Acquiring the capacities of caring, respect, and regard

Acquiring the capacities of caring, respect, and regard

caringThis is a somewhat edited article from 2011. In 2011 I still thought that I can upgrade the DNA of every person on the planet.

The capacity of caring is new to humanity. On September 4 less than a handful of people had it.

So what is this capacity ‘caring’ that we give lip service to, but we lie when we do that?

Let me tell you how I came to have it some 10 years ago:

Continue reading “Acquiring the capacities of caring, respect, and regard”

Let’s do a community project that teaches you something!

Let’s do a community project that teaches you something!
Life, and all its conversations happen in different fields of relationships.

Make sure you scroll down to the comments… tens of great pictures, jokes… that you’ll love.

  • Father/child,
  • mother-child,
  • playmate-sibling,
  • admirer-admired and the all elusive
  • partnership.

Here are a few pictures to get you started.

The assignment is to gather funny memes to illustrate the different fields. Please send them to me… although if you can post a link to them in the comments that would be even better. Go for it. It’s fun and very enlightening.

Here are a few I just collected in five minutes. Continue reading “Let’s do a community project that teaches you something!”

For you everything is the same as everything else…

For you everything is the same as everything else…

For you everything is the same as everything else…

Or said in a different way: you can’t tell the forest from the trees.
You can’t tell your ass from a hole in the ground
You can’t see the big picture

All mean the same: you can’t see distinction.

When you are a student, you use the jargon, but you don’t see what it means. You use it thinking that saying the word means you can see it, you can be guided by it…

I took to distinctions like fish takes to water.

Because of that it never made sense to me what’s the problem. Continue reading “For you everything is the same as everything else…”

Reframing… take the Precious I out of the picture

Reframing… take the Precious I out of the picture

A student of mine gave me access to a course he bought that teaches psychiatrists to reframe the client’s story so it hurts less, or maybe doesn’t hurt at all.

Reframing sounds really simple: look at what is happening or what happened from a different angle, with different eyes.

The most important element of reframing is to step out of your persona, step out of your ego, step out of who you consider yourself to be. Continue reading “Reframing… take the Precious I out of the picture”

Distinction is the currency of intelligence

Distinction is the currency of intelligence

Distinction is the currency of intelligent life.


Without distinctions there is no intelligence, there is no intelligent life. Without distinctions there is only animal life.

And ultimately most humans have no distinctions.

Distinction is the essence of everything, even while most people only see what is on the top… the surface.

The genius of people like Newton is to undress, to peel off the surface and see what is common… what is different from everything else… the distinction.

I only teach distinctions. And obviously if someone cannot see a distinction as a distinction, then nothing I teach makes a difference for them.
Continue reading “Distinction is the currency of intelligence”

Inventing oneself… the subtraction way of sculpting

Inventing oneself… the subtraction way of sculpting

At or after your original incident, you invented yourself first.

In fact, most people invented themselves many times… creating themselves as a layer cake.

I am not a baker. My mother didn’t have a working oven until I was about 10… maybe that’s why I never warmed to cookies and cakes.

But I am a brick mason… and bricks are laid much like the layers of a cake. If the previous layer was crooked, the wall will be crooked, and maybe it will even fall down.

The created self is crooked. Each layer tells a story that doesn’t quite fit with the other layers. Continue reading “Inventing oneself… the subtraction way of sculpting”

The parallels, the differences between Robert Greene and me

The parallels, the differences between Robert Greene and me

Robert Greene definition or distinctionIt was Apr 9, 2021

I spent that whole day watching Robert Greene, listening to him, reading him… And had a question to you:

What is the difference between a worldview where you look through definitions and a worldview where you look through distinctions.

Definition vs distinction

The first thing to do is to see what is a definition. Whatever you define: you talk about it. It’s characteristics, and you try to be as descriptive and as exactly as possible. Continue reading “The parallels, the differences between Robert Greene and me”

Your level of your consciousness vs that of your culture

Your level of your consciousness vs that of your culture

Your birth is accidental. You are born into a family, into a culture and unless the culture is very conducive to a happy life, you may want to emulate a different culture. (Emulate: match by imitation.)

It is one thing to emulate a person… but unfortunately it is all guessing. You’ll see what someone does, even hear what they say through a filter. And because of your filter you’ll pick and choose what to emulate. You probably will emulate what you agree with, what YOUR culture agrees with. And consequently your results will not be what you were aiming for when you picked who you wanted to emulate. Continue reading “Your level of your consciousness vs that of your culture”

The sideways glance that raises your vibration

The sideways glance that raises your vibration
The Sideways Glance is The Key To Raising Your Consciousness Raising Your Vibration

I watched a movie last night. Stayed up watching it till 1:30 am. Way past my bedtime, because it was urgent for me to watch it. lol.

I knew there was something very important in it for me to get. but what?

I had seen this movie, back in Hungary, 50 years ago.

The movie is called ‘The Lawyer’
Continue reading “The sideways glance that raises your vibration”

The gap between reality and your personal reality

The gap between reality and your personal reality

I am re-reading a book I read years ago. Happiness is a Serious Issue

It has a truth value of 10%. Relative to other books, it’s high truth value.

Sometimes truth value is low because the author propagates deliberate lies, or personal misunderstanding. Continue reading “The gap between reality and your personal reality”