Everything and its opposite is true or a lie… oh my!

Everything and its opposite is true or a lie… oh my!

It’s hard to make sense of things… because everything seems to be true, and then the opposite seems to be true too.

This is especially true nowadays, in the year of Covid whatever it is, and the election year. Global warming, and rapidly approaching uncertainty about the economy, about the future, about our ability to make a living.

Is this a conspiracy to enslave humanity?

Is this an accident? Is the virus manufactured and released? Are the face masks do anything worth doing? Should we worry, or should we look for the silver lining, and use the time as a way to become our best self?

If you were prepared like very few have been, this Covid thing can be, could be an opportunity… but very few ever does anything that prepares them for an opportunity.

And even the ones that could use these new circumstances as a springboard to go higher, don’t. Continue reading “Everything and its opposite is true or a lie… oh my!”

Why some people can be trained while others can’t

Why some people can be trained while others can’t

In my starting point measurements there are a few measures that predict whether you can be trained or not.

I have found that two measures are most telling: the size of one’s ambition and the size of one’s rigidity.

  • Ambition is an interesting phenomenon:

Ambition needs you to have some kind of vision of a future you are working towards. In my experience, this measure needs to be higher than 10%, and the higher it is, the more likely you’ll do what it takes to be trained. Continue reading “Why some people can be trained while others can’t”

Shifting gears

Shifting gears

As I said yesterday, I am now shifting gears.

As painful as it is, I have learned that most people’s brain, and most people’s brain that I deal with are so weakened, that they drop the proverbial ball as soon as sometimes within minutes.

The ball that people are dropping is a new activated DNA capacity.

It is different with capacities you activated with your activity… I am talking about capacities I activate in your DNA.

In order to keep those capacities alive, you need to do the activities that would have activated it in the first place.

On Sunday, that is two days ago, I stumbled on a pdf on my computer that lead me to an audio recording with one of my favorite people, Michael Senoff interviewing Michael Lavery. Continue reading “Shifting gears”

It is not the smartest, it is not the strongest that make it

It is not the smartest, it is not the strongest that make it

Whether Darwin said that anything like that, or he didn’t… doesn’t concern me. The principle is true, whether a famous person said it or not.

In the evolutionary sense, it is not the most intellectual of the species that survives; it is not the strongest that survives; but the species that survives is the one that is able best to adapt and adjust to the changing environment in which it finds itself. Continue reading “It is not the smartest, it is not the strongest that make it”

Never pick a fight you cannot win… Now what?

Never pick a fight you cannot win… Now what?

Humans, as a species, are not good. They are an invasive species. Destroying the planet they live on.

This is not a moral judgment. I am do not subscribe to any moral system…

Morality is a human invention. There is no morality in reality, in nature. Morality is invented by rulers and governments, and churches, to keep the hordes at bay, to make them behave in a way that is counter to their nature. Continue reading “Never pick a fight you cannot win… Now what?”

How to beat the ‘human condition’ successfully

How to beat the ‘human condition’ successfully

How to beat the ‘human condition’ successfully and become a happy person at no one’s expense?

I spent a few hours this week reading really old emails from two of my clients. I was especially interested in their early emails… maybe so I can see what changed?

When you talk to someone nearly every day, it is hard to notice the changes…

So periodically going back and seeing some of the things they said six years ago is really useful in this regard.

I have my customer/client emails saved, all of them, grouped by client, so I didn’t even have to search… Just pick a client, and read…

One of these guys went on and on and on how much he doesn’t want to be human. How much he doesn’t want to be part of the human condition. Live in the Valley of the Shadow of Death. Continue reading “How to beat the ‘human condition’ successfully”

Can we change the future of the planet by changing people?

Can we change the future of the planet by changing people?

Yesterday I spoke about the human condition, where moral rules, codes, and such are masking the predatory nature of humans…

Predatory simply means: me at your expense… and it is mostly, among animals, at the expense of another species, but there are exceptions.

I live on nuts, nuts are about 40% of the nutrition I take any given day. Why? I can’t eat much anything else and stay well beyond my expiration date… which, for all intents and purposes was in August last year.

So I got an extension, on conditions that I do life in a particular way… Continue reading “Can we change the future of the planet by changing people?”

Why does the future of the planet look the way it looks?

Why does the future of the planet look the way it looks?

I am reading an amazing AND disturbing book. Again.

I have been heeding the words of my teacher, Robert S. Hartman, that to fight evil, you need to know evil, intimately. Be able to recognize it everywhere… in yourself and in others.

Like yourself, I prefer to look at pretty, beautiful, harmonious, happy… But if you want to tell the truth, there is not much of that, at least where humans are involved. Continue reading “Why does the future of the planet look the way it looks?”

What does it take to grow as a person?

What does it take to grow as a person?

Can you learn something that you lack the spiritual capacity for?

I spend a lot of time pondering this issue. What is the predictor, in the Starting Point Measurements, or if it’s not there, what measure could I add, that would predict what someone can do, and is likely that someone will do.

According to Jim Camp, negotiation genius, vision drives decision… and action.

So to see how far someone is willing to grow, how far someone is willing to go beyond what’s the status quo, depends on their vision. That is not capacity… that is hardwired in their genetics.

Some 35 years ago I used to ask this question differently: Continue reading “What does it take to grow as a person?”

What is the right attitude when being coached or being taught by a teacher?

What is the right attitude when being coached or being taught by a teacher?

i-promise-to-teach-you-promise-to-learn.jpg… and by “right” attitude I mean the attitude that gets you what you wanted from life through coaching or learning from a teacher.

Most people don’t.

Why? My guess is an attitude issue… but the attitude issue is caused by something deeper.

I’ll get back to this…What’s underneath the attitude…

But for now let’s see what programs, teachers, coaches do or not do to weed out people who would not be the right match.

I did a training program twice when I was in Landmark Education. The introduction leaders program. Seven months bootcamp. Intense. Hard. Continue reading “What is the right attitude when being coached or being taught by a teacher?”