Your IQ, your base nature… and the Playground

Your IQ, your base nature… and the Playground

smart looking babyYou can have a high IQ, and yet be a slacker in life.

Why? Because IQ is still only a potential of the brain… not independent of what you use or not use, what you expose yourself or not…

I once had an employee who I hired because she was a Mensa Society member. Mensa only accepts people to be members whose IQ tests say they are above 130… I think. But, between you and me, she was a useless employee and I had to let her go.

Since then I don’t trust IQ tests. You can have a high IQ, and yet be an underachiever in life. Continue reading “Your IQ, your base nature… and the Playground”

You are the dragon with the swishy tail. where is your tail?

You are the dragon with the swishy tail. where is your tail?

I have a new downstairs neighbor, after three whole years of no neighbor: that apartment sat empty.

I got used to no noise, no energies, silence… and now, suddenly I need to get used to a new configuration, energetically.

I don’t want to… baaaaah! lol

The new tenant is the landlord’s cousin, and though I have been tolerated thus far, so far for 16 years, I have only been a source of income for the landlord, not a person. Now I am someone who lives in THEIR house… at least that is how I translate her attitude towards me. A bother…

So I find myself, suddenly, needing my own course, the Playground. Now I am not just leading it, I am also a participant/client.

This situation is all about me… that is one of the wake-up questions you need to answer in the script: to what degree, what is happening, is about you. It is all about me.

I find myself feeling fear, really terror, I haven’t felt in years… I wake up when there is noise downstairs, or I can’t fall asleep: I am afraid. Very familiar from a long time ago… Continue reading “You are the dragon with the swishy tail. where is your tail?”

Brain health, brain power, brain usage…

For to the ones who use it, more will be given, and they will have an abundance, but from the ones who use it not, even what they have will be taken away

for those who use it well, much more will be givenBrain health, brain power, brain usage… how does it relate to your mood about your life? to the size of your life, to your happiness and fulfillment?

I am on the mend. It feels weird…

All my life I wanted to get sympathy for poor me… because I didn’t think I deserved anything more.

And I am noticing that I want to complain, that I am afraid that if I tell you I am getting well, you won’t want to give me anything… not business, not love, not anything. Weird. A strong pull. Continue reading “Brain health, brain power, brain usage…”

Continuous effort — not strength or intelligence

Continuous effort — not strength or intelligence
Continuous effort — not strength or intelligence — is the key to unlocking YOUR potential.

How much potential you have? Except for one person, Elon Musk, the Tesla guy, everyone is only using less than 10% of their potential. He stands out with a whopping 11%.

How much potential remains dormant in you? If my example is any indication, about 93% of your potential is never breached…

Why? Because you feel, you act, you consider yourself fixed. Continue reading “Continuous effort — not strength or intelligence”

History repeats itself. how to learn from your mistakes

History repeats itself. how to learn from your mistakes
History repeats itself because we paid no attention the first time… or how to learn from your mistakes

Sidenote: If you are a Generator or Manifesting Generator, an appropriate action is to respond. The initiator of an response can be an article, an email, that gives you something to respond to. The operative word is “it gives you something to answer to, respond to”… It is not your idea, that was born in the recesses of your mind, or in some inclination, passion, addiction, or desire. It was given to you. If you pay attention, all the stupid things you do are your own fabulous ideas… 🙁

This idea was given to me to respond to by today’s Monday Morning Memo. Continue reading “History repeats itself. how to learn from your mistakes”

Behaviors that hold you back from success

Behaviors that hold you back from success

behavior icebergThere is a behavior that I used to have, and have successfully beaten.

The behavior  is the “out of sight/out of mind”, “now that I am doing something else, I don’t remember the things I have been doing, promised, supposed to do…”

The behavior of a person who cannot keep 2-3-4-5 habits going concurrently.

If they are busy looking at something, they are so busy, that their water is not energized, their food list is not honored, they don’t practice their guitar, they don’t read, nothing. Just do that one thing.

With social media, smart phones, this is getting even worse… and I didn’t think it could get any worse than it was before.

What is the cause?

Continue reading “Behaviors that hold you back from success”

Transcendence is going beyond right and wrong…

What is real? What is made up? How can you tell?

HAPPINESS is a function of accepting what is
LOVE is a function of communication
HEALTH is a function of participation
SELF-EXPRESSION is a function of responsibility
~Werner Erhard

Sounds amazing, doesn’t it? But, to begin with the phrase “a function of” is slimy… because it doesn’t say it does that… not at all.

So in my work with a bunch of normal people, ordinary people, neither smart, nor stupid, neither diligent nor too lazy, neither brave, nor too cowardly, blah blah blah… I am proving that what Werner Erhard said is largely b.s.

The truth value of Werner’s famous statements is 10%…

Just like 99.5% everything you read on the Internet. That means only one thing out of 200 things, book, article, meme, quote, video, etc. has a truth value higher than 10%.

But 10% truth value means: 90% hogwash. Mistaken, misguided, narrow cone of vision, wearing blinders, or outright lie.

    • The Old Testament: truth value: 30%
    • The New Testament: truth value: 3%

Continue reading “Transcendence is going beyond right and wrong…”

You are is resigned and cynical. That’s who does your life

You are is resigned and cynical. That’s who does your life

everything worth doing is against the wind. going with the wind? you are goind down the drain...I just had an interesting interaction with my buddy, Source.

I have been under the weather, my heart is ailing, and I have been giving a lot of thought to dying… and the things a responsible person does to make their dying easier on the people they leave behind.

I am doing what Source suggested I did to get well, and it is not happening fast enough… lol. Continue reading “You are is resigned and cynical. That’s who does your life”

What DNA capacity does a great detective have?

What DNA capacity does a great detective have?

good detectivesI love to read. My newest favorite writer at this point is Blake Banner, a mystery writer. His books are perfect for one day reading… around 150 pages each.

What I like most about these books, apart from their language which is often delightful, is that the author pits two kinds of detectives against each other, the one who looks at the evidence, and immediately weaves a likely story and then defends it with all their might. And the other who doesn’t make a decision but researches more until he can actually prove it… which is often a lot later. Continue reading “What DNA capacity does a great detective have?”

Stupid is as stupid does… is it good news for you?

Stupid is as stupid does… is it good news for you? what does THAT say about you?

stupid as stupid doesYesterday’s “Trapped” article made some splashes and produced some “no echo” dead silence.

It spoke to rule-making, and defined stupid in a new way.

It separated the label “stupid” from the person and placed it on the behavior.

Stupid, as a label on a person, is a future tense “sentence”… sentence as in “the judge sentences you to a lifetime of stupidity”. No appeal… Final decision.

Meaning: no matter what you do, who is doing it is a stupid person, and THEREFORE what you ACTUALLY do cannot produce the result you want.

You don’t need any more proof of language not even approximating reality, that sentence, that meaning is all you need to see that if you are trapped in the customary language, especially your “self-talk”, and take it at face value, you are doomed. Doomed to the attitude of “no matter what I do”… Continue reading “Stupid is as stupid does… is it good news for you?”