Is speed all it’s cracked up to be? Should you read faster?

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Here is a little quiz: if you could choose between being gifted with, infused with, have it downloaded to your brain
–a million gigabytes of 2-7% truth value stuff into your mind
–a gigabytes (a million times less data, but through inner processing its truth value would go up to 30% and its use value would go up to 80%)

What would you choose?

Billionaires, I am told, like to read. Some billionaires read a lot. Continue reading “Is speed all it’s cracked up to be? Should you read faster?”

Making you smarter by increasing your brain’s neural connections

All thought that does not lead to action, said Goethe, is a disease. It’s like the Dalai Lama’s 3 levels of knowledge: Hear. Comprehend. Do. And do it until it becomes second nature… but not until then.

How is your brain pruning going?

I’ve known a lot if people in my long life. I have spent time with all kinds… Decades in off-color company. Continue reading “Making you smarter by increasing your brain’s neural connections”

Here is a spiritual practice from the Playground…

I find inspiration in his writing. I find that his vision of me and my life, and what can open up for me is a perfect match about 50 times out of 52 a year.

I am talking about Rob Brezsny.

Is this because he is so talented?

Without trying to make myself look better than Rob Brezsny, if it is true that it is not what happens to you but what you make it mean, what you say about it, then I will take full responsibility for the amazingly perfect match, the inspiration Rob Brezsny’s horoscopes give me.

And if they do the same for you: you should take pride in it. And if they don’t… consider that your creativity is at an all time low… that you can’t see…

Here is today’s example: (My birthday was a week ago, September 4) Continue reading “Here is a spiritual practice from the Playground…”

You may wonder why I have it in for women. Do I? Maybe.

You may wonder why I have it in for women. Do I? Maybe, and maybe not.

I think women misunderstand where their real power lies, and therefore they may use – whatever they consider their power – to spread misery, for themselves and for their men. Continue reading “You may wonder why I have it in for women. Do I? Maybe.”

Men, women, different issues to deal with

Men and women are supposedly the same species, but I have my doubts.

So, as you might have noticed, I often treat them as separate and distinct species.

I am doing this only for the second time: I have decided to have a separate Playground Program for men and women. Continue reading “Men, women, different issues to deal with”

Would asking better questions help you make real money?

Your IQ and your seeing clearly. How much you see and how clearly, how accurately

In an article earlier this week I mention that highly successful people don’t get pulled out of their game as often and as readily as you do.

When we look what is the difference, we find that they have a higher IQ.

IQ is the number that approximate how much you can do with what you have.

With higher IQ they see clearer, they can tell apart different things, they can see narrowly and widely.

You have the IQ you have. You’ve had, most likely, the same IQ since you were born… so your inability to see, to see clearly, to tell different things apart has created a mind full of untruth. Continue reading “Would asking better questions help you make real money?”

Why you go for more knowledge, more and more and more…

I just finished reading a book, a NY times bestseller.

In it a scientist discovers two life enhancing treatments: one makes you smarter, the other makes you live longer.

People go crazy to live longer, and don’t care to get smarter. 1As I am looking to find some good pictures to illustrate this article, I am finding that people have NO IDEA what it is, or what it would look like to be smarter. So they don’t even go there. Continue reading “Why you go for more knowledge, more and more and more…”

I don’t want to be judged! you cry. But YOU judge everything and everyone…

Why would you think that someone will judge you? Simple… you have already judged yourself.

But why would you? Not everyone judge themselves. I, for example, don’t… or not often at all. I often assess myself, my behavior, my looks, my stuff… but assessment does not carry condemnation in it, and it doesn’t carry praise in it either.

What is the difference between judgment and assessment 1 ?

The main difference is fixed mindset.

In judgment, the judging person lives as if there were a fixed good or bad, smart or stupid, right or wrong. And then they act as if they were assigned the job of judging…

So a high fixed mindset plus arrogance, superiority, plus high desire/low ambition numbers.

I have found that people with this combination are unable, unwilling, or resistant to do the work of the Playground. Continue reading “I don’t want to be judged! you cry. But YOU judge everything and everyone…”

Generosity, choosing, gratitude MAKE YOU HAPPY

Generosity was one of the distinctions I spent years researching and trying to BE…

It is a tricky way to be, the full meaning of generosity, because almost no one ever is really generous.

We normally equate giving with generosity. Some give stuff, others give praise, some give of themselves.

Most generosity makes the recipient suspicious: what is the ulterior motive? Continue reading “Generosity, choosing, gratitude MAKE YOU HAPPY”

What do you see with? Your eyes? NO. Even though…

Brain Plasticity…

The brain that changes itself is a book I read in 2011… About the brain… the brain that you need to train if you want to become more, better or different.

Why have I been thinking about brain plasticity/neuroplasticity? Continue reading “What do you see with? Your eyes? NO. Even though…”