What is evil… and who is evil? What the bible teaches?

What is evil… and who is evil? What the bible teaches?

It is, it has been hard to see, but I think I can see it now.

You want to get without giving. Anything, if possible, a thank you at most… so that

  • You shouldn’t have to reciprocate
  • You shouldn’t have to pay attention
  • You shouldn’t have to do anything for what you want… especially not something that another person will or may benefit from

The worst of human nature is starting to take over…

You could call it stinginess… but I think we have gone past that stage… stingy was nice compared to… wait for it…

Circuitry: blocking even the chance of thinking about any energy going to the other… Block the flow…

Continue reading “What is evil… and who is evil? What the bible teaches?”

What is the fastest way to lose your vibration?

What is the fastest way to devolve… the greased chute 1 to lose your vibration? To move yourself to the horizontal plane…

  • Sometimes I write articles to solve an issue for myself… Tai calls this chess-like assiduity… 2 lol.
  • Sometimes I write articles to address and issue one or more clients are dealing with… and help them solve it for themselves. Because, remember, when things don’t go well… there is something that you don’t know/don’t see
  • And sometimes I write articles to prevent an issue for a client, and issue that is predictably coming.

This article fits category two and three… Some clients are struggling with an issue the other clients are about to encounter…

The issue is devolving. Greased chute to hell… Not a happy issue, is it?

So, let’s get starting.
Continue reading “What is the fastest way to lose your vibration?”

You never feel bad about what you think you feel bad about

Homo Sapiens, as a species, is pretty messed up. Everything sets its emotions off, and the specimen gets all emotional, angry, afraid, violent, or sad and depressed.

This emotional reactivity makes getting things done near impossible, learning, or having people together pretty hopeless.

Almost all diseases are a consequence of this phenomenon… people eat to soothe themselves. People eat to eat another out of their fortune. People eat to feel superior. People eat to get some enjoyment out of life.

And they eat to fix the damage that overeating caused, and do all kinds of unnecessary things to reduce the damage. Continue reading “You never feel bad about what you think you feel bad about”

Awakening your inner motive power, ambition

Awakening your inner motive power, ambition

Although I use this iconic picture from the French protest… this is not a political article… Something, deep inside the French was activated by the new tax on fuel… and moved them to action…

In this article I want to talk about how to awaken that inner, deeply buried energy that could set you free. The caged desire. A suppressed desire. Continue reading “Awakening your inner motive power, ambition”

To what degree do you fulfill others’ expectations of you?

To what degree do you fulfill others’ expectations of you?

I had an experience this morning that made me look and made me ponder.

The number of times my site is recommended by google has dropped to one third in the past two-three months.

I wasn’t sure why… so yesterday they told me: it is because I am not getting any visitors from Pinterest. Continue reading “To what degree do you fulfill others’ expectations of you?”

The god shape hole that keeps you wanting…

The god shape hole that keeps you wanting…

U2’s singer Bono, says that all of us suffer from the sense that something’s missing from our lives.

We imagine that we lack an essential quality or experience, and its absence makes us feel sad and insufficient. Continue reading “The god shape hole that keeps you wanting…”

Cats leave paw prints on your heart…

I have a magnet on my refrigerator door that says: Cats leave paw prints on your heart.

And they do. You remember your pets fondly… and often.

I remember one woman, often, and fondly, even though she was an enigma to me.

We met at the psych ward and spent some time, every day, together. I met her husband, son, and mother in law… whom I knew from work: she was an acoustic engineer advising me when I was the architect for acoustic practice rooms for the Hungarian Academy of Music.

My friend was in the psych board because she could not sleep. I was there because I didn’t want to live. Continue reading “Cats leave paw prints on your heart…”

The process of becoming a genius… It is a process

The process of becoming a genius… It is a process

If you looked, you would notice that you want to do things out of order…

…for example: fix something that you don’t understand what it is, you just KNOW that it’s wrong. Put the cart in front of the horse. Never bother to find the cause… the real cause of anything… the laws of nature.

You may be doing all the steps that can produce the results you want, but what happens if and when you are doing them out of order? Or you don’t give enough time to each step to perform its magic, out of greed or hunger or impatience?

You’ll lose time… you’ll lose money… and you’ll lose your faith. Continue reading “The process of becoming a genius… It is a process”

Did we crack the key to happiness yesterday?

Did we crack the key to happiness yesterday?

Life is a puzzle, life is a mystery.

Advice on how to be happy is on 360 million pages, and yet seeing a genuinely happy person is very rare.

All morning I have Hungarian cabaret type songs in my head… One asks a question: Daddy, how does the big elephant go into the lion’s cave when the lion invited him for tea? If he only puts his trunk in, that is very neglectful, because by the time he siphons up his tea, the lion will bite down his trunk… lol.

The second… what I hope for our children and grandchildren is to be free, to not bow down to anyone, to become a human being… weep weep.

Yesterday’s “Talk to Me” was the best we have ever had. Small in numbers, diverse in cultural affiliation. Continue reading “Did we crack the key to happiness yesterday?”

Holographic reading: the secret of billionaires…

Holographic reading: the secret of billionaires…

Holographic learning: the only learning that can take you to human being level

So holographic learning is based on a hologram.

A hologram is generated from a pattern on a disk (I think). Even a small fragment of the disk can generate the whole hologram. But more of the disk, and the hologram will be sharper and will have more details. Continue reading “Holographic reading: the secret of billionaires…”