Gluten? Fodmaps? Feel better, perform better without grains?

Gluten? Fodmaps? Feel better, perform better without grains?

gluten sensitivity,gluten intoleranceAs you know, I do consultation with people to help them get higher levels of wellness.

I was sent an article this morning from Science Magazine arguing about Gluten…

What’s really behind ‘gluten sensitivity’?

I quote the entire article in the footnotes…

I muscletested the truth value of the article, 5%.

Anything and anyone that talks about the companies or industries that provide all the funding for “science” are sensitive topic for people whose job security depends on their compliance in toeing the interests of these industries or companies.

So the truth value will be low.
Continue reading “Gluten? Fodmaps? Feel better, perform better without grains?”

If you admire the butterfly, then you have low vibration

If you admire the butterfly, then you have low vibration
If you admire the butterfly, then you have low vibration… A butterfly person will not be enamored with a butterfly…

The “I don’t like” “I don’t want” list, seems to be a very reliable measure of the size of your world and thus your vibration. (You may call it your frequency, or your vibrational frequency… but what the words indicate isn’t real… your vibration is better defined in this article.) Continue reading “If you admire the butterfly, then you have low vibration”

Can I teach you to connect to Source?

In the Arthur Conan Doyle story A Scandal in Bohemia whatever… featuring Sherlock Holmes, there is an important learning that just came really handy for me today. In fact: it should have been part of my Itch webinar series… it is so in line with that.

The principle is that when there is a fire, for example, you’ll instinctively move to save what is most important to you… maybe ever, maybe just in that moment.

Some save their money, some save their children, others save their pet. ln the Sherlock Holmes story, The Woman was saving her picture she wanted to use to blackmail some Bohemian royalty.

OK, so how was this useful to me today? Continue reading “Can I teach you to connect to Source?”

What is the secret that allows the butterfly to be airborne?

What is the secret that allows the butterfly to be airborne?

Locked into the cocoon, the caterpillar could not add or change anything about the physical aspects of its body… so it must have been how those physical aspects are organized… something beyond the visible… something you could call “spiritual”.

I can teach you to speak butterfly, so you can fly like a butterfly.

The secret between being a caterpillar and a butterfly is in the speaking.

The saying so many people are coming to my site for is: you cannot talk butterfly language to caterpillars.

Now, the truth is: you cannot. The caterpillars out there won’t hear it. Won’t respond to it.

But you can talk butterfly language to yourself… and whenever you do, you do become a butterfly. 1

Continue reading “What is the secret that allows the butterfly to be airborne?”

Butterfly vs caterpillar, human being, vs homo sapiens

Butterfly vs caterpillar, human being, vs homo sapiens

In the history of the Earth there have been five other attempts for Life to create intelligent life. Millions of years separating them… Atlantis may not be a myth, just didn’t happen in our time. Civilizations don’t overlap. 2

Three of those civilizations were destroyed by natural causes, and two of those by the civilization itself… parallel with the current humanity and its civilization a civilization of caterpillars. 3

Our civilization is heading toward the same self-annihilation, unless… Unless human being happens.

Continue reading “Butterfly vs caterpillar, human being, vs homo sapiens”

What does it really mean “You must be the change you want…

What does it really mean “You must be the change you want…

Today is starting out to be an interesting day.

I am getting thank you emails. And I am getting hate mail. 4

The hardest thing to see is that in your world you call the shot. Even when you don’t know that you are doing that.

Continue reading “What does it really mean “You must be the change you want…”

Wake up. Everything you want is outside of Plato’s Cave

Wake up. Everything you want is outside of Plato’s Cave

I kind of love Rob Brezsny’s horoscopes. They are a weekly wakeup call… a few lines of text that grab me by the nape and throw out into the real world, to come to my senses.

Here is what he writes about it:
Many of us are essentially asleep, even as we walk around in broad daylight. We’re so focused on the restless narratives and repetitive fantasies unfurling in our heads that we only dimly perceive the larger story raging in all of its chaotic beauty around us.

To have any hope of permanently breaking out of our fuzzy trance, we require regular shocks. A single jolt might cause us to briefly come to attention and see the miracle of creation for what it is, but once the red alert has passed, we relax back into our fixation on the dreamy tales our mind never stops telling us.

