Generators, Manifesting Generators: what is the difference

Generators, Manifesting Generators… what is the difference in Human Design?

My Precious I doesn’t like it… I am sure yours doesn’t either…

I remember when I considered being a Generator a slight. Like someone didn’t recognize my creativity, declared me a working bee… I hated it. But…

Years earlier I had the same reaction to finding out that I was a finisher… in the ‘system’ starters vs. finishers, I learned from Alex Mandossian, who was my mentor for a little while… I healed him and he mentored me… Here is a link to an interview that explains Continue reading “Generators, Manifesting Generators: what is the difference”

It’s difficult to argue: Life behaves as if it were sentient

It’s difficult to argue that Life behaves as if it were sentient…

the vitruvian man…Especially when it comes to people.

Of course people are sentient, and one could argue that it is not Life but the ‘spark’ in people that is doing the sentient-seeming actions. I don’t know enough, I don’t see enough, I am puzzled… I am looking.

What am I talking about?

People seem to be taught, repeatedly, what they need to learn and haven’t learned.

One of the most difficult thing for people to learn that there are consequences. Continue reading “It’s difficult to argue: Life behaves as if it were sentient”

Procrastination: a life that is not going anywhere

Procrastination: a life that is not going anywhere

fear or action, that is the questionProcrastination is only the tip of the iceberg of a life that is not going anywhere

One of the behaviors that can be observed with people who procrastinate is that they are also reactive… not proactive.

I will talk about that in another article… but for now I am more interested in another one of the “hidden in plain sight” hidden dynamics is: where, on what you are focusing.

Duality is firmly present, omnipresent, in reality where it concerns you. You either do one thing or another. Even when seemingly you are doing both… because you can only do one thing at a time. Because your attention is like a vector, it can be placed on one thing at a time.

You can either be defensive or on the offensive.

Continue reading “Procrastination: a life that is not going anywhere”

Turning back the clock from misery to a life worth living.

Turning back the clock from misery to a life worth living.

Imagine that you find yourself in Los Angeles… and then you find out that your meeting was in Seattle… and you took the wrong plane.

If it happened, you would hop on another plane, or in the worst case rent a car and zoom up parallel to the Pacific Ocean, and voila you would arrive to Seattle… tired, but you would be there.

When evolution has taken the wrong “airplane”, let’s not worry if it was hijacked or not, you don’t have the luxury to take another plane, or rent a car…

You have to go back to where evolution took the wrong turn, and take a different path.

The grand experiment I am engaged in, is about that. Continue reading “Turning back the clock from misery to a life worth living.”

How is your life-satisfaction? Want it to go higher?

How is your life-satisfaction? Want it to go higher?

Everyone wants to be smarter, or if it is too much to ask: wants to look smart.

But why? Because of what? To what end? What would smart get you?

For some people it would help them produce results in whatever they are doing… For others it would get the promise, the mirage of being able to produce results… and they hope that they won’t need to actually produce anything.

Because you only get your rewards, with actual results. In a normal world, in a world where people act rationally. Obviously we don’t quite live in a normal world…

Very few people do what it takes to become someone who can produce.

Continue reading “How is your life-satisfaction? Want it to go higher?”

Brain Fog plagues billions of people… you too?

Brain Fog plagues billions of people… you too?
If you have brain fog, you can only take advantage of a tiny part of your innate intelligence: your brain is in survival mode.

Brain fog is real. Your brain isn’t firing, your brain isn’t working properly… it is half dead from… From what? And how can you change that? This is what this article is about.

I published this article before I realized that my own brain is misbehaving… that it was operating at a 10% capacity… and my IQ was way way way below what it could be.

I have used my own energy audio to fix it, and now it operates at 60%… Still not at full capacity… but the people I have tested, I have not found anyone with better than 10%… so my 60% is spectacular.

What did I actually do? I used my energy audio to keep my brain to stay connected to Consciousness and start repairing the damage that it ignored for too long. I also change my diet, temporarily, to an almost vegetarian diet: I eat fish and an occasional egg… as far as animal products go.

