The hero story that inspires you tells me a lot about you…

The hero story that inspires you tells me a lot about you…

what story inspires you?It’s human nature to be fascinated by a hero story. Hero stories create hope, because they create an illusion that the listener can be a hero too, can get the girl, can get the millions. People buy, based on that hope, nearly everything.

The Hero’s Journey tells a story structure we all love. Joseph Campbell made it known and famous. Movies like Star Wars, books like Harry Potter, and even comedies like Anchorman follow the Hero’s Journey steps.

Most hero’s journey is b.s. I have the habit of muscletesting the story that sucks people in, and thus far only 1% of all these stories tested as true. So people are lying, and you are buying… Buying what they have to sell, whether it works or not, whether it is a good match to your strengths or not… Continue reading “The hero story that inspires you tells me a lot about you…”

What didn’t I know that can finally help you to break through?

What didn’t I know that can finally help you to break through?

what is it that you don't know?When something is not working, there is something you didn’t know

In the movie, The Truman Show, Truman lives in a ‘bucket’ of a world, that is in essence a movie stage. He doesn’t know it… For a long time life works, until it doesn’t.

For a while he doesn’t know why it is not working… and then he finds out that he lives in a bucket of a world. Then his overwhelming desire is to live in a bigger world…

A bigger world where he is allowed to love the woman he loves. This desire gives him courage to go beyond everything he knows…

I have a few very loyal students who haven’t been able to move, who haven’t been able to move beyond their bucket… So why are they loyal? Because their lives are too limiting, because they still HOPE they can get beyond… beyond their big stop. But they haven’t gotten enough courage to move beyond.

What do I mean ‘big stop’? Continue reading “What didn’t I know that can finally help you to break through?”

What makes you who you are today? Do you know?

What makes you who you are today? Do you know?

What makes you who you are today?Is it the past? Is it the future? What gives your actions in the present? What makes you you? What creates who you are right now?

I just watched a few short films that were winners or nominated to the Academy Awards in recent years. Continue reading “What makes you who you are today? Do you know?”

What blocks you from becoming an achiever?

What blocks you from becoming an achiever?

achieverWhat do you need to become an achiever? will power? self-discipline? What do you need?

Achiever is Someone who achieves something worth writing home about, or worth reading about?

Yesterday I had this sneaky idea that I will buy and complete and analyze a bunch of ‘more money’ type courses, and that way I’ll find out what other teachers teach, and will help me to make my own course different, unique, and better.

I stumbled on a few courses, among them one by Arnoux Goran, who teaches and has many testimonials support his clam that he had invented the wheel… Continue reading “What blocks you from becoming an achiever?”

Are you a high achiever? No? This article is for you…

Are you a high achiever? No? This article is for you…

achievement achiever... getting all the way to the top in spite of the overcrowdingI just read an interesting story about people who dream about climbing Mount Everest. For you who like me have to look it up: Mount Everest is ‘…Earth’s highest mountain above sea level, located in the Mahalangur Himal sub-range of the Himalayas. The China–Nepal border runs across its summit point. Its elevation of 8,848.86 m was most recently established in 2020 by the Nepali and Chinese authorities’

Lots of experienced and inexperienced mountain climbers attempt the climb, and many die in the process. Why?

The story says… Continue reading “Are you a high achiever? No? This article is for you…”

You can live your life randomly, or consciously, by design

You can live your life randomly, or consciously, by design

living by-designCharles M. Schwab was one of the ‘robber barons’ of the early 20th century. He was, at the time, one of the richest men in the world. He was president of Bethlehem Steel, but his ambition to become more and more was insatiable.

He hired famed productivity consultant of his time, Ivy Lee… Ivy charged nothing for his service.He requested 15 minutes with each executive of Bethlehem Steel, and said: at the end 90 days (13 weeks) write me a check for what it was worth to you. Continue reading “You can live your life randomly, or consciously, by design”

Thou Shall Prosper: the fourth commandment of money

Thou Shall Prosper: the fourth commandment of money

not perfection... valueWhy do we need this commandment? should’t you thrive to perfection?

No, you shouldn’t. Measuring yourself against perfection makes you look and feel inadequate… and therefore you stop generating anything.

Money is a value exchange. And for value to be there, what you exchange for it doesn’t have to be perfect, it just needs to have value in the eyes of the purchaser. Continue reading “Thou Shall Prosper: the fourth commandment of money”

Is personality fixed? Or can you change it?

Is personality fixed? Or can you change it?
personality…or How powerlessness is ‘inherited’ to you… How your personality predetermines what you can do, what you will do…

I did my first transformational program back in 1985 in beautiful seaside town of Haifa in Israel. We were on the top of a hill that jutted into the Mediterranean sea, in a room with windows on three sides… No matter where you looked out, you saw the endless blue sea… The perfect environment for a course where you were promised that finally you could join the rest of humanity, that finally you won’t be left behind.

Yeah, the promise also said: Creating a world that works for everyone with no one left out.

The world wasn’t working for me… and I felt left out.

Continue reading “Is personality fixed? Or can you change it?”

Learning? What’s between you and learning?

Learning? What’s between you and learning?

Learning? What’s between you and learning? What’s between you and growing?

You have been seeing that if you wanted all out of life, you needed to learn new things, you needed to grow as a person. and you saw that no matter how hard you tried… it wasn’t happening.

Some of my articles, some of my emails hit a resonant chord with some old students of mine… It just happened.

A past student, someone who wasn’t willing to grow because growing didn’t make her look already good, because it didn’t fill her itch. Continue reading “Learning? What’s between you and learning?”

Thou Shall Prosper: Know Yourself aka self-awareness

Thou Shall Prosper: Know Yourself aka self-awareness
self-awareness, know yourselfThe Third Commandment: Get to Know Yourself… aka self-awareness

Awareness, and within it self-awareness ranks really high on the list of what are the most predictive capacities for a successful life.

Why? Because unless you interface with reality, with the world, with others, with what there is to do accurately, your actions will be misdirected… your energies are going to be used to fight windmills, and those are not the hallmarks of a successful person… in fact, to be successful, you need to use all you’ve got to live well, act rightly, and think rightly. Continue reading “Thou Shall Prosper: Know Yourself aka self-awareness”