A Healthy Man Wants a Thousand Things, a sick man…

A Healthy Man Wants a Thousand Things, a sick man…

A Healthy Man Wants a Thousand Things; a Sick Man Only Wants One

If you feel imprisoned, you want freedom…

But if you don’t feel it, even though you are imprisoned, you’ll want many things. And won’t even think of wanting freedom. Continue reading “A Healthy Man Wants a Thousand Things, a sick man…”

Mental representation, wrapping your mind around things

Mental representation, wrapping your mind around things

What big words, Sophie… ugh. Mental representation? huh?

We could say safely, that until you can visualize what you say you want to do, you won’t do it, or you won’t do it well.

Procrastinators are especially weak in mental representation skills. that is probably why they procrastinate.

But it is important to understand what your words mean, the words you use. Continue reading “Mental representation, wrapping your mind around things”

Transformation… and your worth a damn score

Transformation… and your worth a damn score

Transformation doesn’t change a thing. Without transformation you had your life and whatever was going on with it.

With transformation

With transformation you still have the same life and the same whatever’s going on with it (like I said, it doesn’t change a thing). What changes with transformation is the context. Continue reading “Transformation… and your worth a damn score”

Is muscletesting a good truth method to pick a diet?

Is muscletesting a good truth method to pick a diet?

web-muscletestingI am getting hate mail.

I am happy about it.

They say the opposite of love is not hate, it is indifference. Continue reading “Is muscletesting a good truth method to pick a diet?”

People who raise their vibration and people who don’t?

People who raise their vibration and people who don’t?

Humanity can be divided to two groups. The dividing line is the vibration of 200… the level of responsibility and integrity.

Responsibility is a view of life where it is up to you. What? Everything. And when it is up to you, then you are never a victim, although things may happen to you, thing may be done to you, and yet you are not a victim. Because you have something to say in the matter… and you don’t say that you are a victim.

Responsibility is a dividing line, and I fully expect that 99 out of 100 of my readers, including my regular readers, my clients, my students, think responsibility is either a duty (you have to, need to, or should) or blame (you had to, you needed to, you should have… and you didn’t!) Continue reading “People who raise their vibration and people who don’t?”

How reliable is your judgment? Are you judgmental? astute?

How reliable is your judgment? Are you judgmental? astute?
Astuteness means:

To judge something accurately, you need a lot of skills, spiritual capacities, including seeing the big picture, etc. You need to be able to tell similar things apart. You need to be astute. And you may need to be able to answer the question ‘But is he/it worth a damn?’

The originator of that question, But is he worth a damn? Tai Lopez looks for credentials, because they are easy to check. But when I go and check the truth value of the books he recommends, I find anything from 3% to 9%. and that is not worth a damn. Continue reading “How reliable is your judgment? Are you judgmental? astute?”

Once you allow something to be WRONG, you have some choices

Once you allow something to be WRONG, you have some choices

Calling something wrong is a complaint.

I drink a lot of tea. Tea needs brewing, and I hate tepid or cold tea, so I have a mug warmer. But it needs to be on.

Often I forget to turn it on.

Then I snap at myself ‘I am such an asshole’. And then laugh.

How can I be an asshole and brilliant as well?

This is what this article will be about: holding two opposing thoughts at the same time… Continue reading “Once you allow something to be WRONG, you have some choices”

Pick your battles… And win the war of life

Pick your battles… And win the war of life

Pick-your-battlesEvery Tuesday my driver picks me up and takes me shopping, to the chiropractor, and other errands.

It makes me look like an old lady, but that doesn’t make me an old lady. Yet it took me quite a while to warm up to the idea of having no wheels of my own.

I pay her $30 cash, and I didn’t have any cash yesterday. So I paid with my debit card and asked for $40 cash back. I normally use the self-checkout line, faster for me. Continue reading “Pick your battles… And win the war of life”

Man plans, and god laughs. Not with you. Laughs at you.

Man plans, and god laughs. Not with you. Laughs at you.

A plan is a thought… Man thinks and god laughs. But why does God laugh at the sight of man thinking? Because man thinks and the truth escapes him.

There are plans. And there is planning. Big difference.

Why? Because planning is practice. Most people never do it. Continue reading “Man plans, and god laughs. Not with you. Laughs at you.”

Is there no rhyme or reason in your life?

Is there no rhyme or reason in your life?
Most of us live because we didn’t die the night before.

Even I have mornings like that… about 10 percent.

We live a life of quiet desperation… meaning: we live in the daily hubbub of pedestrian life, never getting anywhere, pushed around, hopeless and in despair that it is ever going to get better.

Most people come to my site, or seek out any self-improvement, spiritual, or manifestation program for this simple reason: they can see that in the pedestrian hubbub they will not find what they seek: peace of mind, a sense of purpose, a rhyme and reason to their life.

And without rhyme and reason you cannot be happy.

Continue reading “Is there no rhyme or reason in your life?”