Get rid of the memes… all of them are lies…

Get rid of the memes… all of them are lies…

One of the most important principles in the 67 steps program is to get rid of a ‘truth’ as often as you can.

No one hears that they should do that. No one does it. Why?

The mind says: ‘why should I get rid of a piece of useful knowledge.Continue reading “Get rid of the memes… all of them are lies…”

Boys don’t know how to be boys. They won’t be men

Boys don’t know how to be boys. They won’t be men

“If you want to emasculate a guy friend, when you’re at a restaurant, ask him everything that he’s going to order, and then when the waitress comes … order for him.” It’s funny because it shouldn’t be that easy to rob a man of his masculinity — but it is.

I am doing good work with the participants of my accountability program. 1

One of the things that have been coming up is this: what did it do to you to be influenced more by your mother than your father?

Don’t be mistaken: man and woman, boy and girl, father and mother are different beings… almost as different as if they were two different species. And it should be.

Now, I admit that our “civilized” world makes the two roles more similar looking, but just like in eating, what works best for you is eating according to your DNA, the same is true about gender behavior. Continue reading “Boys don’t know how to be boys. They won’t be men”

More on the 10 dark years theory, or why it takes so long

More on the 10 dark years theory, or why it takes so long

Most winners in life master one thing in particular: they are astute. Astute: having or showing an ability to accurately assess situations or people.

Accurately assess… as opposed to have an opinion, have a good feel, or guess…

Is that a skill, a capacity, a virtue? What is it and how do you get it?

A have a new “most visited” post, the 31 quotes that give you chills… Why? Because it promises an experience… an experience you crave in the consistently dull and painful life you have.

Wanting to get chills without any other benefits says a lot about you and your life. What does it say? For one: you are a mystery to yourself…

I have said it before… humanity bars its way to evolution by throwing big words around. Continue reading “More on the 10 dark years theory, or why it takes so long”

The Law of 33%, and why you resist it? tooth and nail

The Law of 33%, and why you resist it? tooth and nail

One of the brilliant ideas from the 67 steps that hardly anyone considers as applying to them is the idea of spending at least one third of their discretionary time

Discretionary time is time you have control over, time you can call your own.  I have found that it could be as high as two hours, but as a minimum, an hour a day is necessary if you want to grow. You’ll train your TLB with this too… because being with people who are better than you is NOT comfortable… actually it can be very painful. Continue reading “The Law of 33%, and why you resist it? tooth and nail”

What one thing you want to learn from Babe Ruth

What one thing you want to learn from Babe Ruth

Make your plane land where you want it to land… or what one thing you want to learn from Babe Ruth

This is probably the most shocking sentence in the whole 67 step program.

I literally don’t know anyone who lives that way.

People try to succeed, try a diet, try this and try that… while their plane crashes in every area.

So what is the difference between who are like that, who are on their way to become that kind of person, and others who never ever land their plane on the landing strip? Continue reading “What one thing you want to learn from Babe Ruth”

Shall I become popular, or shall I choose to do the work

Shall I become popular, or shall I choose to do the work no one else can do but needs to be done? You either do one or the other…

I am still looking at how to become an influencer… 2

It’s not really my ambition… 3 I am much more comfortable doing my thing and barely be noticed. But it seems that in today’s day and age, unless you do a lot of hoopla, loud, self-promotion, partnering up with high visibility people, and other fashionable strategies, becoming an influencer is impossible.

I am still looking if I really want to become an influencer or not.

I learned about becoming an influencer from Tai’s free video on trend stacking.


A trend is, in this context, something that is becoming a fashion more and more. Something that has reached the masses and now they are jumping on the bandwagon. Popular…

My body is responding to this idea with massive indication that this is not my path. And yet…

And yet… increasing my sphere of influence, 4 even just doubling it would mean I can work with more people.

Judging from the past, each additional 100 people deliver, on average, one person who can and is willing to do the work to become worth a damn. Continue reading “Shall I become popular, or shall I choose to do the work”

Unless you know what you learned, you didn’t learn anything

Unless you know what you learned, you didn’t learn anything

The last joke I heard before I left Hungary has stayed with me… and it’s very apropos today

Here is the joke: What are the two paths for Hungarian intelligentsia?

Answer: alcoholism. The other path is impenetrable…, in practice there is no second path.

This article is about humans, about you. And it tries to establish that in fact it’s possible to penetrate a second path… an evolutionary path, to become a human being, even if 99.5% of humanity isn’t interested in that path.

So let’s see how that applies to how it is today…

There are two schools of thought: the two paths… You really either choose the one or the other. There is no compromise… Continue reading “Unless you know what you learned, you didn’t learn anything”

You want to be free… free to be yourself… but who are you? You don’t know yourself…

My first awakening, rude as it was, was in 1979. I was 32 years old, had won first prize in an architectural competition, and I was in a mental health facility as an inmate.

Depression… I was depressed…

I didn’t know I was an empath, so I have no idea how much of what I felt was mine…

One day in the big circle I said something that got me thrown out of that big circle group.

Next day I was asked to do a test: find out what I like and what I don’t. I spent a lot of time with that test, because, honestly, I didn’t know. I didn’t know what I liked and what I preferred.

They made me retake the test, and I failed again. Holy Mackerel… I had no I. I mean I did have an I that threw its weight around, that won competitions, that got thrown out of groups, that pontificated and sympathized with people…

And yet there was no solid I… an I I could return to to be true to myself, to refuel myself, to be free to be myself. Continue reading “You want to be free… free to be yourself… but who are you? You don’t know yourself…”

Where did evolution take a wrong turn? fixable?

Where did evolution take a wrong turn? fixable?

Lots of questions are coming up… Is it possible to be happy, to have ikigai, purpose, and joy if you live in your imagination?

What is the main difference between animals and homo sapiens?

The only differences I can see are

1. homo sapiens (modern humans) live in the mind… thinking it’s reality
2. homo sapiens have conscience
3. homo sapiens live like anything different from what they want is wrong.
4. homo sapiens have usury relationships, win-lose, zero sum. Continue reading “Where did evolution take a wrong turn? fixable?”

Your vibration, your love of life, Tree of knowledge, authenticity, and your language

Your Language, the words you use… how many of your words are accurate as in: I actually know, personally what the word means will define to what degree you have to pretend in life.

The more you pretend the less you can love yourself, and the less you love your life.

80% of language deals with stuff that is non-physical and not visible. The stuff that matters the most.

Almost everything that matters in life is in the invisible domain. Really. All that is visible doesn’t matter much if what is in the invisible is lacking or bad.

You can be married to the most magnificent person, for example, but if you don’t love them… meh, at best, horrid in most predictable.

Continue reading “Your vibration, your love of life, Tree of knowledge, authenticity, and your language”