Spiritual Practice: ask What is it that I am not seeing? It gets you out of the mind

Most things that hide in plain sight are crucial to your success in life. You may be staring at them, but like a color blind person looking at the colored dots that hide the number… you cannot see.

Between you and me: you probably have never asked yourself “What is it I am not seeing?” have you?

Why don’t you ask, why don’t you don’t look?
  • If you think that you know everything: you won’t look.
  • If you think you see clearly what’s in front of you… you won’t look.

Continue reading “Spiritual Practice: ask What is it that I am not seeing? It gets you out of the mind”

A spiritual practice that can change improve everything

A spiritual practice that can change improve everything

If you’ve bought into the b.s. that thinking good thoughts, happy thoughts, being non-judgmental is good for you, 2 then your vibration is low, but more importantly, your vibration cannot be raised, unless you let go of this b.s.

Let’s turn this baby on its head: if you bought into the b.s. that your thoughts create your reality, and you need to avoid thinking bad thoughts regarding yourself, the world, the future, other people, because it makes you and your life bad… then there is nothing I can ever do for you, unless you change your mind.

Why? Because you refuse to interact with reality, you refuse to base your actions on reality.

Reality is neither good nor bad, it is what it is.

Continue reading “A spiritual practice that can change improve everything”

How accurate is your knowledge? What you read, see, hear, and say…

Most everything you read on the internet, in books, on youtube, is b.s. Not true… a lie, or not the whole truth.

What do I mean by b.s.? I simply mean that they have a low truth value.

They can be a lie… misdirection, misleading, made up… etc. Not necessarily with a malicious intent… the speaker/writer is looking to say what they say in the mind, in memes, in books, in other people speaking, not in reality.

Unless it is your truth, experienced yourself, it is not truth. Truth repeated is a lie… Talking about flying isn’t flying. Talking about sex isn’t sex. Talking about integrity isn’t integrity.

Continue reading “How accurate is your knowledge? What you read, see, hear, and say…”

Dark Side increases incoherence creating energies

What’s preventing your water from getting coherent nowadays?

Dark Side increases incoherence creating energies.

Until a few months ago my Water Energizer Audio needed 26.5 hours to make your water coherent.

    • In my own house I only use the small bottles to charge the water (using entrainment!), the energized bottles of water made the water coherent overnight: in 12 hours.
    • Nowadays the energizing takes 24 hours in my house.

And my clients are not catching up.

At the moment I have three clients emailing me a picture of their water, daily… They all stop the audio at 26.5 hours, even though I tell them: the water isn’t coherent… it isn’t ready yet. Continue reading “Dark Side increases incoherence creating energies”

Did you get stuck at 3-year old behaving like a 3-year old child

Did you get stuck at 3-year old behaving like a 3-year old child

Did you get stuck, ontologically, at a 3-year old’s level, and you are still behaving like a 3-year old child

Ontology is being science.

It looks at the grounds of your being. Here are a few examples: “I am an object in the world of objects.” “I am not free to be myself!” “There is something wrong and it needs to be fixed!” “Don’t tell me what to do!” “I already know!” “It’s mine!” “I am a girl” “I am not loved” “Life is dangerous” “I can’t count on anyone” “I am worthless” 3

Your life is built on the grounds of your being… like a house. You don’t like your life? Examine your grounds of being: the issue is there. Continue reading “Did you get stuck at 3-year old behaving like a 3-year old child”

Gluten? Fodmaps? Feel better, perform better without grains?

Gluten? Fodmaps? Feel better, perform better without grains?

gluten sensitivity,gluten intoleranceAs you know, I do consultation with people to help them get higher levels of wellness.

I was sent an article this morning from Science Magazine arguing about Gluten…

What’s really behind ‘gluten sensitivity’?

I quote the entire article in the footnotes…

I muscletested the truth value of the article, 5%.

Anything and anyone that talks about the companies or industries that provide all the funding for “science” are sensitive topic for people whose job security depends on their compliance in toeing the interests of these industries or companies.

So the truth value will be low.
Continue reading “Gluten? Fodmaps? Feel better, perform better without grains?”

It’s no wonder what is happening in the world…

When I suggested the exercise to make a list of what don’t you want, to tease out some distinction of the self, I expected that people will get to a place where their real colors will show.

I was sorely disappointed, and disturbed by what actually showed up: people only having ANY real concern for themselves, and even those concerns were not high-minded.

Upon reflection, I can see that it’s no wonder what is happening in the world.

Here are a few quotes that will show where and how the world is going… due to that narrow cone of vision, due to the survival/scarcity mindedness, low vibration of nearly everyone on earth.

Benjamin Franklin said, “Justice will not be served until those who are unaffected are as outraged as those who are.” Continue reading “It’s no wonder what is happening in the world…”

There are no good energies and bad energies…

There are no good energies and bad energies…

There are no good energies and bad energies. There are no light energies and dark energies. There is only energy.

Good and bad, dark and light, are moral judgments, also called systemic judgments, or black and white worldview.

What is prompting this topic is that today is Day or Power, which means a huge energy influx from the Light… the Energy Source of the Universe.

