What is wrong with the human race? How come it is…

What is wrong with the human race? How come it is…

Part of my job as a ‘evolver’ (evolver as in causing the evolution) of the human race is to see what is the wrong.

To see what is unsustainable, untenable about human attitude and behavior. Why is it that humanity, time and time again destroys itself starting over from nothing.

I am starting to see that it is the possession and power over things and others… the hunger and the desire for more and more, better, and different. Continue reading “What is wrong with the human race? How come it is…”

Why attention and self-discipline is the cat’s meow…

Why attention and self-discipline is the cat’s meow…

…meaning the most effective way to get from loser to winner in life

Nowadays all I am talking about is controlling your attention. I talk about self-discipline. Causing your plane land on the airstrip no matter how the wind blows.

You expect that from a pilot… but you don’t expect it of yourself. Continue reading “Why attention and self-discipline is the cat’s meow…”

Pretty but useless. Talented but not amounting to much

Pretty but useless. Talented but not amounting to much
There is a science to create worthlessness, embedded in your life script

Yesterday during our Context Workshop I shared each participant’s picture with others… if we were on zoom everyone would have known how everybody else looks, but I do my workshops on gotowebinar… because it works for me. Continue reading “Pretty but useless. Talented but not amounting to much”

Some mornings I wake up fully and wholly hopeless.

Some mornings I wake up fully and wholly hopeless.

This morning was one of those mornings.

I stepped on the scale, like I do every morning, and it showed a number .8 pound less than yesterday, that is like 400 grams, and my thought, my commentary, my meaning was: I’ll be a svelte thin corpse. Yaay for me!

My work is hopeless, I think. Continue reading “Some mornings I wake up fully and wholly hopeless.”

Rules of engagement on the horizontal plane

Rules of engagement on the horizontal plane

I like French movies. For the most part they are off-kilter, and not obvious. Which means that French movies normally don’t come from the mind. And that means they don’t often come from the horizontal plane.

But, from time to time, ‘they’ slip through a movie that sides with the societal conspiracy, the conspiracy to enslave you. Continue reading “Rules of engagement on the horizontal plane”

Do you have enough energy to build a life you love?

Do you have enough energy to build a life you love?

I measure a ton of starting point measurements. People ask for their starting point measurements because they are experiencing something they don’t want.

Lack of energy, lack of aliveness, lack of inspiration… Continue reading “Do you have enough energy to build a life you love?”

Why Is It So Hard to Change? A look under the hood

Why Is It So Hard to Change? A look under the hood

changeWhy is it so difficult to change?

I am in the business of causing change… Causing you to cause change for yourself…

I, for a period of time, declared that the context of my life was to be an inspiring leader of leaders.

How did that go? Not very well, I must admit. Continue reading “Why Is It So Hard to Change? A look under the hood”

How to become a person in a world of objects?

How to become a person in a world of objects?

You are an object in a world of objects… like driftwood.
People treat you as an object too…
And you treat people as objects that stand in your way, bother you, and such. Or give you stuff… or entertain you. But not as a person with their own feelings Continue reading “How to become a person in a world of objects?”

You live in a world of your own design… Don’t like it?

You live in a world of your own design… Don’t like it?
You live in a world of your own design… But how does one build a world of their own design? Really design it? Consciously? With the end in mind?

Everyone hopes that this sentence ‘you live in a world of your own design‘ means that you can change your life. Continue reading “You live in a world of your own design… Don’t like it?”

You hate your job? It is boring? It’s not exciting?

You hate your job? It is boring? It’s not exciting?

You hate your job? It is boring? It doesn’t make a difference? You are not good at it? It just pays the bills but no fulfillment?

George Bernard Shaw wrote more than a hundred years ago: Continue reading “You hate your job? It is boring? It’s not exciting?”