Why I need to be some kind of criminal to really help you

Yesterday I listened to step 4 of the 67 steps. I heard something… and turned the audio off. I didn’t want to forget what I heard.

This is the step where Tai talks about the DNA that makes us able to learn, no, makes us have to learn to become human.

He uses language as an example.

Every human has the capacity to learn their mother tongue so they can communicate with the people around them. But there is no separate gene for English and Serbian, for example. There is the capacity to learn language.

And so is with hundreds of abilities. Continue reading “Why I need to be some kind of criminal to really help you”

How do you know if you have a fixed mindset or a growth mindset? And how do you get out of the fixed mindset, really?

synonyms of rain in englishI doesn’t matter what you think you believe.

I am starting to notice that what you say you believe is one thing, what you actually believe is expressed a lot more truthfully in your actions and in your reactions.

One of the most useful distinctions I learned from Hungarian author, Margoczi, is the distinction of “devaluing of your ‘I'”

  1. If you have an I that can be devalued, then it must be fixed.
  2. If you compare your I with anyone else’s, and you are higher and you feel smug about it, or your I is lower and you feel bad about it, then you have a fixed mindset.

Continue reading “How do you know if you have a fixed mindset or a growth mindset? And how do you get out of the fixed mindset, really?”

Instead of trying to change life, Become a match to life

Instead of trying to change life, Become a match to life

I can feel the wind, but I am not the wind. I can hear the voices and I am not the voices.

The above is a quote from one of my students who has raised his vibration, even though his soul correction is one of the difficult five.

Thinking that the voices are significant, engaging with the voices makes us schizophrenic, as if we were many people.

Thoughts, voices, are like the wind. If you start to listening to the wind as if it talked to you, you go crazy. The wind takes over your life, starts running your life, and you go crazy.

The wind whispers, the wind sings. It has nothing to do with you. And so is with all the thoughts.

Hoping for a silent mind is like hoping that everything is given to you without you having to do anything. Really.

Wanting life to be different than it is.

No one can promise you an easy life. No such thing.

The only authentic promise anyone can make is make you a match to life.
Continue reading “Instead of trying to change life, Become a match to life”

The size of your life is an indicator.. or what?

The size of your life is an indicator of the size of your possible happiness. What is the size of your life?

In the Playground, people do the work in pairs… we call these Partner Calls.

A partner call needs to be about a problem that came up in an incident. It is less talking than looking.

The person who talks, while the other listens, looks at the incident and attempts to take it through a set of looking points… we call that a script. Continue reading “The size of your life is an indicator.. or what?”

Your physiology and psychology work hand in hand

co-creationYour physiology and psychology work hand in hand… And how can meditation work for you… finally

In some regards I am still a Twitchy Little Bastard… even though outwardly my behavior has calmed down a lot.

What am I talking about?

A Twitchy Little Bastard is someone who acts without regard to the future, without considering if the action is sustainable or not. 1

I am looking at this phenomenon from a different vantage point: your quick to react, your high-sprung state.

I am looking to prove to you that your physiology and your psychology, your body and your mind are intimately connected.

That you calm down one and the other calms down too. Continue reading “Your physiology and psychology work hand in hand”

When your cleverness trips you up instead of…

Bad things used to come in threes… Not any more.

Nowadays it is more like three good things and one bad thing.

The bad thing today could be turned into good… maybe writing this article helps.

Some clients buy stuff from me and then they, in their imminent wisdom, combine it with something else…

This is what happened today. Someone who bought the Water Energizer successfully energized his water, I checked when it was 650 vibration, and yet his cell hydration didn’t go up.

What happened? Turned out that after the water was ready to consume, he used a device called Harmony Evolution see:

I visited that site. Dark Side energies, very scary. The place’s vibration is 50. The truth value of their statements less than 1%, and in my evaluation the product is harmful.
Continue reading “When your cleverness trips you up instead of…”

Benefit from the teachings of the “Law of Attraction”?

What can you do, what must you do to benefit from the teachings of the “Law of Attraction”, of “The Power of your Mind”, and Natalie Ledwell’s Mind Movies?

If you read yesterday’s article on coherence, my 21 hour (so far) experiment of playing the Coherence Generator… (new name old audio) I can promise you that it is nothing short of miraculous.

Creativity, innovation, growth, learning, takes a lot of coherent energy. When your energies are incoherent, you are troubled, are in a hurry, or are afraid, creativity is impossible.

Just imagine yourself a juggler… because that is what creativity is: being able to keep and move around multiple objects ‘in the air’ at the same time, so you can see new connections. Really… Continue reading “Benefit from the teachings of the “Law of Attraction”?”

From time to time I get incoherent. What do I do then?

heart coherence Coherence is when all your energies, all your fibers share the same direction and the same rhythm.

Much like having a six-horse carriage, and the horses pull in the same direction.

Incoherence is like herding cats… hopeless.

I am rarely incoherent. And when I am: I am acutely aware of it. Very unpleasant.

The truth is: I used to be incoherent most of the time.

What is the cause of incoherence? I think, for me, too many choices. And an inability or unwillingness to narrow them down, and maybe choose. Continue reading “From time to time I get incoherent. What do I do then?”

You want money? Are you a producer or are you a consumer?

nation-of-moochersIf you are a student and you pick and choose what to read, you’ll end up with an incomplete knowledge of what I teach.

It’s like learning some letters of the alphabet, and not the others…

If that is you, please examine your reasons of being on this site, and start telling the truth: you are not here to become all you can become, you are here to consume.

What do I mean?

The world has two types of people, the producers and the consumers. This is obviously just one way to look at people, but it is a very interesting angle, you’ll see. Because their behavior, their principles, their mindset is very different. Continue reading “You want money? Are you a producer or are you a consumer?”

The only way to affect real change: change the root cause

the three great mysteries of lifeThe Three Great Mysteries: air to a bird, water to a fish, mankind to himself
~ Hindu Proverb

We live in an age where, we could say, are poised to move our inquiry into areas where it could make a difference. Not yet… obviously.]

I say in every area of the mystery that we call life and Universe.

In health. In well-being. In climate change and caring for our planet. In evolution, genetics, and feeding all these people. In psychology. In human growth and self-actualization.

We are still on the surface, and everything you buy, everything you read, everything you can think is still not cause, and doing it won’t make a difference… except…

Some ideas, some theories are closer to the source than others. Continue reading “The only way to affect real change: change the root cause”