How fast can you raise your vibration? to get…

How fast can you raise your vibration? to get…

raise your vibrationYou want to raise your vibration, Right? You do… That is why you are here…

And you can. Your next question is probably: how fast?

There are two main issues for that question, how fast. Lack of courage and lack of humility, that if you have them, you probably won’t be able to raise your vibration until you overcome these two issues. Continue reading “How fast can you raise your vibration? to get…”

How to fight the rise of evil, how to be untouched by it?

How to fight the rise of evil, how to be untouched by it?
evil is risingThe rise of evil and what to do about it?

A student of mine sent me a link to a youtube video.

I put aside ego and watched it. The video was eye-opening.

It showed how someone’s worldview, value system can be shifted rapidly… within a few months or years. And how dangerous that is. Continue reading “How to fight the rise of evil, how to be untouched by it?”

Still stuck at the bottom after so many years?

Still stuck at the bottom after so many years?

when you are stuckI have clients and students who have been in touch, buying stuff or courses since the beginning. That means about 10 years.

There is a certain kinship between us… they look out for me, they consider me, in addition to be their teacher, they consider me someone they want to be well, want to live long, want to succeed.

It is a very interesting experience for the teacher, because often the only thing that makes people listen is the authority the teacher has, by virtue of some achievement. So when they come to me with an idea to help me, I have to go through a process taming my ‘ego’ that wants to stay i the upper position. I ultimately manage to say: they are doing this because they love me… whether it is true or not, ego is willing to listen. Continue reading “Still stuck at the bottom after so many years?”

Empath? Sensitive? What is the difference?

Empath? Sensitive? What is the difference?

the difference between an empath and youAs almost all Tuesdays, one of the first things I do is I read my Rob Brezsny horoscope.

For more than 10 years it was always a perfect match to how I felt, what I felt I needed… and this consistency, during this pandemic, has been broken.

But today it might be just spot on… It says that ‘In the coming weeks, I’ll encounter people and animals and places and experiences that can bring me into more intimate contact with my soul

The question, the big question is this: how do you know that you are in touch with your soul? Will some heavenly music play? Will the soul actually talk English? Or how? Continue reading “Empath? Sensitive? What is the difference?”

The cost of believing in the power of mind

The cost of believing in the power of mind

people don't think... and thinking is power.You are supposedly the peak of evolution… and you supposedly have a brilliant tool: your thinking brain. But when you only use it to do mind-functions, remembering and recalling, you use only 1-3% of its power… and you are a slave. Unless you have the courage to learn to use your brain correctly… you’ll remain a slave.

A famous physics professor, one day, was shaking his head.

‘I can’t teach them physics the way I learned physics’ he complained.

I interview students for my graduate program, and they are all, almost all, unable to think for themselves.

When they show up for the interview, I ask them: Why are you wearing the suit jacket you are wearing?
Continue reading “The cost of believing in the power of mind”

Big audacious actions or tiny steps?

Big audacious actions or tiny steps?

tiny steps methodBack in the fall of 1987 I was in a camp in mountainous Kingston NY. I was participating in a highly physical course, called the 6-day course, challenging both your body and your fear and what you should do with it. It also added the method of tiny steps that is the secret I want to share in this article.

One of the challenges was to cross a valley on a cable stretched, just with your arm’s strength… (Of course I don’t know what it is called, so the pictures are all about zip-lines… oops… what are they called, do you know?)

The first half of the climb was easy… your weight created a slope in the cable… the second part was wicked… you had to, hand over hand, pull your weight over.

It was a lot like mountain climbing: you put one foot in front of the other, and you don’t quit. Small feats take you there. Continue reading “Big audacious actions or tiny steps?”

What is the best predictor of a life that is empty, hollow, and unfulfilled?

What is the best predictor of a life that is empty, hollow, and unfulfilled?

predictor of successIf we have a chance to talk for a few minutes, I’ll see the predictor of your success, or the lack of it in a minute or two. I will see what are your chance for success and fulfillment.

What am I looking at? What clues me in?

This is what this article is about, and also about how to change what’s predictable, so you can get successful and fulfilled. Keep on reading. Continue reading “What is the best predictor of a life that is empty, hollow, and unfulfilled?”

How do you model after a successful person? Emulate him.

How do you model after a successful person? Emulate him.

model after a successful personHow do you model after a successful person? You emulate him. But what can you emulate?

Do you do what they say? Do you do what you see?

They say if you want to become successful, you need to find a mentor and model after him. Emulate him.

I have a very successful teacher who teaches what he does: email marketing.

I am on quite a few people’s mailing list who are also his students.

I watch what they do. I read their emails. And I can see that they model after his email style, they model after his relentless work ethic, some models after his edginess, but none has seen or felt, or taken notice to what degree he cares about his customers. He says he doesn’t, but he does. Deeply. Continue reading “How do you model after a successful person? Emulate him.”

The winding, meandering path to success…

The winding, meandering path to success…

winding river the path to successEveryone wants to understand BEFORE they take a step onto the path to success. But putting one foot in front of the other, with awareness is what allows you to get to where you want to get to.

Some people are crazy smart. They see everything laid out like a street map where I see nothing… or I see, maybe, one step, and therefore I am filled with fear and trepidation. I can’t see beyond that one step.

I am sure you can relate to this and relate to the ‘inner voice’ the mind saying: you are never going to make it.

And sometimes you find someone whose entire processing style is less intimidating, someone who doesn’t profess to see everything, although they may, and will take you step by tiny step.

Because step by step doesn’t necessarily take understanding, which is elusive, really, it takes putting one foot in front of the other. Continue reading “The winding, meandering path to success…”

Are you bored? Is life humdrum? Hopeless? Here is what you are missing…

Are you bored? Is life humdrum? Hopeless? Here is what you are missing…

bored, humdrum, hopeless One of the things that make life humdrum, feel long, and colorless is sameness. Boring-ness… if that is a word.

It is easy to be boring, in this world where you are cooped up in your house, and the seeming variety of where to have dinner is replaced with takeout, or gasp… cooking.

But as is with everything, the world is neither boring, nor interesting: it is you, who is boring, and it is you who can see colors and fun where others can’t.

But don’t be mistaken: it takes some work. Continue reading “Are you bored? Is life humdrum? Hopeless? Here is what you are missing…”