Little Known Ways to Stop Procrastinating Homework

Originally posted 2011-05-25 02:30:17.

Little Known Ways to Stop Procrastinating Homework
The most important thing to know about procrastination is that it’s an avoidance tactic.

We all have it, it is a matter of degrees. Successful people, successful students avoid what they have to do, in this case doing their homework, less of the time. But just know: every time the idea of doing comes up: the idea of avoidance comes up too. Continue reading “Little Known Ways to Stop Procrastinating Homework”

How To Play An Active Part In Your life, your fortune

Originally posted 2011-05-11 13:15:05.

How To Play An Active Part In Your life, your fortune

In a Landmark Education Course I took back in 1987, I learned that it is possible to live life from a new context: “Life is a conversation”

It is quite simple if you can wrap your mind around it, incredibly difficult if you are attached to the way you see the world. Continue reading “How To Play An Active Part In Your life, your fortune”

How to make commitments so you Feel Good About Yourself?

Originally posted 2010-12-14 12:30:59.

How to make commitments so you Feel Good About Yourself?
Feel Good About Yourself

Keep Your New Year Resolution? they say they are broken so often, they seem to be made to be broken.

Here is an article that I’d like you to read if your overall sense of life and your important areas of life is that they are stressful, and that you are never getting ahead. When you re-evaluate your projects with the method taught in this article, you will feel good about yourself, because you will keep more of your resolutions.

The method in this article can make a huge difference, and the time it takes is very small compared to you being stuck for a long-long time.

Joe (not his real name) made a new year resolution to stop smoking. He set the date, and he made a plan. Then he started to implement his plan. The plan was to gradually cut down. Then he kept on smoking.

We had our usual coaching call on Wednesday at noon. I asked: what would you like to accomplish in this call?

Joe started to talk about his weight… that one day he lost a pound, the other he gained 2… He weighed himself upon awakening every day, and he was mortified at the up and down nature of his daily weight. He was spending a lot of time worrying about that, he confessed.
Continue reading “How to make commitments so you Feel Good About Yourself?”

Context, Mindset, Backdrop… why should you care?

Originally posted 2010-07-11 09:40:03.

Context, Mindset, Backdrop… why should you care?

Context, Mindset, Backdrop… why should you care?

This is going to be a mind-bender, and at the end of it you’ll come up a lot smarter, and with a lot more power over your life… interested?

It is all about mindset! Context is decisive… but what the heck is a backdrop?

Let’s start with backdrop. Why? Because it’s the easiest to see what’s going on. Continue reading “Context, Mindset, Backdrop… why should you care?”

What is the ONE THING that decides your future?

What is the ONE THING that decides your future?

one thing: attention storyOne day a Zen master told his students that he was going to teach a new technique of shooting an arrow.

He instructed his students to cover his eyes with a cloth and then he shot his arrow. When he opened his eyes, he saw the target with no arrow in it and when he looked at his students, they looked embarrassed because their teacher had missed.

The Zen master asked, ‘What did you learn?’ Continue reading “What is the ONE THING that decides your future?”

Authenticity is a matter of integrity on the highest level

Authenticity is a matter of integrity on the highest level
lying-is-comfortableTrying to act like a Buddha won’t make you a Buddha.

I just finished a webinar… Before the webinar one of my students wrote an email to me wondering why I don’t lie to them before and during a webinar. Why I don’t say that it is going to be easy. That it is going to be piece of cake.

But it had taken me quite a bit of time and effort to learn that trying to act like a Buddha won’t make me a Buddha.

The vulnerability that honesty requires isn’t something everybody can handle. So lying allows people to be comfortable. Continue reading “Authenticity is a matter of integrity on the highest level”

Why can’t you get from A to Z? Why does it look hopeless?

Why can’t you get from A to Z? Why does it look hopeless?

fall in love with the grindPersonal note: I have been in this transformation game since 1985. I never understood why the human condition was the way it was, why it was hopeless. I didn’t know about the selfish gene… I was completely ignorant.  Like most transformational teachers I was ignorant.

A little knowledge is dangerous in the hand of someone who only missed that little knowledge… a little knowledge is dangerous in my hands. I am now confident that with this new knowledge I can guide you to better to win in life.

If you are here, then I guess everything is not going as well as you’d like it to.

Continue reading “Why can’t you get from A to Z? Why does it look hopeless?”

Epigenetics… the path of human evolution or devolution

Epigenetics… the path of human evolution or devolution
How I use the energy that I download during the Days of Power

After I moved out of my parents’ home into my own place, I met this guy who became my boy friend. My very first boy friend.

He was a philosophy student, son of a well known philosopher.

I didn’t understand a word they were speaking. When I typed up his thesis I bastardized some of the words, because I had no idea they weren’t typos. They didn’t look like regular words.

Here I am 53 years later. If you asked me what profession I have, I would say that I am closest to being a philosopher. Boggles the mind. Doesn’t it? lol Continue reading “Epigenetics… the path of human evolution or devolution”

Beyond the horizontal, beyond ambition, beyond desire…

Beyond the horizontal, ambition, desire… let’s see if we can make it all clear

climbing jacob's ladderI am re-reading Atlas Shrugged.

When the first two times I read it, I knew it was very important. but an essential aspect was missing for me. An aspect I just got a week or so ago.

This aspect, the difference between ambition and desire, that goes, hand in hand, with the word pairs, producer vs second hander, vertical plane vs horizontal plane. Continue reading “Beyond the horizontal, beyond ambition, beyond desire…”

The Masterskill… the secret nearly everyone misses

The Masterskill… the secret nearly everyone misses
Mental Bandwidth and what to do to increase it

If you ordered a large pizza but you had to share it with everyone in your neighborhood, then even after ordering a hundred of those, you would barely get a slice, right? Some teenagers can eat half of a large pizza themselves, so unless you protect your pizza, you’ll remain hungry.

If an internet company sells you service, but they have all their thousands of customers want to watch a movie, you’ll get a spotty connection and miss half the movie.

That is bandwidth… it is limited and the more people use it, the less remains for you. Continue reading “The Masterskill… the secret nearly everyone misses”