Where attention goes energy goes. Attention can cause

Where attention goes energy goes. Attention can cause

attention energyThe question is: are YOU causing your attention? Are you causing what you want to cause?

I always thought I was curious, but I am finding out: you cannot be curious if you are not open.

One of the issues of my soul correction is not being open. Self-protection, personal-reality protection. Continue reading “Where attention goes energy goes. Attention can cause”

What can a 100 vibration person teach you that is useful?

What can a 100 vibration person teach you that is useful?

I used to shy away from trainings and videos, people whose teaching I deemed inferior.

I noticed that I did that.

It was self-protecting at its best.

So today I clicked on an email and in it a video that I was certain was inferior, and I wasn’t mistaken.

The dude’s vibration is 100.

Why so low? Continue reading “What can a 100 vibration person teach you that is useful?”

The cabbage didn’t become cauliflower without training

The cabbage didn’t become cauliflower without training

Just one more thing: the cabbage didn’t become cauliflower without training…

And you cannot become cause without training either…

So if you think DNA activation by itself will make you a human being, you’ll be sorely disappointed. Even though you’ll have the capacity… and now with the 14 second audio you do, you still need TRAINING in using it. Continue reading “The cabbage didn’t become cauliflower without training”

Have you bidded yet on the tiny audio to adjust your DNA?

Have you bidded yet on the tiny audio to adjust your DNA?

Yesterday’s article and the idea of letting people bid on the DNA adjusting tiny audio has been very interesting.

I don’t know what I was expecting.

People bidded? bade? very consistently with how much value they lay on a life that they can love and live powerfully.

Isn’t the life you love invaluable? Maybe. Continue reading “Have you bidded yet on the tiny audio to adjust your DNA?”

Is transformation possible without causing transformation?

Is transformation possible without causing transformation?

Responsibility isn’t only having caused, it is also I am causing, I will cause

This is what is missing, and I just caught it.

Even people, outside the 1000, NEVER cause ANYTHING… even if they have the responsibility capacity on to some degree.

That is the ONLY DIFFERENCE between the eight billion and the 1000… Continue reading “Is transformation possible without causing transformation?”

What cabbage mind? I don’t have a cabbage mind!

What cabbage mind? I don’t have a cabbage mind!

This is an important post… Either read it thoroughly, or just skip it… Please. OK?

Every Sunday morning, for the past 14 years, I have had a 90 minute conversation with a guy who I met at Pam Ragland’s Quantum Thought Shifting course back in 2007. Continue reading “What cabbage mind? I don’t have a cabbage mind!”

Have you chosen being at the mercy of luck?

Have you chosen being at the mercy of luck?
An entrepreneur is someone who takes their lives in their own hands…

…instead of expecting someone else to do most of what is needed for them: give them a job, a livelihood, tell them what to do, what to think, etc. Continue reading “Have you chosen being at the mercy of luck?”

Return to sanity. Get out of your head and live in reality

Return to sanity. Get out of your head and live in reality

humans avoiding pain‘The masses have never thirsted after truth.

They turn aside from evidence that is not to their taste, preferring to deify error, if error seduce them.

Whoever can supply them with illusions is easily their master; whoever attempts to destroy their illusions is always their victim.’

Return to sanity? What sanity? Isn’t everything, including ourselves getting better and better? The best we have ever been? No… 🙁

Continue reading “Return to sanity. Get out of your head and live in reality”

Whatever you can see yourself doing you can do

Whatever you can see yourself doing you can do
  • see yourself-doingIf you can imagine it, you can achieve it.
  • If you can dream it, you can become it
  • Believe it and you can

Lots of inspirational quotes say the same thing, so today we’ll examine what is the truth about this whole seeing/doing, seeing/being thing.

I won’t say bullshit on these, although this time yesterday I would have. And I would have been wrong… and I would have been right.

What?! Yeah. Continue reading “Whatever you can see yourself doing you can do”

How to build a life worth living, if yours is not like that

How to build a life worth living, if yours is not like that

cathedral built of matchsticks, a life built of habitsToday I got struck with an insight.

I have written 613 articles on building, that is roughly 10% of all my articles, and yet I have noticed that building didn’t, hasn’t become part of the vocabulary of clients and readers of my articles.

Why is that?

I am not sure, but I think that it is a mindset issue. Continue reading “How to build a life worth living, if yours is not like that”