What is driving you to do the same things over and over?

What is driving you to do the same things over and over?

When I participated in Landmark Education I was always in a seminar. For 26 years. A seminar is a 13-14 week long, 10 session program.

A good seminar leader would advise the participants to put all their lives inside the seminar.

What the heck does that mean? Continue reading “What is driving you to do the same things over and over?”

The biggest leap to happiness, health, wealth, love…

The biggest leap to happiness, health, wealth, love…

not superIf you wanted to make the biggest leap up… happiness, health, wealth, love…

What do you think you’d grow?

Some measures are easier to grow than others.

  • Some measures, like everywhere in life, will grow easily, but  overall their effect will be small.
  • While others create an avalanche-like result when you grow them even just a little bit..

Continue reading “The biggest leap to happiness, health, wealth, love…”

How beliefs, worldview give you your actions, your life

How beliefs, worldview give you your actions, your life

I’ve decided that there are two kinds of people; those who solve real problems and those who create imaginary ones. ~ quote from the Monday Morning Memo.

This quote arrested me…

True or not if I look at yourself right now, are you solving real problems or are you creating imaginary ones?

Your life, when we look at it, will tell you. Continue reading “How beliefs, worldview give you your actions, your life”

I had been miserable for a few days till…

I had been miserable for a few days till…

I had been miserable for a few days now…

So when this happens I pay attention.

Of course my attention is splintered: some of it goes into feeling sorry for myself, some of it to ‘fix’ the misery… or its seeming cause. and some of it to see what is REALLY going on.

I always say that if you can go through hell with your eyes open and with wide cone of vision, you are going to see what lead you there and what you can do to reduce the likelihood of going through hell again any time soon. Continue reading “I had been miserable for a few days till…”

Life’s real purpose is self-actualization

Life’s real purpose is self-actualization
Self-actualization is the process of becoming all you can become.

Who is to argue that ultimately that is what we all need. Innately!

There are two non-physical needs, according to Margoczi in the Feelings book.

  • The need to fulfill others’ expectations of us, and
  • the need to fulfill our own expectations of ourselves. Ultimately, optimally, what we can do… the realistic expectations.

Continue reading “Life’s real purpose is self-actualization”

The rudderless, directionless, low energy, and the floater

The rudderless, directionless, low energy, and the floater

I had a conversation the other day with my core group. They felt to me rudderless, directionless, low on energy… like a floater.

What’s a floater, you ask? A floater is like stork sh!t… floats in the air and occasionally drops on the ground. Storks are known to poop while in the air… their poop dries out and starts its own rise and fall journey with the air stream… no innate motive power. A floater is like that. Continue reading “The rudderless, directionless, low energy, and the floater”

Equality, racist, collusion, big words you throw around

Equality, racist, collusion, big words you throw around

The other day I used the free community van to get to stores I cannot get to easily on my own.

Note: in the illustrations I am not taking sides. I am illustrating that there is confusion and disagreement in what race. what is racist. what is racism, and what it does is it makes people rigid, lie about what they think, and vote for Trump… ugh.

The driver of the van has a PhD in sociology He asked me if it bothered me if he continued to listen to NPR radio, National Public Radio. There was a public debate on Trump and on the question whether he was a racist or not. Continue reading “Equality, racist, collusion, big words you throw around”

On growing as a person, on getting guidance, on learning

On growing as a person, on getting guidance, on learning

bits and pieces on growthI wrote this article five years ago. I never published it… Enjoy.

  • I am using my squeamishness to learn from it.
  • How I find the next leg of our journey.
  • I turn a controversy into a guidance.
  • How I keep on growing… and you could too… but you forget to do it.

Continue reading “On growing as a person, on getting guidance, on learning”

You are like a wall… everything I throw at you won’t stick

You are like a wall… everything I throw at you won’t stick

My trusty testing group is tasked to work on allowing a capacity activation to blossom into an epigenetic shift. The capacity is called ‘there is nothing wrong, nothing to fix.

Epigenetic shifts are not as rare as the name would suggest. Almost all of humanity has now made an epigenetic shift towards becoming fat and stupid. not exactly the direction we’ve wanted it to go, is it? Continue reading “You are like a wall… everything I throw at you won’t stick”

Custom Activators, Clarity, or How To Get Out Of Your Rut?

Custom Activators, Clarity, or How To Get Out Of Your Rut?

The thought of getting out of this hole… The though of getting out of this interminable rut… The thought of stopping going around in circles, doing the same thing over and over again, is positively thrilling!‘ – A Student in the Soul Correction Workshop

We had our first session of the Soul Correction workshop yesterday. Then I got off the call. And only then I realized that I didn’t record it correctly. the audio settings were off, and I didn’t record the sound.

I was bummed out. I was beating myself up… Especially because I had, earlier, distinguished, that Continue reading “Custom Activators, Clarity, or How To Get Out Of Your Rut?”