in the kitchen.

And if you are normal, if your DNA is what 99.99% of people’s DNA, then you have many difficulties in life, even if no one knows about them. Sometimes even you don’t know… oops. Continue reading “Cheat sheet to conquer your wayward emotions. What?!”

Does Alex Jones, like children, believe his own B.S.?

Does Alex Jones, like children, believe his own B.S.?
Are humans even interested in transcendence?

Transcendence is growing through and beyond. And whether anyone says it or not, you always go beyond a stage when it is considered by you handled.

I am reading a book by the same author who wrote about the predatory genes in another book of his.

He is a novelist, a fiction writer, so anyone who takes everything he says at face value is like the people who listen to Alex Jones and take it like the truth… I even know one personally… ugh.

Anyway, I am reading this new book that just came out a few days ago. After a boring 110 page preamble he gets to the interesting stuff… about sentient life in the cosmos… Continue reading “Does Alex Jones, like children, believe his own B.S.?”

I have something to say in the matter. But what do I say?

I have something to say in the matter. But what do I say?

I have something to say in the matter… but what can I say?

Back in 1986 it was revolutionary. Closed circuit TV across the world.

Werner Erhard had his Saturday seminars. I lived in New Jersey at the time, but the audience was in many cities in the US, in Australia, and maybe in Europe…

I was green and my ‘est’ vocabulary was non-existent, so I probably only got 1% of what was available, but I did get something.

In one of the sessions Werner set up the question: I have something to say in the matter… and what the matter was I don’t remember, but I suspect, that he was doing what I am doing with my DNA adjusted students: Continue reading “I have something to say in the matter. But what do I say?”

This is how can you become sane in an insane world?

This is how can you become sane in an insane world?
sane in an insane worldFalling in step, do it my way, destroy everything in the process

There are two ways to live.

One is to force, complain about what you don’t have, suffer
The other is to work with what you have

Roughly 3,000 years ago humanity moved towards the ‘my way or the highway’ direction.

Judaism was a religion that required submission to Life
Christianity was a new religion that fosters the sword
Islam was a tradition that went one step further: if you are not with us you are against us

Christianity and Islam took it upon itself to declare itself and its god superior to Life, to Nature, to all-of-it. Continue reading “This is how can you become sane in an insane world?”