I didn’t know that you didn’t know that you can’t be…

Unless I know what you don’t understand, unless I know what is your fundamental lack of knowledge, all my articles, all my teachings go right over your head.

I had a wake up call yesterday, a wake up call I didn’t expect.

But if one person has this problem, then this is probably everyone’s problem, except I didn’t know it, because I didn’t have this problem.

One of my students in the 67 step coaching program launched a project to sell a real estate property. It is time to make some money! Continue reading “I didn’t know that you didn’t know that you can’t be…”

4 Stages of Consciousness… where do YOU live?

Four stages of consciousness

This is another seven years old article…

I read an interesting article on consciousness today that opened my eyes to something:

You can ask a question of yourself, and depending on the answer you can locate yourself on the map of consciousness quite reliably. And you could ask the question “what is your vibrational frequency?” and though you have no numbers, you’ll know in what bracket you are by locating yourself on one of the stages.

The question is: What is my relationship to life? My life? Where is my consciousness?

There are four possible answers.

1. Life is happening to me.
2. Life is happening by me… i.e. I am causing my life
3. Life is happening through me… i.e. you are on this stage causing something to unfold through your special gift, or purpose
4. Life is me 1
Continue reading “4 Stages of Consciousness… where do YOU live?”

Something historic may happen today… Unnoticed

Something historic may happen today and it probably will go unnoticed in the news. It’s something every man, woman, and child in the world should know about.

Before this event can make sense to you, there is a crucial bit of history you must first know …

July 16, marks the 40th Anniversary of the day man first stepped foot on the Moon.

It was indeed ‘one small step for a man, one giant leap for mankind.’ Continue reading “Something historic may happen today… Unnoticed”

Anxiety, worry… Many bad feelings are a result of you having no tools in your tool box… or you not using them.

As a True Empath I have to feel people’s emotions.

So I am sitting here feeling someone’s emotions who is suffering from anxiety.

He or she, I have no way to know who it is, has to make a decision, I guess. 1

In marketing classes, in marketing literature it is said that we make decisions emotionally and then justify our decision with reasoning.

But our emotions are not intelligent, they don’t care about reality, and in addition, they are highly manipulable.

Here is an example that may make me look bad, but who cares? Continue reading “Anxiety, worry… Many bad feelings are a result of you having no tools in your tool box… or you not using them.”

The single reason you fall back, even after you raised your vibration. The reason that you can eliminate

Yesterday I spoke about reaching the magic 200 vibration… and falling back…

When I look at the common cause in everyone I have ever observe falling back, the common cause is one thing.

The TLB score. Your Twitchy Little Bastard score…

The TLB score measure to what degree you are willing to postpone gratification.

Most people I observe feel entitled, act entitled. Entitled to pleasure, entitled to smooth, entitled to politeness, and courtesy, and love, and sex, and nice things.

Now, what is underneath of entitled is going to surprise you: it is scarcity. Anyone who doesn’t live in the scarcity mindset: I can only be happy if… is going to have a higher TLB score, and will be OK to work towards what they want.
Continue reading “The single reason you fall back, even after you raised your vibration. The reason that you can eliminate”

Let’s talk about the dividing point between low vibration and high vibration… 200

What are the first signs that your vibration number went up?

The average vibration of all people on the planet is 130. That is a level where people are low of energy, so low that even anger, or saying no takes effort.

Recently I witnessed as two of my students raised their vibration from 130 to 200 and then fell back the next week.

I don’t remember what it was like for me… because at the time I didn’t know i could measure my own vibration.

But I do remember that there was a markedly different way I saw the world.

Dr Jekyll and Mr Hyde in me, you, all of us.

We, here, call Mr. Hyde IT… The Voices

I have been awakened by the same “dream” again and again: you have an idea, you plant it, nurture it, and see what comes out of it: a bug or a plant? If it is a plant: is that plant worth watering more? Is it going to bear fruit?

And that process… idea, plant, nurture, evaluate… again and again…

So this morning I just had enough of it. I got up early just to shut the guidance up. Because I didn’t know what to do with it.

Since getting up, I have taken care of quite a few things… and now I am sitting in front of my computer, scared from the tropical downpour and the lightning that is hitting too close to home.

But suddenly I get an insight: I live as if there were two people in me: one who does what I say to do, and the other who doesn’t know that… and is utterly unhappy with me for not doing what I teach.

No voices that I can detect. It is more shoving and pulling and tugging and tossing me about.
Continue reading “Dr Jekyll and Mr Hyde in me, you, all of us.”

Are you experiencing the “post holiday blues”?

In life, victory goes to the most adaptable… 1 says the law of self-selection. 2

The easiest to observe is yourself… when there is a long enough holiday: 4-day holidays are perfect.

If you get into the holiday mood: doing pretty much nothing… then you didn’t need a lot of adaptability: you probably habitually do a lot of nothing in any given day.

But the most important part is: how long does it take for you to get back into the swing of things… becoming productive, doing what there is to do, without sluggishness of complaint, or yearning to get back into holiday mode.

How do I know? I could say that I am watching you, but truth be told, I am watching myself, and getting back into workday mode has been very hard for me.
Continue reading “Are you experiencing the “post holiday blues”?”

Can you change the world by changing yourself?

The question in the title is as vague as a question can be vague…

But it is still a good question.

If you look at yourself, you, I bet, knew what the question was, even though none of the words are clear, and mean one and specific, discrete thing… at all.

This is one of the reasons your accurate vocabulary measure is so low, in the Starting Point Measurements. You think you know what words mean… and you don’t even suspect that they don’t mean that… 1

OK, I am not going to take the question apart, you can do it in your own time, instead I’ll attempt to make the question clear… accurate… one-meaning.

If you change your inner world, what you honor, what you value and in what order: will that effect the outside world, other people’s behavior, people who aren’t even aware of you?

Continue reading “Can you change the world by changing yourself?”

Spiritual Practices to get you out of your prison

98575990_24_news_la_346792cThis article is 15 months old. I can track how far I have come in 15 months… And can celebrate… it’s new freedom day for me…

Few people are intelligent.

Intelligence is a state where you can see the sameness, where you see that life has no boundaries.

Of course it seems as if there were boundaries, but it’s an illusion… cells have walls, but it is permeable, you have skin, but it is permeable, you are a human, but you are just like everything else, built of cells, like most every living being, have genes, like every living being, and your body performs chemical miracles, every living moment.

But most importantly, you live as if you were an island.
You are locked into I, and you are locked out of life.

All your fears are a result of living as if you were threatened, the I.

You don’t want your carefully preserved separateness upset, and you know that the work I ask you to do will. Why? because you are NOT intelligent.
Continue reading “Spiritual Practices to get you out of your prison”