What if you’ve been wrong? What if I have been wrong? Get a different view…

What if you’ve been wrong? What if I have been wrong? Get a different view…

My downstairs neighbor is a healthcare worker, a private company making housecalls to old folks who can’t take care of themselves, but insist on living at home, instead of institutions.

About 10 days ago she suddenly started not going to work, and being really fearful… unfortunately as an empath I have to suffer through that with her.

One day she had some fever and stayed in bed… nothing since then. She is in good mood most of the day.

I have been asking Source to tell me who has the virus and who doesn’t, and Source has been inconsistent with that: that is a clear indication:

Source is saying: this is a stupid question… huh?

So I have been getting intensely curious… Continue reading “What if you’ve been wrong? What if I have been wrong? Get a different view…”

Do you respect money? If not, you pay the price…

Do you respect money? If not, you pay the price…
Why is respect hard and rare?

Because respect includes the capacity and the willingness to look again, but this time look from a different vantage point, preferably from the point of view of the other person. Of the big picture, away from the wishful thinking, the inflated self-image, and your expectations.

I remember, that all my life, all I ever wanted is to be considered a person. In a world where people consider themselves things in the world of things, being treated, being looked at, being listened to as a person is so rare that I can remember every time it happened. Or every time I detect that energy in a book… I tear up.

And yet, everyone wants to be treated like a person, and everyone treats themselves and others like they are things.

One of the big prices we pay is with our money.

I had this conversation this past Sunday with a friend who is working on becoming a millionaire: he is at minus lots-of-money, lots of zeros right now. Continue reading “Do you respect money? If not, you pay the price…”

Create yourself and your world with your WORD

Create yourself and your world with your WORD

We had our last What’s Missing workshop for the season yesterday.

What a learning experience it was! Again.

I found out that unbeknownst to me I was still hesitant to believe that I am going to live, that I am not on borrowed time, that if I save money, I’ll have a chance to use it. Continue reading “Create yourself and your world with your WORD”

Your IQ, your base nature… and the Playground

Your IQ, your base nature… and the Playground

smart looking babyYou can have a high IQ, and yet be a slacker in life.

Why? Because IQ is still only a potential of the brain… not independent of what you use or not use, what you expose yourself or not…

I once had an employee who I hired because she was a Mensa Society member. Mensa only accepts people to be members whose IQ tests say they are above 130… I think. But, between you and me, she was a useless employee and I had to let her go.

Since then I don’t trust IQ tests. You can have a high IQ, and yet be an underachiever in life. Continue reading “Your IQ, your base nature… and the Playground”

Do YOU want to get smarter? What would it mean?

Do YOU want to get smarter? What would it mean?

These come up as questions, because… hell, because I don’t know if they do… If you do… Do YOU?

I don’t think currently living humans appreciate what that question means, I don’t think YOU know what being smart entails.

I think you think that smarts are only

  • to win in computer games
  • finish homework fast… or maybe even skip doing it… after all smart people just get it! this used to be me…
  • entertain and impress people at parties
  • if you have little kids… get them to go to bed earlier… that needs smarts, somehow
  • if you are still in mating age (I am not), get the other want to have sex with you… or if you are tired… be appeased faster
  • get to understand the instructions at work, for DIY jobs, for many thing… understanding is the key word
  • oh, and let’s not forget about remembering stuff… that would make you really smart, right?

And yes, those results all need some kind of smarts. Continue reading “Do YOU want to get smarter? What would it mean?”

Human blindness, near sightedness, immediate gratification

Human blindness, near sightedness, immediate gratification

exponential growthHuman blindness, near sightedness, immediate gratification… and their relationship to your misery.

The famous story that teaches geometric vs. linear growth creates insights that disappear about as fast as your dreams after you wake up. 1

Homo Sapiens, even the ones who understood mathematics in school, are famous for near-sightedness.

In the story between the ant and the grasshopper, humans are the grasshopper, and even the ants of humanity are more hoarders, than intelligent beings…

What are you talking about Sophie… what is this b.s. again? You ask… because you think I am putting you and all of humanity down.

But what I am doing is bringing some distinctions, shades of gray, into your black and white world that has been leaving you miserable… utterly miserable. Continue reading “Human blindness, near sightedness, immediate gratification”

What does your pretense do to you and your life?

shark and seal I just had a conversation with a long-time student of mine who hasn’t been coming to any of my classes, but still follows my teachings..

She bought the Big Bundle of energies… for the second time, So instead of giving her a refund, I opted to adjust her predatory genes, and also her oldest son’s.

They both had 10 predatory genes active, and they were both miserable… trying to force life to fit them, instead of gently and naturally fit themselves to life… to reality. Continue reading “What does your pretense do to you and your life?”

Continuous effort — not strength or intelligence

Continuous effort — not strength or intelligence
Continuous effort — not strength or intelligence — is the key to unlocking YOUR potential.

How much potential you have? Except for one person, Elon Musk, the Tesla guy, everyone is only using less than 10% of their potential. He stands out with a whopping 11%.

How much potential remains dormant in you? If my example is any indication, about 93% of your potential is never breached…

Why? Because you feel, you act, you consider yourself fixed. Continue reading “Continuous effort — not strength or intelligence”

You are is resigned and cynical. That’s who does your life

You are is resigned and cynical. That’s who does your life

everything worth doing is against the wind. going with the wind? you are goind down the drain...I just had an interesting interaction with my buddy, Source.

I have been under the weather, my heart is ailing, and I have been giving a lot of thought to dying… and the things a responsible person does to make their dying easier on the people they leave behind.

I am doing what Source suggested I did to get well, and it is not happening fast enough… lol. Continue reading “You are is resigned and cynical. That’s who does your life”

Vibrational Review: The Sedona Method, The ReleasingFest

Vibrational Review: The Sedona Method, The ReleasingFest

sedona method realeasingfestI haven’t written a vibrational review in quite a while…

But… I got an email asking me to promote the ReleasingFest by the Sedona Method… so I am looking at it.

I am looking for warning signs in addition to just measuring truth value, etc.

The first warning sign is the “story”.

All marketers are liars… says Seth Godin… but then he corrects: All marketers are story tellers. They tell the story that they want their customers want to connect to… but some marketers are liars. Deliberately, consciously, and that, in my eyes, makes them liars.

So, what they say about Lester Levenson is obviously so weird, only some persons believing in miracles, divine intervention, would believe. the lowest vibration 40%. Continue reading “Vibrational Review: The Sedona Method, The ReleasingFest”