Energy dissipates, and for the world, the universe to keep on going, it is getting a twice a month energy infusion from where it has all come.

I am not saying this is the truth, but by all measures, this seems to match my experience, and my muscletesting through Source, also known as the Zero Point Field. Continue reading “There are no good energies and bad energies…”

You have invested so much into spiritual teaching!

These should be frequently asked questions, and yet no one asks these questions, as a rule

I am continuing the practice of giving free strategy sessions to people who buy the Starting Point Measurements.

It’s work for me. It’s hard on my body having to be with their resistance, fear, or whatever they are feeling. It’s often talking to people whom, in normal circumstances, I would avoid. Why? Because they are argumentative, because they are often hostile, and because only one in 13 knows that I am an empath, what is an empath, and how I got to the measurements I got to. So they never did any work on knowing what they are paying for.

So, it’s hard. And yet. Sitting in my ivory tower is not useful any more.

Each person brings something to light I would not have otherwise seen.

For example a person yesterday. Soul correction “Finish What You Start”… I have other people with this soul correction, and they are argumentative. But I never realized that this is part of this soul correction. Arguing is a type of resistance: you block input and you put yourself in control… I don’t do well with people who argue. They, intentionally, put me on the defensive, and I have nothing to defend…

So for this learning I am grateful. I don’t work well with this type of soul correction… with this type of attitude.

The second thing I learned from this person is through a question he asked:

How come that I am still doing so poorly after I have invested so much into spiritual teaching?

Continue reading “You have invested so much into spiritual teaching!”

I have missed it… the trap of introspection

I have missed it… the trap of introspection

A man wrapped up in himself makes a very small parcel.
~John Ruskin

When you have a narrow cone of vision, or watch something to close to it… so close that you identify with it, what you see is largely useless.

Try this: try to see your palm clearly while your eyes are only a centimeter from your skin. You can’t. And everything there will fill you will dread… without a larger context nothing makes sense, and everything feels threatening.

When you look at your feelings, your thoughts like you just looked at your palm, we call that introspection.

Some of my students go there, from time to time, instead of keeping distance between the observed and the observer, distance physically, emotionally, intellectually, and spiritually.

The Amish Horse Training Method, the Playground method (the meaning), the Memes (Tree of Knowledge), the Attitudes (Approaches), and, of course the whole science of being able to tell a feeling from an emotion… aka the Marker Feelings… They all need you to keep a healthy distance and a neutral attitude… i.e. observe them from the “Observer or Witness” position. From Outside of yourself. 5

My webinars, my workshops, train you to distinguish for yourself what it feels like to create a distance, what it sounds like, what it looks like… to you.

What it feels like to be in Plato’s Cave… and what it feels like to be outside.

Life, thoughts, emotions, relationships, life’s purpose, liking… all look different in the “light of day”… i.e. outside of Plato’s Cave.

I am still learning to teach creating distance… teaching it with simple words…

It is, in my experience, the hardest thing to teach. You cannot connect to Source unless you can create that distance. You cannot muscletest accurately, unless you can create that distance. You can’t have a life that works, unless you can create that distance.

And I can’t explain to you how to do it… I even had a whole course once on just that… It was called “Detached” and it taught the participants, unsuccessfully, to step back.

So this is a work in progress… to teach it with words.

Participants who took my Playground, the Amish Horse Training, and the Money Attitudes workshops learned it through osmosis…

But how do you translate it to words… Sigh…

One of my students implemented a new practice: becoming an idea machine. He has committed to write 10 new ideas a day. I have tried: wicked hard… but gets you out of the cave. Why? Maybe because reality is a lot bigger than your cave? lol.

I hear the odd teacher or writer mentioning this issue… but they, so far, haven’t written anything that would help me help you.

OK… let’s see what are your options:

If you look at the illustration on the top of this page, you see four quadrants. The “archetypes” are 10% accurate… the truth value is what phd’s can create… low, but maybe we can use it for discussion.

The first category or archetype it talks about is the They spend their entire self-obsessed time in their mind. They want to get better, they are obsessed with self-improvement. This, counter-intuitively, has a positively negative effect on their “self-improvement”.

One interpretation of self-improvement is called the introspection mode—where you continually examine your thoughts and feelings—and it can get you stuck… inside Plato’s Cave, where you wanted to get out of… to begin with. Rather than becoming more self-aware, you lose touch with reality, the reality of yourself (and others).

You might be thinking that introspection is the same as self-awareness… but it isn’t. In introspection you honor all the thoughts and all the feelings as real… and then you think about it. Introspection is rehashing thoughts, and it doesn’t generate insights. For insight you need to see something from a distance… or you won’t see it.

90% of the visitors of this site start out as Introspectors. Their “thinking about themselves” score is sky high (above 90%), their delusion/inauthenticity score: ditto.

There is nothing wrong with them: they are looking at things inside Plato’s Cave, and even there they are looking from too close.

Too Much Introspection Can Kill You
Thinking doesn’t lead to knowledge.

