What does the 99% do that the 1% doesn’t? Bread and circus

What does the 99% do that the 1% doesn’t? Bread and circus

Panem et circenses. That is Bread and circuses… in Latin, the language of ancient Rome.

Give the masses bread and circus (entertainment) and they won’t look at what you do on the top. Superficial appeasement. Continue reading “What does the 99% do that the 1% doesn’t? Bread and circus”

What produces extraordinary results? And how could YOU?

What produces extraordinary results? And how could YOU?

This article is about creating turning points from how you are to how you could be to produce extraordinary results… and everything in between, depending on how far you are willing to take it, how many turning points you are willing to create.

This week is starting out for me with a rich exposure to thinking… and I am grateful for it. After all one could say that my quality of life depends on the variety and the depth of the thinking I am participating in.

Not exposed… no. Participating in.

I learned that this morning… through experience.

One of the things i do most Monday mornings is: I read the Monday Morning Memo, and then I, occasionally, listen to the Monday Morning Radio with Dean Rothbart. Continue reading “What produces extraordinary results? And how could YOU?”

Politically incorrect or are you working with what is yours?

Politically incorrect or are you working with what is yours?

politically incorrect hair envyAre you working with what is yours? Or are you vying for what others have?

Politically correct… politically incorrect

These are expressions that people use but have no idea what they mean.

Do not be naive: language and the lack of clarity of what words mean is one of the ways people are kept from becoming powerful.

So let’s consider ‘political’ everything that is about keeping the power in the hands of the few, and the masses in a state where they are sheep but they think they are powerful. Like once every four years they can exercise their immense power to say which bozo will be president.

They have no say in pretty much anything else, or not really. They could vote with their wallets, but they don’t. Continue reading “Politically incorrect or are you working with what is yours?”

Levels of consciousness and other important distinctions

Levels of consciousness and other important distinctions

When you look at the consciousness level chart, as much as I don’t like David Hawkins, he is right about some things… And dead wrong about many others.

When you want to accomplish something, in addition to know what is the next step, you need to know what is the ‘final’ or ultimate target, so you can stay your course. Continue reading “Levels of consciousness and other important distinctions”

Questions that turn on your power, your personal power

Questions that turn on your power, your personal power

What are the questions that awaken and pull things to yourself to become cause? To get access to your personal power?

Agreement 1: Be Impeccable With Your Word: question: was I impeccable with my word?
Agreement 2: Don’t Take Anything Personally: question: did I take something personally?
Agreement 3: Don’t Make Assumptions. question: did I make an assumption?
Agreement 4: Always Do Your Best. question: did I do my best?

more questions to ask:

  • What could I be responsible for to get access to power?
  • What am I doing?
  • what am I assuming/thinking?
  • What am I taking personally?
  • what is my attitude?
  • What am I expecting?
  • What am I going for/intention?
  • how wide am I looking?
  • What am I stingy about?
  • where am I erring on the side of ‘it’s my way or the highway’?

Until you get responsibility good and going, nothing else can change in your life. Continue reading “Questions that turn on your power, your personal power”

Commitment comes from the soul. What are you committed to?

Commitment comes from the soul. What are you committed to?

Committed? Commitment? What are we talking about?

I was in the Wisdom Course some 20 years ago. The leader asked us to open a new page in our notebook, and draw a vertical line in the middle, separating the page into two columns.

In the left column, he said, write down what you are committed to.
In the right column write down the actions you take regularly in those commitments. Continue reading “Commitment comes from the soul. What are you committed to?”

How to start using your capacity once you had it turned on?

How to start using your capacity once you had it turned on?

use your capacityHow to start using your capacity once you had it turned on?

There are certain abilities, that are controlled by genes, that I don’t have, and I want.

So I have asked Source to turn on for me self-control…

Long term meditating properly turns that gene on… Causes an epigenetic shift. This is what is the reason long time meditators, especially TM, transcendental meditation practitioners can do much better in every area of life.

I paid for TM, back in the year 2000, and hated it. I even read the book, and I just could not do it.

It is the self-control gene that was missing… I am like a wild child… Don’t like to be pinned down, even if it is me who is trying to pin myself down.

But… But as an insomniac, it would help me fall asleep faster. Continue reading “How to start using your capacity once you had it turned on?”

Here is how I use responsibility… Yaaay

Here is how I use responsibility… Yaaay
Here is how I use responsibility.

An example:

I read Rob Brezsny’s reading for my Zodiac sign and he said

…you now have an extraordinary potential to dream up creative innovations that acknowledge your limitations but also transcend those limitations. You have extra power available to harness your fantasies and instigate practical changes.

So I looked how that could look for me… What is it, what area, where I could dream up creative innovations… Given that that is what I do for a living this must be beyond…

I have been wishing, hoping, that people will raise their cell hydration, after all when your cell hydration is low, your body is in survival mode, which makes you ahem stupid… Or not so very smart.

You, me… Everyone. Continue reading “Here is how I use responsibility… Yaaay”

I am not good enough. Other people are better than me

I am not good enough. Other people are better than me

This was people’s sentence, predominantly, when I first did my Landmark Education programs, back in mid-1980’s.

I remember asking myself: in what aren’t they good enough? Compared to what?

I could see that they don’t ask those questions… It is a 3-year old, barely able to speak, who says those things.

The language of the ‘sentence’, sentence as in ‘you are sentenced to lifetime imprisonment without parole’ was made up by your 3-year old… And the problem is in the language on the intellectual level of a 3-year old.

Not good enough, if your child genes turned off when they were supposed to turn off, is a great guidance. It tells you where you need work, where you need to grow, where you need to get better.

But that is an adult speaking… Not a child. An adult who can look and see… Continue reading “I am not good enough. Other people are better than me”

Why can the 1% do what you can’t do? And how could you?

Why can the 1% do what you can’t do? And how could you?

In my site’s statistics, it is readily apparent that 70% of all visitors to my site are brand new, and have never visited before. They come from some old article, and have no idea about the scope of the work that is delivered here.

Most of the visitors are interested in finding out their eating style… The second biggest group is interested in the law of attraction as far as getting money, attracting money goes.

And the third highest number are people who think they are already enlightened…

Maybe two people a week are interested in what I am really doing: using energy to transform misery to productivity and fulfillment… Turn 99 percenters into 1 percenters.

Only a few people refer their friends or their family to me, because what happens to them is not flashy. Starting out being miserable like everyone else but pretending to be happy, thinking yourself worthless, not OK, not measuring up, going to finally getting things done, paying attention to what is important, etc. is not flashy: most people cannot see the difference.

You really cannot see what you cannot distinguish.

Losing 30 lbs? Yeah, very visible. Having a pile of money? Very visible. No need to see how, and why, and what it took… By the way.

This article will, through three clients’ recent email, show you what happens that unless you can see it, you can’t see it. All the results happen from clients starting to see what they could not see before. Continue reading “Why can the 1% do what you can’t do? And how could you?”