Are you a talker or a doer… spend much time in your head?

Are you a talker or a doer… spend much time in your head?
Are you a talker or a doer… If you spend most of your time in your head, you are probably a talker… You talk in your head

To change your life, you need to change how you see the world. We call that worldview, and it includes how you see everything. Continue reading “Are you a talker or a doer… spend much time in your head?”

What you do habitually is what gets into trouble

The power of “instead of”

Consider that it is not what you don’t do that gets you into trouble, but what you do do… or what is the meaning of the strait and narrow method of going to heaven, whatever YOU call heaven.

Every article, every book that deals with procrastination, with being an underachiever, with being an unsuccessful person concerns themselves with what you are not doing… and not with what you are doing that makes you unsuccessful, unhappy, etc.

But what if that attention, that focus is misplaced? What if what you ARE doing is what really creates the consequence of an unsuccessful, unhappy life?

Continue reading “What you do habitually is what gets into trouble”

What is life about? I mean life for a human? Your life…

What is life about? I mean life for a human? Your life…
meaning-of-life2What is life about?

What is the purpose of life? I mean life for a human being? Not Life, but life…

What is life about? I mean life for a human being? Not Life, but life…

There are two schools of preference. Two schools of priorities. The main difference between the two schools is how they consider your size, and how they define what is your “job” in life, what should be your aspiration. Continue reading “What is life about? I mean life for a human? Your life…”

Are you authoring your life, or is life happening to you?

Are you authoring your life, or is life happening to you?

Even though I have completed my 20-day learning challenge, I am still listening to Dr Popper’s videos.

In one of these videos he says something very important, that i really managed to connect to some of my own experiences only on the third hearing.

Here is what he says:

The speed of life robs us of our ability to fully experience, to fully feel. Continue reading “Are you authoring your life, or is life happening to you?”

Will measuring your vibration prove you are a butterfly?

Will measuring your vibration prove you are a butterfly?

First let me clarify the terminology: vibration is an invented logarithmic number… It indicates the level you are on the level of evolutionary scale in every area of life, including intellectually, spiritually, emotionally.

Butterfly life:

you can live life on the horizontal plane (caterpillar life) where everything feels personal, attacking, dangerous, offending, painful, dramatic, or the vertical plane, what we could call “heaven on earth” where you are not bothered by stuff… where you experience joy, enthusiasm, love, caring, etc… and get things done, so your life feels worth living.

One of the most frequent things people find my site with, is the question: what is the real difference between a butterfly and a caterpillar, and why you can’t talk butterfly language with caterpillar people. Continue reading “Will measuring your vibration prove you are a butterfly?”

What if it is unlikely that you can become the best version of you? Is it still worth going for it?

Something I just read made me get up from bed and come back to my computer. It is something I have almost forgotten… even though it was one of the most important things I have ever learned.

It is: instead of fighting the bad, grow the good.

Of course, some of the principles we live by become invisible… this is one of those.

It’s not my invention. In fact the two wolves the Indian (Native American) tale speaks of, use exactly this principle: feed the good in you.

But the way it was worded in the book I just read was more profound. It says: Let me grow more of the good myself so the bad is less of me.

I didn’t need to kill the iceman (in me). I didn’t even need to fight him. I just needed to make more of myself, so that he would be less of me.

Continue reading “What if it is unlikely that you can become the best version of you? Is it still worth going for it?”

The non-linear process of growth to a life well lived

The non-linear process of growth to a life well lived

I watched a Hungarian video yesterday on the kids who can see auras, and such… and first I felt upset, then confused, and then, by today, after I finished this article, I was clear:

so what?

Every ability, every capability, ordinary or not, is only as useful as it will make you live a life worth living… but what is the usefulness of thousands of kids seeing auras… really! So what? That is their accomplishment?

Just like being an empath, seeing is a curse as much as a gift… the difference between the two is what you are going to do with it… None of the future is self-explanatory, or simple… you have a tool… but you still have to become “a human being” if you want to be happy and live well.
Continue reading “The non-linear process of growth to a life well lived”

Lack of purpose? lack of meaning? how to find?

Lack of purpose? lack of meaning? how to find?

One of the things all humans crave is consistency and stability. And, or course, if you live a life outside of a cage, outside of a managed care facility, those are hard to come by.

The only constant in reality is change… constant, maddening change. As soon as you get used to a new thing… the next new thing comes…

And humans don’t adjust well to change, don’t want change, don’t like change.

Don’t do well with change…

One of my students… they may have to move back to California…

I’m flailing with my emotions at the moment and being swept away by the ever changing circumstances of my daily life. I need an anchor. Your input would be great. Thank you.

and another student, not being able to get a job: Continue reading “Lack of purpose? lack of meaning? how to find?”

Reading… Connecting the dots… why can’t you?

Reading… Connecting the dots… why can’t you?

Why is it that in spite of all the reading, all the studying, all the classes you take, you are not amounting to much, to as much as you feel you should have earned?

And no matter how many people suggest that reading a book a week is good for you… it may do nothing for you… I have seen that with my students… and while writing yesterday’s article, the ‘April 1… joy-full life’ article, I saw it again. Continue reading “Reading… Connecting the dots… why can’t you?”

The risk of living a life without a purpose… no direction

The risk of living a life without a purpose… no direction
A purpose is not automatic… or if anything can be called automatic, it is always bad… or inappropriate

We, humanity, are more attuned to danger, bad feelings, than we are to good feelings… And it is natural, given our size and defenselessness in the natural world.

In order to get anything done, you cannot rely on your natural inclination, it won’t be helpful. Your natural inclination is to do nothing much, reserve your energies, unless you are hungry, you are horny, or you are in danger. Continue reading “The risk of living a life without a purpose… no direction”