Let’s see what you missed and give it to you…

Let’s see what you missed and give it to you…

The face, the faces, and the space in between…

When we talk about being present. When we talk about self-awareness. Awareness… We talk about more than just a bubble of reality with no relevance, no relationship to other things, spaces, or people.

No matter who I try to talk, they always end up more aware of one aspect, but not of the whole. The ‘in relation’ is missing, and it doesn’t seem to be missing for them, while in essence that is the most important aspect of living.

We live in relationship to everything… and the secret of humanity’ existence, is that for thousands of years this wasn’t an issue, it was how things were seen, rightly. Continue reading “Let’s see what you missed and give it to you…”

Why do I want you to watch Bob The Butler?

Why do I want you to watch Bob The Butler?

I watched Bob The Butler again yesterday.

I want all my clients to watch it to see some of themselves.

I love, have always loved that movie. There is something magical about it, regardless of its fantasy ending. But what?

After all Bob is a slob, a never do well, an uncoordinated big slab of a guy. He gets his vocational and relationship guidance from a hamster. Not who you want your students to be… would you?

And yet. Continue reading “Why do I want you to watch Bob The Butler?”

What is a bigger threat than global warming?

What is a bigger threat than global warming?

Oxygen. Just google “air oxygen content historically” without the quotation marks, and be amazed how much you don’t know.

Humanity, life, evolved to a certain mix of conditions on Planet Earth, long long time ego. Billions of years? Long time.

Billions of dollars I may understand… 1-2-3 and I count to billions. But billions of years? So between 1 and 2 I have to wait a year? lol… I can’t fathom that. So a long long time ago is enough for me. Continue reading “What is a bigger threat than global warming?”

The idea of something isn’t the thing….

The idea of something isn’t the thing….

Most people stop and are satisfied with the idea of a thing they want. They never do more, and they are surprised that life doesn’t work.

In this article I won’t talk about the fact that people are not willing to actually do anything much for what they want… it is widely known… so I’ll just assume that you know that, but that is not the only thing that’s missing.

I know it is not nice to be critical of one’s alma mater, but even Landmark Education (where I learned most of what I know) never went beyond that. Continue reading “The idea of something isn’t the thing….”

Today I learned… Why I was happiest in kindergarten

Today I learned… Why I was happiest in kindergarten

Today I learned television was invented and had live broadcasts in 1927. in Europe and in America.

In Hungary I saw my first television, the machine, not even a program when I was seven years old, in 1954. The television was in the Prime minister’s house. Her daughter was in my kindergarten class. The whole kindergarten class walked to their house and ogled the television. Continue reading “Today I learned… Why I was happiest in kindergarten”

What makes something worthwhile to do, put energy into?

What makes something worthwhile to do, put energy into?

I learn a lot from some people, and next to nothing from others.

This teacher I have, a teacher whom I don’t like as a person has taught me more than maybe all the other teachers combined with just a sentence here and a sentence there.

Why? Because he doesn’t teach anything that he doesn’t personally need, uses, and find useful.

It is hard to imagine why I’d like to follow someone’s example, a person’s whom I don’t like, but there we are: I am following his example in many different ways. Continue reading “What makes something worthwhile to do, put energy into?”

Why You’re Dumb, Sick, Broke, and miserable

Why You’re Dumb, Sick, Broke, and miserable
Just like the front and the back of the hand, being and action are distinct yet inseparable. WernerCorrecting the language

This article tries to explain something I heard 30 years ago, and it took, till today to understand. So it’s not easy, but it has the answer to the question in the title, and it has the key you’ve been looking for, though you didn’t know what exactly you were looking for.

The reason you are unhappy, lonely, and afraid because language directly leads there. Continue reading “Why You’re Dumb, Sick, Broke, and miserable”