Don’t believe your press. good, bad, it will get you stuck

Don’t believe your press. good, bad, it will get you stuck

you are god's gift says your press... don't believe itDon’t believe your press… It will get you stuck, or even destroy you.

In my observation most people who go bankrupt, or lose their job, or get demoted, are surprised… they believed their high, the press, will last forever.

Follows my observations of people believing their press.

Please note: I am not judging, I am observing and assessing… Judgment is not what I do… Continue reading “Don’t believe your press. good, bad, it will get you stuck”

Is ego physical? Energetic? Spiritual? Woowoo? WTF is ego?

Is ego physical? Energetic? Spiritual? Woowoo? WTF is ego?

egoI spent the last two hours working on the page that explains what the starting point measurement numbers mean about you.

And, almost predictably, today’s Monday Morning Memo by Roy H. Williams addresses some of those. No coincidences in the world… if you have a wide enough cone of vision you’ll know that.

Yesterday, Sunday I spent 90 minutes on my Sunday call with Mike, a dude who is about as different from me as a person can get, politically, spiritually, intellectually, in every way.

It got really bad during the Trump administration… and hadn’t I managed to change myself, it would be really bad now.

I am neither liberal nor conservative. I care about everyone… but I am not into giving favors to anyone. Neither the needy nor the greedy. About 10% of the USA population is like me… Caught in the middle. Continue reading “Is ego physical? Energetic? Spiritual? Woowoo? WTF is ego?”

How I used my birthday to get off my high horse (Vine)

How I used my birthday to get off my high horse (Vine)

being on a high horse Being on a high horse (Vine): an arrogant and unyielding mood or attitude.

What do you call someone on a high horse? arrogant. condescending. egotistical. pompous.

If you want to see the soul of a nation, a person, or a group: listen to how they wish, for example, happy birthday.

For example, in America, they wish you a happy day. I hope you have a good day! That’s it.

In other parts of the world: they wish you many happy returns.

In Jewish culture they wish you to live till 120. Continue reading “How I used my birthday to get off my high horse (Vine)”

Seeing: a Metaskill that will raise your vibration

Seeing: a Metaskill that will raise your vibration

new eyes to see...I am reading theĀ  book Metaskills.

I am reading it for you and for me.

This book has given me a big insight… and ultimately a breakthrough, though we shall see… like with everything, on the long run.

OK, let me start at the beginning.

Most books are either easy or difficult to read. Why? I just found out.

This book, the Metaskills was alternating between easy to read and difficult to read.

At some point it felt like thick mud I needed to wade through.

Why? I had no idea how what he was talking about was connecting to what the book was supposedly about.

I am nearly certain that this happens to you too. The thought is ‘What does this have to do with the price of tea in China?’ or some other dismissive thought.

Continue reading “Seeing: a Metaskill that will raise your vibration”

You don’t see… and you don’t even see that you don’t see

You don’t see… and you don’t even see that you don’t see

you don't seeYou don’t see… and you don’t even suspect there is anything to see

Almost all the things you want are there, already, but you can’t see… They are not hidden, they are in plain view, but you look straight at them, and to you they are invisible.

What the F… right? Continue reading “You don’t see… and you don’t even see that you don’t see”

How to insult a whole subcontinent? Say you don’t like…

How to insult a whole subcontinent? Say you don’t like…

insult a whole subcontinentHow to insult a whole subcontinent? Say you don’t like their food…

Back in 1970, my mother hosted a symposium on some urban planning issue… and a few American professors attended. At a dinner my mother asked me to attend, I spoke to those professors, and they liked me… This was a year before I graduated from architecture school, I was offered a scholarship to Princeton University to get another degree, in urban planning. I had no idea what urban planning was really… but regardless I said… No, thank you.

I said, Naaaay, I am not interested. The professors didn’t even blink. Continue reading “How to insult a whole subcontinent? Say you don’t like…”

If you are stuck… why are you stuck? Energetically…

If you are stuck… why are you stuck? Energetically…

You are, energetically, stuck because you don’t see. You don’t see because you are not even looking… or if you are, you are looking at what keeps you stuck, what you have seen a thousand times… and it is not even real.

This article will provide an explanation and a remedy that is not just a set of good ideas you can read anywhere… good ideas that don’t work but sound good. Like the whole f-ing self-improvement industry keeps on giving you.

You have low productivity (if you have any productivity at all) because you are in reaction mode.

What? Read on… Continue reading “If you are stuck… why are you stuck? Energetically…”

If you are not enjoying life, you are doing it wrong

If you are not enjoying life, you are doing it wrong

when you need passion to do thingsIf you are not enjoying it, you are not doing it right.

This is a principle… and like all the principles, it applies to everything, big or small.

If you don’t enjoy life, you aren’t doing it right.

Oy, that hurts… At least an hour a day, just after I get up in the morning, I don’t enjoy life… so I must be not doing it right.

I am going to look at that… Continue reading “If you are not enjoying life, you are doing it wrong”

Knowing is a lot like emotions… give you an eye-patch…

Knowing is a lot like emotions… give you an eye-patch…

knowing realityKnowing is a lot like emotions… give you an eye-patch… or a virtual reality eye piece.

A student of mine reacted to yesterday’s article.

Thank You Sophie,

For being my connection to reality.
Sometimes it seems the world is full of pettiness and silliness and unreality. You are like a beacon of hope and sanity, lighting a path to clarity with relentless determination.

Thank you. I am grateful to have you in my life. And thankful for your patient guidance.

In your post today you said that seeing was more important than knowing, and you said: Knowing is a lot like emotions… give you an eye-patch… or a virtual reality eye piece. Continue reading “Knowing is a lot like emotions… give you an eye-patch…”

All emotions are toxic… Like cream, rise to the top…

All emotions are toxic… Like cream, rise to the top…
Toxic emotions?

Most mornings the first thing I look at in the morning is a reddit email with 4-5 reddit posts, And then I read email from You watch Cnn, or Fox news, or whatever… I read these posts.

I don’t watch TV, don’t go to news sites, don’t talk to people, so this is the closest I get to witness what emotions people go through in the world.

This and my coaches’ Social Lair rants… but I definitely prefer Reddit and digg.

Today the ‘harvest’ was rich and heartwarming.

In one reddit thread a dude posted a dozen or so little clips combined into a minute long movie of his girlfriend getting off work and alternately running, flying, skipping, or dragging herself to his car… Watch the video below: Continue reading “All emotions are toxic… Like cream, rise to the top…”