What is the next step after I pull your anchor to doom?

What is the next step after I pull your anchor to doom?

anchor to doomIt is snowing heavily and steadily in Syracuse where I live. Right now. I just took out the garbage, and the snow is almost knee-deep. The mind goes, instantly, without any pausing, thinking, or consideration, the mind goes to doom.

Depending on your soul correction, it will say something like: I won’t be allowed to go out, My car won’t start, I’ll have an accident, I’ll die, I have to move somewhere where there is no snow…

What it rarely says: so what? Big deal.

Why? Because the mind, egomind really, is anchored to doom. Some doom that seems unavoidable for the egomind. Continue reading “What is the next step after I pull your anchor to doom?”

Anchor to doom, ET phone home, connecting to Source

Anchor to doom, ET phone home, connecting to Source

connecting to sourceConnecting to Source, being connected to Source is what you may want but you haven’t been able to… This article explains why and how you can. It’s a process.

I didn’t plan to write about this… I didn’t plan because like so many things that have disappeared… what isn’t there is… well, what isn’t there isn’t there.

But from time to time a client, a student reminds me…

And that’s exactly what happened: a client, an all around great guy wrote:

I looked to at what i might be hanging onto without noticing..

could grief or despair have some part of it? I used to find myself listening to music about sadness and hard times and used to think about sadness a lot. I used to almost create it in relationships with anyone, family/ friends/ myself.

I connected to him, deeply, and there it was: a whole lake of sadness that he was circling…trying to avoid being sucked into. It felt like the pit of despair, it felt like a black hole. Continue reading “Anchor to doom, ET phone home, connecting to Source”

Everything begins with your ability to learn

Everything begins with your ability to learn

learn from mistakesEverything begins with your ability to learn. Learn from mistakes, yours or others’.

I am not a scientist. I am not a scientist of any science… so take what I say here with a grain of salt…

But in my not so humble opinion what is destroying humanity is the capacity that lifted it from its animal past…

What is that, Sophie? Talking?

No, not talking… it is the capacity to learn from experience, and from the experience of others.

The capacity to learn.

A human, supposedly, is able to learn from failure. From a mistake. Supposedly. Continue reading “Everything begins with your ability to learn”


shouldWhat’s amiss with should?

Or for that matter shouldn’t?

I am looking for the principle here…

Here is my observation:

If you listen to the voice that says: it should be this way: it should be easy, I should already know, it should come to me, etc. then you won’t do what it takes to actually make it so. To rearrange things, massage things, do and say the things that will make it so.

I am somewhat learning disabled. I don’t have a should, not a bit in my makeup. Continue reading “Should”

Homeostasis, growth, coaching, teaching… push or pull?

Homeostasis, growth, coaching, teaching… push or pull?

homeostasis upset by brain damageI had massive brain damage back in 1998, and many of my brain processing centers went dark… Pushing me out of homeostasis.

Looking back, having that brain damage is what helps me to do the work I do now. Because of that brain damage I experienced isolated parts of my intellect not being there, even though previously they were there, and of course were taken for granted. I just saw what I saw, did what I did. No big deal.

Reading and re-reading the novel, Flowers for Algernon was of tremendous help to know what was going on really.

If you only watched the movie, Charlie, you don’t, you didn’t think what there was to think, that capacities can disappear, but the memory of them is still there, the name of them is still there, so the only valid identification of a capacity is possible only through losing it. Continue reading “Homeostasis, growth, coaching, teaching… push or pull?”

Possibility, inspiration, the spirit coming alive in you is the source of all joy, all fulfillment, all love

Possibility, inspiration, the spirit coming alive in you is the source of all joy, all fulfillment, all love

This article is about how separation, division, is preparing, has been preparing humanity, you, to lose possibility, lose  the capacity for inspiration, for the spirit coming alive. To make humanity powerless sheep, bleating, to support this separation. This division has one purpose and one purpose only: to make more money for the 1% and impoverish the rest.