If you want to read about the energy audio… here is a link to all the articles that talk about my miraculous recovery… my brain, my heart, and my energy level… all due 60% to the energy audio, and 40% to the eating changes.

And you can buy it for yourself… if you feel adventurous.

Sometimes it is temporary: you didn’t sleep well, you didn’t have your morning coffee, you had too much coffee… you are tired.

But mostly it is a symptom… and a big issue.

Why I started to be interested in brain fog?

I planned to have 10 calls to help this dude replace his income and work from home.

I was quizzing him. He has been talking to me, at least once a week for 11 years… the results of the conversation were very eye opening: He was never really interested enough to learn from me. 11 years, more than a 100 hours… street value: $20 K.

I have gifted him courses, activators, I have gifted him with my famous health consultation… Result: he never used any of it, and of course he never benefited from what he didn’t do. He eats, thinks, lives exactly as he did 11 years ago.

Still has no idea much of anything. But why?

On one hand, he is not curious. On the other hand: if you have brain fog, you can only take advantage of a tiny part of your innate intelligence: you are in survival. Continue reading “Brain Fog plagues billions of people… you too?”

Moses made the Israelites wander in the desert for 40 years… that is how long it took to change their mindset

Nature or nurture is a big question, even though, in the big picture, it won’t matter.

  • What is part of nature can be changed. In fact it is being changed effectively all the time.
  • What is part of nurture is harder to change, but it’s possible. It just takes more work.

Just the opposite of what you thought, right?

I am a good example for nature being changed: I got smarter than when I started, smarter than my siblings and my parents… through application. High achievers in the world are mostly of this type: born with little or average, worked harder, accomplished more than what they would get if they didn’t grow what they earned.

In my muscletesting the more you were born with the less you think you need to work, the less you want to work on becoming all you can become. Continue reading “Moses made the Israelites wander in the desert for 40 years… that is how long it took to change their mindset”

The empath’s guide to: How to not feel alone, isolated, abandoned, not belonging…

You look around. Everyone seems to have it better than you. They laugh, they hug, they walk hand in hand, kiss… or have friends who like them… but you? If feels like you have no one, no one cares about you, no one responds well to you… You are not getting enough “strokes”… from others.

A “stroke” (in Transactional Analysis) is a unit of social transaction. A hug. A nod. A smile. A hello, a thank you, a “how are you?”, or an f… you…. these are all social transactions. The more strokes you get the less your spine will shrivel up on you…

Continue reading “The empath’s guide to: How to not feel alone, isolated, abandoned, not belonging…”

What is communication? Can you learn it through a course?

What is communication? Can you learn it through a course?

I don’t offer a communication course… I have done Landmark Education’s courses, over and over, and then more. I have learned some moves, but did I really learn the art of communication? No, THAT I haven’t…

But it is time for me to learn it. Now or never. lol.

How do I know? Well, I just said so… but other than that: I am noticing some envy that is always a sign of aspiration: the secret yearning of the soul. I noticed it, recognized it, and now I am going to act on it.

So it’s time. Now or never. Or as they say it at the wedding ceremony: speak now or forever hold your peace…

I am speaking now. Continue reading “What is communication? Can you learn it through a course?”

What is wrong with right and wrong? is it wrong?

What is wrong with right and wrong? is it wrong?
First, let’s clarify what is the meaning of “wrong”…

Many people look at me dumbfounded. There are wrong things and there are right things… everybody knows that… so what can be wrong with what everybody knows? Right?

But you see,

If you want to look for what makes everybody miserable, you better look at what everybody says… and use it as a guidance… either to how to be miserable, or how to get clear of misery.

One thing everybody agrees upon is this: some things are right, most things are wrong and the wrong things need to be fixed, killed, stomped upon, suppressed. And it is very real… except… wrong is made up. Continue reading “What is wrong with right and wrong? is it wrong?”