The tip of the iceberg: Humanity is less and less curious

The tip of the iceberg: Humanity is less and less curious

You can get inspiration wherever you find it… if you have a strong enough knowledge base to attach it to.

Actually, curiosity, the strength of curiosity is proportionate to the amount of knowledge you have.

I have no knowledge of dinosaurs and other prehistoric animals because when I was a kid that wasn’t a topic for us at all. So to get curious about anything, you need to have some pre-existing KNOWLEDGE about them… that leads you. Continue reading “The tip of the iceberg: Humanity is less and less curious”

-Seeing what you cannot see. Seeing what’s worth seeing

-Seeing what you cannot see. Seeing what’s worth seeing

Most of what is there to see can’t be seen neither in the small picture, nor does it match what is already approved to see in the culture.

When I look what kinds of fiction, what kinds of stuff attracts people nowadays, I find that the most popular genre is the kind of fiction where evil almost wins. Almost. Continue reading “-Seeing what you cannot see. Seeing what’s worth seeing”

What is the most important thing to learn and practice?

What is the most important thing to learn and practice?

If I were you, participating in my programs, I would ask: what is the most important thing for me to practice and maybe even bring it to mastery.

When I look at the people I have the opportunity to observe, what I see is that they are mastering in:

Continue reading “What is the most important thing to learn and practice?”

No guts, no glory… is that even a principle?

No guts, no glory… is that even a principle?

And whatever that glorious future you dream about, no matter which side of the great divide you are on, that glorious future is a stillborn. That is, unless you have the guts to go for it, and go for it with gusto.

And, because it is a principle… as every true principle, it is true everywhere.

Timid souls, careful souls, cautious souls’ good ideas die on the vine. Continue reading “No guts, no glory… is that even a principle?”

Is it curiosity or intellectual indigestion?

Is it curiosity or intellectual indigestion?

Human Design, the company, has many suggested ways to eat, except what is missing for most people: Eat when you are hungry.

Why wouldn’t they have that eating style? Because today’s spoiled rotten humanity doesn’t know what hunger is.

With the size of portions that can feed a family… hunger is not possible.

So today’s human eats to mitigate discomfort, most of which is caused by too much food. Continue reading “Is it curiosity or intellectual indigestion?”

Curiosity, hunger, appetite, are you killing them all?

Curiosity, hunger, appetite, are you killing them all?
Curiosity… Hunger… appetite… sexual desire…are you killing them all?

Your parents, your teachers told you: don’t eat candy, don’t eat cookies before dinner: it will kill your appetite.

The five ‘hardware-type’ needs, the need for energy supply, information, safety, reproduction and group are guided by feelings… all a lot like hunger.

Hunger can be fulfilled with empty calories or good, nourishing food.

The need, the second most vital need is the hunger for information. We also call that curiosity. You can fulfill it, just like the first one, with junk. Continue reading “Curiosity, hunger, appetite, are you killing them all?”

The role of curiosity in how far you can go in life

The role of curiosity in how far you can go in life

I am following the teaching of a guy who teaches marketing…

Marketing is finding a need or a problem you can help resolve, finding the people who have it. Create  or find the solution to sell, finding buyers for it, and selling it mostly through audio, video, or the written word.

The company that is the best at it is Agora Financial. So this marketing teacher went to Agora to find out how they teach tens, maybe hundreds of people to write in a way that Agora’s marketing is so extraordinary. Continue reading “The role of curiosity in how far you can go in life”

Looking. Noticed that I get up way before the squirrels

Looking. Noticed that I get up way before the squirrels

This article is not about the squirrels, it is about you. What you can see, what you can notice. Or don’t.

This article is about looking. (Or listening, or any looking you can do with a perception organ, perceive incoming signals: light, sound, gravity, acceleration, chemical substance, position, motion, temperature, pressure, aka incoming… Not from memory, not from the mind.) Continue reading “Looking. Noticed that I get up way before the squirrels”

Strong emotions or consciousness… choose!

Strong emotions or consciousness… choose!

One of the measures I muscletest in the Starting Point Measurements is to what degree you consider your emotions reality.

From my point of view it says everything about you I need to know: how happy and satisfied you are with life, how curious you are, how astute you are, how high is your consciousness.

The higher that number is the lower you are in the totem pole of life, the lower your chances are to live a life you can love. Continue reading “Strong emotions or consciousness… choose!”

The crucial difference. People on the top and you. Part 1

The crucial difference. People on the top and you. Part 1

I slept in today.

I had a dream up till the very moment I opened my eyes.

In the dream I talked to lots of smart people. So I didn’t want to wake up… I was hanging around longer than usual in the threshold. I talked to Warren Buffet, Charlie Munger, Bill Gates, Michael Jordan… I also watched them.

I wasn’t looking for answers, I was looking. And I got some answers.

I was curious to see how they were that they could go so far further than most in wealth, success. In fame. Continue reading “The crucial difference. People on the top and you. Part 1”