If you read the pdf I included a few days ago… you know how it is really, behind the scenes… Read the pdf and weep. I did…

Yesterday in my Growth course

Yesterday in my Growth course, students asked me to distinguish possibility for them, so they can be inspired again, inspired at will. Continue reading “Possibility, inspiration, the spirit coming alive in you is the source of all joy, all fulfillment, all love”

Good artists borrow, great artists steal… or how to break through your BS

Good artists borrow, great artists steal… or how to break through your BS

…or how to become a producer, instead of a frog.
…or how to stop coasting and start rising…

Lots of way to say the result… but let’s get back to the quote in the title:

The quote in this form: Good artists borrow, great artists steal. was a favorite of Steve Jobs but he was probably (mis)quoting Pablo Picasso who said ‘Lesser artists borrow; great artists steal‘ – who in turn might be rephrasing Igor Stravinsky, but both sayings may well originate in T. S. Eliot’s dictum:

‘Immature poets imitate; mature poets steal; bad poets deface what they take, and good poets make it into something better, or at least something different. The good poet welds his theft into a whole of feeling which is unique, utterly different than that from which it is torn.‘ – The origins of this quote itself is an example of great artists stealing.’ ?

Why am I sharing this quote right now?

Continue reading “Good artists borrow, great artists steal… or how to break through your BS”

Whatever it takes, your about-me score, your TLB: what is the connection?

Whatever it takes, your about-me score, your TLB: what is the connection?

Marianne Faithfull in Irina PalmWhatever it takes, your about-me score, your TLB, your twitchy little bastard score: what is the connection?

I am scared. The inauguration is in an hour… I am weeping I am so scared. So I get busy doing what I can… publish this article. I’ll probably publish one more later today…

Just read an article about Marianne Faithfull, a 60’s muse, singer, and a beautiful woman, exactly my age.

She just went through the virus, spent three weeks in hospital, and survived against the doctors’ predictions.

Because of what?

I don’t know the woman. I don’t know her songs. but I saw a movie with her, where she, her character was this ‘whatever it takes’ type of warrior… while the people around her claimed love but did nothing.

You can find your inspiration and spiritual teaching in the most unexpected places… Continue reading “Whatever it takes, your about-me score, your TLB: what is the connection?”

What does humility have to do with prejudice? Spiritual cataract?

What does humility have to do with prejudice? Spiritual cataract?

spiritual cataract the about-me scoreIn this article I’ll explain how the high about-me score (low humility) works, and how it manifests in real life… like a spiritual cataract: prejudice on the basis of race, gender, nationality, social status, sexual orientation, or religious affiliation… and what concern me most: against Jews. Not pretty. Sign of a spiritual cataract and low intelligence.

This article is disturbing (or at least I hope so). So if you are a sissy… don’t read it. And if you can’t be bothered… don’t read it.

The other day I started to watch a Hungarian Holocaust movie… Son of Saul, and managed to watch a whole 23 minutes in six or seven little ‘installments’.

Very graphic, the most graphic movie I have ever attempted to watch. Continue reading “What does humility have to do with prejudice? Spiritual cataract?”

The average truth value of coaching, courses, books is 7%, even though 10% of the truth is known…

The average truth value of coaching, courses, books is 7%, even though 10% of the truth is known…

turn the invisible visibleTruth value. In this article I muse about the low truth value of anything written or spoken, and why it’s so low truth value. I turn the invisible into visible.

It is exactly 53 times more complicated than that!

If anybody says that they know how to help you, run the other way. What? you say I say that? Nah… I don’t. Maybe that is what you heard, but the truth is a whole lot more complicated than that.

Exactly 53 times more complicated… lol.

Sorry, I could not pass this.

Back in Hungary, some 45 years ago I had a bet going with my colleague in architecture, Willy. He was a small little man, with an operated cleft palate… I guess that is what made him do the ‘please don’t kick me’ head tilt to the side. Continue reading “The average truth value of coaching, courses, books is 7%, even though 10% of the truth is known…”