Contrary to what you would expect, people who score high on self-reflection are more stressed, anxious, and less satisfied with their work and personal relationships. They are self-absorbed and feel less in control of their lives. No wonder: life is happening outside of Plato’s Cave… and that is not where they are.

Thinking about yourself is not correlated with knowing yourself.

Self-reflection and insights are an inverse phenomenon… they are inversely correlated. The more time you spend doing introspection the less insight you are able to gain.

Constantly inspecting your thoughts, feelings, and behaviors doesn’t mean you see the inner dynamic, the causation, the correlation. You are too close to it to see it.

You can gain insight from comparing introspection, where you are busy with your thoughts and feelings and meditation where your job is to simply allow your Witness to see the thoughts and feelings, from a neutral, sober eye perspective. In introspection you are “in it”… In meditation you are outside of it… or at the minimum, you have a distance between the observer and the observed.

Introspection involves thinking, categorizing, labeling, analyzing—you are evaluating your thoughts and emotions. Mostly from the systemic value point of view. Meditation is about being aware of what you are doing and just observe—you witness thoughts, feelings, reactions without judging them.

The Introspection Trap

You may approach self-improvement with a rigid mindset: that there is something wrong with you that needs to be fixed. You expect to find an answer that will fix what is wrong with you.

This does not work, because there is nothing wrong with you. You cannot fix what is not wrong.

It works to trust consciousness and appreciate the journey from where you are, what you can see now, and what is possible to see during the journey. When you allow consciousness to view what there is to view, reality, your behavior will change, inside and outside.

Consciousness, witness, observer are words I use interchangeably  to address that impartial part of “All-of-it” that isn’t concerned with right and wrong, good and bad, living or dying… That part of you is able to see where you deviate from the strait and narrow… and once you saw it, with Consciousness, you cannot unsee it.

Jon Kabat-Zinn said: “Mindfulness means paying attention in a particular way; on purpose, in the present moment, and non-judgmentally.” When Jon Kabat-Zinn says “in the present moment” he should say: not jumping into “ever/never” conclusions… right/wrong conclusions… that kind of conclusion comes from the mind… not consciousness.

Mindfulness is the practice of noticing the degree in which we are identified with our thoughts and beliefs. It’s creating space for:

Awareness, not thinking
An attitude of openness and curiosity, not judging
Flexibility of attention, not resisting

I don’t think mindfulness is a good word… but maybe you’ll connect to it… albeit I have never met a man or a woman who practiced mindfulness and WAS “mindful”… meaning: not thinking, not reactive, not resisting.

When you fall into the introspection trap, you spend all your time in Plato’s Cave. 6

Self is a sea boundless and measureless.”
~Kahlil Gibran

Self Reflection is judgmental…

To know yourself is to accept yourself. I call that Unconditional Love… where the two selves you have form a relationship of love and acceptance, regardless of what one would expect, mistakes, faults, weaknesses. Like an ideal mother would accept an imperfect child. An impossible ideal… But you can get closer and closer to it.

My two selves, just measured, are 8% from each other, or that Unconditional Love. This is why I can take the abuse of that Psychic witch who has been tormenting me. This is why I can be OK not knowing stuff that I SHOULD know… except you know what you know, and can work on finding answers to what you don’t know… I am OK with that.

The further your two selves are, the less tolerance, the less patience, the less elbow room you have for yourself to be.

When I ask people what they want most, they want to be free to be themselves.

But the jail-keeper, the task master, the slave driver is themselves…

Self-awareness is achieved through observing and accepting who you are, how you are, warts and all—not who you should or shouldn’t be. Acceptance is embracing every part of your self, not just the nice ones.

Thinking about yourself isn’t correlated with knowing yourself. It can sometimes create the opposite effect: the more time you spend in introspective mode, the less self-aware you become.

You can spend a whole weekend doing introspection and, come Monday, you won’t have improved your self-knowledge.

People with higher self-awareness are more confident, more creative, communicate more effectively and build stronger relationships.

I have been reading the books of a guy, I call The Dude. I can track how his self-awareness grows… how he got out of introspection/unconsciousness mode… and what he did to achieve that. I am going to schedule a webinar to teach it… watch out for my emails…

To increase your self-awareness you need to look outside, not just inside.

Focusing too much on yourself is a trap. You put yourself in the center of the Universe… and expect others to see you as you see yourself. They won’t… they will see you the way they see you. 7

The Path of The Self Aware Person

“Knowing yourself is the beginning of all wisdom.”

Developing self-awareness is not a goal, like an Olympic gold medal… it is nothing until you get it. It is on a scale between 1-100… My self-awareness is 70%. Whatever is lacking in my life is a consequence of not having a full self-awareness, yet I am reasonably happy, reasonably healthy, reasonable able to live comfortably, and am fulfilled.

The four aspects of the self, physical, emotional, intellectual, and spiritual need to be observed in tandem and grown in tandem

Being obsessed with understanding your inner-self can get you stuck. You probably call your inner self how you feel… while the rest of you is left in the dark.

Self-awareness, the non-judging, not-too close awareness of your different aspects, your behavior, your place in the world, how you affect other people, makes you more confident. Because you can see.

And anything you can see, you can adjust.