What makes the butterfly a beautiful butterfly is EFFORT

What makes the butterfly a beautiful butterfly is EFFORT

the path to butterfly stateWhat makes the butterfly a beautiful butterfly is the EFFORT it takes to break out of the cocoon.

My best selling product is called Effortless Abundance.

The best selling products are gadgets… gadgets that make everything effortless… because you don’t want any effort.

You are, through and through, part of the eight billion. And you are not happy.

If you are one of the one thousand people on Planet Earth who are happy

Continue reading “What makes the butterfly a beautiful butterfly is EFFORT”

Why did Jesus really say: turn the other cheek?

Why did Jesus really say: turn the other cheek?

I haven’t been a guru follower, but I have always been curious and skeptical about the gurus reporting about their enlightenment as an incident that started out hard and then suddenly it became funny so they laughed, maybe even rolled on the floor.

What was the funny joke they all shared?

I always had a hunch that if you wanted to keep a secret you wouldn’t share it with anyone… not even one other person. And they didn’t.

So what is a secret you don’t want to share, if you are supposedly a guru, a teacher? Continue reading “Why did Jesus really say: turn the other cheek?”

The end of having to fix what’s wrong is nigh

The end of having to fix what’s wrong is nigh
Why wouldn’t we want to fix what’s wrong?

Because nothing is wrong. It is what it is, it is how it is, and it is just a phase, it is just a place, it is just how it is, for now.

I am sure you are asking yourself: has she finally gone completely insane?

But I have always been like this… because this is the only place where you can be happy, growing, doing what you want to do… when nothing is wrong. Continue reading “The end of having to fix what’s wrong is nigh”

What’s missing that in spite of all you do, you get nothing?

What’s missing that in spite of all you do, you get nothing?

context is decisiveYou get nothing of what you really want…

Everyone tells you to be productive. Get up at the crack of dawn or before, and work work work.

And many do, getting a diabetes diagnosis, or dropping dead, or having to introduce themselves to their kids at their graduation or they would not recognize them.

But maybe that is not the purpose of life. Continue reading “What’s missing that in spite of all you do, you get nothing?”

Black Friday… plus what is at the root of your misery?

Black Friday… plus what is at the root of your misery?

peeling the onion... what is the core?I am pretty tolerant. In some ways I am really easy going… Except…

My soul correction (34) has a big issue with trusting… and I have a really big problem with trusting if and when you are trying to pull one on me… pull the wool over my eyes, try to fake me out… how many different way shall I use

I cringe. My self-concern kicks is… and as you know…

Self-concern is probably the only reason you are miserable when you are miserable.

Continue reading “Black Friday… plus what is at the root of your misery?”

I want for you what you want for yourself

I want for you what you want for yourself

It’s hard to be silently brilliant

Most every successful person either had a sounding board or a coach to discuss stuff with. Someone who had no vested interest in the results.

Why is that an important detail? Continue reading “I want for you what you want for yourself”

How fast can you raise your vibration? to get…

How fast can you raise your vibration? to get…

raise your vibrationYou want to raise your vibration, Right? You do… That is why you are here…

And you can. Your next question is probably: how fast?

There are two main issues for that question, how fast. Lack of courage and lack of humility, that if you have them, you probably won’t be able to raise your vibration until you overcome these two issues. Continue reading “How fast can you raise your vibration? to get…”

Pain vs Suffering: Pain is necessary, suffering is optional

Pain vs Suffering: Pain is necessary, suffering is optional

pain vs sufferingDistinctions are the currency of communication, growth, transformation, and evolution.

And when you look distinctions are missing for most humans… I can be almost certain that outside of the thousand special people who have their responsibility gene on… No one else really HAS distinctions, outside of their profession or hobby. Continue reading “Pain vs Suffering: Pain is necessary, suffering is optional”

If your life is manageable, you can’t and won’t grow

If your life is manageable, you can’t and won’t grow

The first step in AA, Alcoholics Anonymous says: We admitted that we were powerless over alcohol––that our lives had become unmanageable.

Whether you know it or not, that is the most important of all the steps. And of life… Continue reading “If your life is manageable, you can’t and won’t grow”

Do you have a friend you can discuss things with?

Do you have a friend you can discuss things with?

Occasionally I am struck with the sense that I have no one to talk to.

Some things, like should I do this, should I say yes or no, would be great for me to talk through.

Choice is: selecting freely, after consideration. Choice is when it is not your reasons that choose but you, yourself. But often it is not easy to choose… and a conversation helps.

Choice is selecting freely, after consideration…

That consideration is a conversation. Either with yourself, or with someone who is willing to be a sounding board. Continue reading “Do you have a friend you can discuss things with?”