Life is too complex… do you make it more complex?

Life is too complex… do you make it more complex?

the body is a complex systemAre you trying to simplify by adding stuff to your day?

or How do you change a complex system?

I get a lot of requests for eating style.

Eating style, as a concept, was introduced a decade ago, maybe two, by the Human Design Institute.

They decided there are styles of eating that respond best to environment, inner or outer… and codified it. None of them says: eat when you are hungry. It may have been there, in the unsaid, but I bet no one is hearing it: I sure didn’t.

I should have caught that when I first ordered mine…

Continue reading “Life is too complex… do you make it more complex?”

Truth value? Whether you think you can or think you can’t

Truth value? Whether you think you can or think you can’t

truth valueWhat is the truth value of Henry Ford’s statement ‘Whether you think you can or think you can’t… you are right‘?

7%. Which means: it is 93% not true.

Why so low?

Because what you think may not have anything to do with what you can do… It has more to do with something else…
Continue reading “Truth value? Whether you think you can or think you can’t”

What is missing? Capacity, capability, skill, knowledge?

What is missing? Capacity, capability, skill, knowledge?

capacity capabilityThis story begins with my willingness to be vivisected… and be been seen in the worst light. To see what is missing: capacity, capability, skill, or knowledge.

I have known that certain things are not just difficult for me… they are impossible. I can’t wrap my mind around them.

I first noticed it at University. I am an architect by training and building anything has a certain order of things, or they won’t work.

Putting things in order, this comes first, this comes second, this comes third… sounds easy… for me it is impossible. Continue reading “What is missing? Capacity, capability, skill, knowledge?”

No obstacles? You are probably not going anywhere

No obstacles? You are probably not going anywhere

obstaclesI am talking about obstacles to learning, obstacles to growing, obstacles to living a life you can love. Obstacles ARE the path…

  • Obstacles are the main ingredient of every story worth reading…
  • Overcoming obstacles is what creates a life worth living, what creates a life worth reading about, worth writing about.

This all sounds counter intuitive. We think an open road and smooth sailing is what will make us happy, but we are mistaken. A life without obstacles, a life without challenges is boring. What makes for a life you love is that you are going somewhere… and then there are the obstacles.

Obstacles to overcome are what makes life really an experience we enjoy… and yet, when I observe people they have a relationship to obstacles that is either:

  • this shouldn’t be…
  • I don’t like obstacles…  this is the way I am…
  • or are totally invisible.
How do you know what are the obstacles with your name on them… even before you meet them? Continue reading “No obstacles? You are probably not going anywhere”

What if power is an illusion and so is powerlessness?

What if power is an illusion and so is powerlessness?

heaven on earth energy remedyIf we look at power as the speed with which someone makes something happen, and not as control as many think it means… you’ll see that you always have power… On a scale of 1-100.

So you have power… but what do you use it for? That is the most important question.

The Heaven on Earth is an energy remedy that I used to sell by the thousands both on my site and on… but nowadays I don’t promote it, so I sell it only infrequently.

The 6 ounce nice brown oval bottle has filtered water and two energies, nothing else. It is energized to coherence (653 vibration) and the other energy is the HOE, Heaven on Earth that has the energy form of all the 43 Bach energies.

I had an order to fill today, so I reached for two bottles of the remedy… Continue reading “What if power is an illusion and so is powerlessness?”

Why can 10000 hours practice lead to mediocrity?

Why can 10000 hours practice lead to mediocrity?

the 10000 hoursI am an architect by training. I graduated with an ms in architecture back in 1971… 50 years ago. I ‘practiced’ architecture for about 50 thousand hours… My classmates who didn’t quit in 1988… ditto. I won competitions, an award of excellence… My 10 thousand hours plus ‘worked as predicted’… their: not so much.

But all in all, I got excellent in a profession that was a poor match for my personality: I am a words person and a thinker.

I don’t even waste a glance at building nowadays: obviously my heart isn’t into it.

I did want something… wasn’t sure what though… So when in 1988 I was unemployed I was ‘forced to look’ what would light that fire. Continue reading “Why can 10000 hours practice lead to mediocrity?”

Commitment… the c-word… and saving grace

Commitment… the c-word… and saving grace

I bet when you read ‘c-word’, you were thinking of something else… But don’t be mistaken, people are more afraid of commitment than the c-word you thought I meant…

Here is a quote from Rob Brezsny: When a crocodile slams its jaws shut, the energy it summons is powerful. But when the beast opens its jaws, the force it exerts is weak. That’s because the muscles used to close the mouth are much more robust than the muscles used to open.

Humans, you? shy away from commitments: Commitment is jaws open… allowing. Why?

Because commitment feels like bondage, like voluntary enslavement, like saying a lot of no’s to a lot of nice things… the end of a life of liberty. Life opening up, and you need to stay open.
Continue reading “Commitment… the c-word… and saving grace”

The twinkie defense gets you off the hook

The twinkie defense gets you off the hook
twinkie defense getting off the hookCommitment vs. getting off the hook

I am noticing marked difference in the way people of different religious, geographical, or ethnic background perform in my courses. Also I see marked difference between island people and continent people.

This is due to social evolution differences, they are not individual.

One area of difference is this: some are interested. Some are committed… or on the way to becoming committed. Some will never be committed.

What is the difference between being interested and being committed?

The story of the chicken and the pig comes to mind. They want to invite the other animals to a brunch, and want to serve ham and eggs. In that endeavor the chicken is interested, the pig is committed.

The pig has to give up something of himself. It needs to cut deep into his thigh… for the ham.

When you are committed, you are willing to pay the price.
Continue reading “The twinkie defense gets you off the hook”

Mastering your word to make things happen

the power of your word to make things happen

mastering your wordWhy can’t you make things happen? Why can’t you make your life work…

You’ll hate me for this… but hate me as much as you want, this is why: Your integrity is shot.

Without integrity nothing works. Sounds very general, and definitely doesn’t seem to have anything to do with you: you are always on time, you brush your teeth twice a day, you keep your diet, you don’t cheat on your spouse… so what am I talking about?

I’ll explain it in a little bit, but let me just say something more:

Whenever ANYTHING doesn’t work about my life, about any of my relationship, about my health, about my work, about my money, I automatically go to my integrity.

I say: what is the integrity issue that I have that this is what I see… the area not working.

The out-of-integrity can be in many different ways, so I have a checklist: 1

    • have I been keeping my word? to myself, or to anyone…
    • is anything hidden? half-truths? pretenses? misleading others? hidden agendas? false statements?
    • have I skimped on any of my work, my diet, my exercise, my hygiene?

Continue reading “Mastering your word to make things happen”

How is the Tree-of-Knowledge alive and well today?

How is the Tree-of-Knowledge alive and well today?

Tree of Knowledge : sleepIn this article I will tell you about the health aspects of the Tree of Knowledge… 1
William, a rehabilitation trainer from South Africa sent me one of his clients’ DNA testing.

It would have been interesting to also get the client’s picture, so I can compare the results with muscletesting, with what Source has to say about her health… but I think that is pushing it… we’ll see if William is willing.

Hey… I just checked… and found the client’s picture… But I will muscletest her AFTER I publish this article… If you want to know what I find, email me at [email protected]. Continue reading “How is the Tree-of-Knowledge alive and well today?”