Are you a frog, a turtle or a hare? Your results tell

Are you a frog, a turtle or a hare? Your results speak for themselves.

Blog_Boiling_FrogsHow do you cook frogs?

You put them in water. And then, slowly raise the temperature. So slowly that it is near imperceptible for the frogs. They will not jump out of the pot, because they won’t feel it.

The way you cook frog is the surest way to change.

Wild turns, jumps, dramatic workshops are dramatic, but ineffective.

Most things you want to change are stuck on the genetic level. All the behaviors are lined up neatly, like apples on an apple cart.
Continue reading “Are you a frog, a turtle or a hare? Your results tell”

How high can you go from where you are? Tai Lopez review

How high can you go from where you are? Tai Lopez review

I monitor visitor behavior on my site… to see how they treat my articles… I spend a few minutes a week, in the morning. It often gives me an idea of what to write about, what to teach next.

This article is a result of those few minutes of looking today.

Oh, I mostly look at people who signed up to get an email notification each time I publish a new article… by the way. Those people have expressed interest, so I want to see what people who say ‘I am interested’ are doing. Continue reading “How high can you go from where you are? Tai Lopez review”

The art and science of getting yourself unstuck…

The art and science of getting yourself unstuck…

70% of all people feel that they are stuck… And I guess, 100% of the people feel, at least occasionally, that they are stuck.

Feeling stuck is very unpleasant. I know because I know how it feels.

But being stuck is not real, unless it is something physical, and no one means that, when they say they feel stuck. Continue reading “The art and science of getting yourself unstuck…”

Who has the right to say? The right to judge you?

Who has the right to say? The right to judge you?

I think the main issue that has arrested human evolution is not in the individual, but in the system.

What is the system? because it is always the system… stupid.

But the word system is as slippery as the word context… because it always means something different, yet there is a distinction that points to context or points to system regardless of size, age, or circumstance. Continue reading “Who has the right to say? The right to judge you?”

Why am I pushing allowing while others push against it?

Why am I pushing allowing while others push against it?

I will have a webinar for people who bought the Allowing DNA capacity…So, of course, I put my whole life into the context: what is allowing?

And it should not surprise me that life is showing up consistent with that. Consistent with: allowing is missing when something doesn’t go well.

What does that mean, Sophie?

It means: suddenly I need to allow a ton more things that under nearly any other context.

Examples: Continue reading “Why am I pushing allowing while others push against it?”

What does WANTING do to your spirit, health, wealth?

What does WANTING do to your spirit, health, wealth?

Greed is an energy that is coming directly from the selfish gene

Greed is wanting.

But the wanting is a fixation. It blocks the flow.

  • Life wants to give you what you need.
  • Greed wants you to have what you want.

And greed doesn’t care about anything else. It wants what it wants when it wants it, and doesn’t want what it doesn’t want when it doesn’t want it. Continue reading “What does WANTING do to your spirit, health, wealth?”

How dead are you? If your life is not a roller coaster…

How dead are you? If your life is not a roller coaster…

how-dead-are-youWhat’s special about the roller coaster is the height it takes you and the depth it takes you… The experience is aliveness.

When your life has no highs and maybe no deep lows, what you are, instead of being alive, is a walking dead. Resigned, and settled for the scraps at life’s table.

You see others at the table, seemingly happy, seemingly alive, and you feel regret, shame, and envy. Continue reading “How dead are you? If your life is not a roller coaster…”

How to get out of the rut you are in? Get unstuck…

How to get out of the rut you are in? Get unstuck…

Simple answer: You lack skills and capacities…

You can boil water, make coffee in the coffee maker. Drive a car, open your smartphone… You are not quite hopeless… or are you? Not quite hapless either… or are you?

One of the measurements in the Starting Point Measurements is your vocabulary: how well  do you actually know, how accurately know what words mean…

Here we look into words (distinctions) that define your ability to live a good life… skills, competencies, abilities and such. Continue reading “How to get out of the rut you are in? Get unstuck…”

Why you shouldn’t trust muscletesting for most things

Why you shouldn’t trust muscletesting for most things
Why you shouldn’t trust muscletesting for most things

Why you should not trust your doctor, your nutritionist, your muscletesting

Mental Representation…

…an incredibly useful distinction and an incredibly rare capacity Continue reading “Why you shouldn’t trust muscletesting for most things”

Is responsibility a capacity? A case study

Is responsibility a capacity? A case study

Message to my friend: please don’t be offended. This was too good a story, too educational, to pass by. I didn’t mean to offend you, or invalidate your effort.

Is responsibility a capacity? If it isn’t, it should be… but it isn’t.

Responsibility, the behavior, has lots of other capacities that need to be lit up for it to work. Continue reading “Is responsibility a capacity? A case study”