In the course of its conspiracy to shower us with blessings, life does its best to provide us with a steady flow of healing shocks. But because it tends to err on the side of tenderness, its prods may be too gentle, allowing us to ignore them. Gradually, life will up the ante, trying to find the right mix of toughness and love, as it encourages us to WAKE UP!

But our addiction to the phantasmagoria is tenacious. The stream-of-conscious narratives and ever-bubbling fantasies, even when they’re racked with torment and terror, are perversely entertaining. And so we may avoid responding to the kind shocks for so long that life finally has to resort to stronger medicine. Then we might get sick or lose our job or muck up our closest relationship.

It doesn’t have to be that way. We could cultivate in ourselves a sixth sense for the wake-up calls life sends us. We might develop a knack for responding with agile grace to the early, gentler ones so that we wouldn’t have to be visited by the more stringent measures.

There’s also another possibility: With hungry intent, we could seek out and hunt down invigorating jolts. We wouldn’t wait to have our asses kicked, but would kick our own asses — over and over again, with a creative ingenuity.

Who knows? We might even master the art of inducing shocks that feel really good. 5

Rob Brezsny lives in Plato’s Cave 93% of the time. Obviously life doesn’t happen in the cave. And all I am trying to do is shock you, jolt you, rouse your aliveness… But, as you can see, the powers that put you back to sleep are more powerful than whatever I am doing.

My articles, my coaching program, the 67 steps audios all serve the purpose to wake you up.

And of course the sleep wins you back every time we talk. You are awake for a few minutes and go back to sleep. And I want to kill myself. Again and again.

Because I am alone out in the world… No one to play with. A desert planet. No intelligent life.

You are not here… you are somewhere in dreamland.

I can see that the movie Vanilla Sky is all about this sleep and your choice to wake up or not.

When I first saw the movie, after it came out on DVD, I watched it many times.

Where I was at, my consciousness, at the time, I didn’t, I could not comprehend. I didn’t know I lived in a dream… it didn’t look like a dream.

My vibration was 100… that is the “living in the basement” level of consciousness… Now it is clear why it was such a difficult to understand movie.

The ending of Vanilla Sky is actually pretty straightforward. Everything that Tech Support says is true. Tom Cruise is having a lucid dream. He did kill himself, sort of. … He does have a choice of waking up or continuing the dream.

Since then I have awakened. But awakening is gradual, awakening is painful… as it was for him, Tom Cruise in Vanilla Sky.

You can’t die in your dream, and you cannot really sleep in your dream.

You can only sleep, and sleep well, if you are awake when you are awake.

The fuzzy trance is calling me back, and it takes all I’ve got to kick my own behind to stay awake.

I am an alien on a beautiful planet where sleep drought is in every breath.

What are beliefs? And what keeps you from what you want?

Is there really such a thing as a belief?

One of the things that keep you stuck is the language that you use.

One of the words that definitely hand over the reins to someone else is the word belief.

I, personally, argue that such a thing even exists.

Approaching life, approaching reality, approaching tasks with inadequate tools, antiquated tools will lead to disaster, and that is where you, most of you, find yourself.

Lots of words, lots of books, lots of talking, but no advancement. Neither personally, nor as a race.

As a true empath, I actually see why.

You and everything you read is stuck on the surface. On the seeming working of the Universe, or in this case, the seeming working of a human.

If we dealt with computers, or cars, or even houses the way we deal with, try to fix, etc. humans, ourselves, our thinking, our behavior, we would go back to the stone age. Continue reading “What are beliefs? And what keeps you from what you want?”

Are you working on your pretend self? Trying to make it better? Read this article for clues…

I have students at all different stages of their personal paths.

I, as a coach, can do only so much. I answer their posts, and then I write my articles. And the rest happens where I am not. Inside them, in their interaction with people, in their interaction with stuff.

This is the hardest part.

My soul correction is Forget Thyself… meaning I want to be personally causing stuff… I did it, Me, Mine. Talking over people, having no patience for people doing things the “wrong way”.

I have been gaining ground in my soul correction, but it is still wicked difficult. Especially when someone has a good result that has nothing to do with me… lol.

So my first reaction to a student breakthrough is feeling let down… I didn’t do it… lol.

This is what happened this morning.

A student of mine had a glimpse, a momentary clarity of who and how he really is… His real self…

Here is what he wrote: Continue reading “Are you working on your pretend self? Trying to make it better? Read this article for clues…”