Want to change your future? You’ll need to change your past

Want to change your future? You’ll need to change your past

Want to change your future? You’ll need to change your past… Your future will automatically change with it

The full title of the Playground course is: Playground: it’s never too late to have a happy childhood. Continue reading “Want to change your future? You’ll need to change your past”

Finding out you live in the Valley of The Shadow of Death

Finding out you live in the Valley of The Shadow of Death

I had a brainstorm the other day.

For a while I have been having an identity crisis: what is that I am really doing… who am I?

So the other day, way before the sun came up, I was looking at files on my hard drive from long time ago. By what I found I could see how my thinking was then, I could see how my thinking has changed, and how it has become murkier and murkier.

Before yourvibration.com I called myself the pathfinder coach… Continue reading “Finding out you live in the Valley of The Shadow of Death”

Horizontal Plane vs the Vertical Plane: so what?

Horizontal Plane vs the Vertical Plane: so what?

I like to start my day with Reddit. Reddit is a site with lots of different threads and topic, and some days it can give you an insight you could never have anywhere else.

Today was one of those days.

The topic was Anti-choice, unless it’s my choice

And the choice or no-choice was abortion. Continue reading “Horizontal Plane vs the Vertical Plane: so what?”

Overwhelm, survival mode, resignation, dead man walking

Overwhelm, survival mode, resignation, dead man walking

dead man walkingI had an important and eye-opening insight today. A looking back…

Let me tell you the story so you get the fact that the likelihood of me ever discovering this was between none and zero.

It began some 30 years ago. Continue reading “Overwhelm, survival mode, resignation, dead man walking”

If it is all a process, then every single person needs…

If it is all a process, then every single person needs…
If it is all a process, then every single person needs to create a transformational ladder for themselves.

A transformational ladder is a process with milestones… Step zero, step 1 result 1, step 2 result 2,…. end result. Continue reading “If it is all a process, then every single person needs…”

The results of coaching depend on the client

The results of coaching depend on the client

No matter how skillful the guidance, the teaching, the coaching, the results will depend on the guided… On their skill and diligence.

And willingness.

Any guidance, any teaching, any coaching is choosing. And when you choose, unless you unchoose something you’ll stop and flail and stop moving. Continue reading “The results of coaching depend on the client”

How you look at something changes what you see

How you look at something changes what you see

mind vs brainHow you look at something changes what you see. Everywhere.

If you manage to change the way you look at things, the things you look at change.

This is a PhD level statement… and a popular meme. But that is the essence of context. Continue reading “How you look at something changes what you see”

You can be in love with yourself and yet not love yourself

You can be in love with yourself and yet not love yourself

I just finished listening to a 30-minute audio where the dude was sharing how great he was, what great things he does, and how much money he was going to make with it.

I muscletested. His narcissistic measure from the Starting Point Measurements) was 99%.

Then I muscletested if he loves himself… and the answer was no.

Self love is a function of integrity.

Continue reading “You can be in love with yourself and yet not love yourself”

Looking. Noticed that I get up way before the squirrels

Looking. Noticed that I get up way before the squirrels

This article is not about the squirrels, it is about you. What you can see, what you can notice. Or don’t.

This article is about looking. (Or listening, or any looking you can do with a perception organ, perceive incoming signals: light, sound, gravity, acceleration, chemical substance, position, motion, temperature, pressure, aka incoming… Not from memory, not from the mind.) Continue reading “Looking. Noticed that I get up way before the squirrels”

Do something every day that scares you, they tell you

Do something every day that scares you, they tell you

let fear guide youSome 35 years ago I participated in a Creativity Seminar. Creativity: LIVING at risk.

It taught: move towards the fear, call it excitement. Continue reading “Do something every day that scares you, they tell you”