Already too busy? Stressed? Always busy? Always in a hurry? Trying to start a new project?

Stressed? Always busy? Always in a hurry?

These are all signs of you living on the competitive plane, the horizontal, the Valley of the Shadow of Death.

I have a book that I can see from my bed. It is called “The Life You Were Born To Live”

The title immediately creates desire and hurry

But the “You Were Born To Live” creates calmness and a quiet awareness. No hurry. No place to go. Just live.

Two words changed. Continue reading “Already too busy? Stressed? Always busy? Always in a hurry? Trying to start a new project?”

Is life a symphony or is life chaos for you? What you manifest will be dramatically different

symphony or chaos?All my articles are inspired, are an answer to something that happens right now… something that asks for a new way of seeing things.

Today is not an exception. It’s early and I have read only two of my emails, but the need to write an article is already there…. lol. The “bomb” is towards the end of the email, so try to hang in there: what you will learn there will first upset you, but has a chance to set you free… But the first part prepares it… Really.

M in Germany is looking at coherence and balance… and brings the following two visuals

1. Coherence is crafting a symphony… music
2. Coherence while having a whiny 3-year old tug at your skirt in the kitchen. Continue reading “Is life a symphony or is life chaos for you? What you manifest will be dramatically different”

Your physiology and psychology work hand in hand

Your physiology and psychology work hand in hand

co-creationYour physiology and psychology work hand in hand… And how can meditation work for you… finally

In some regards I am still a Twitchy Little Bastard… even though outwardly my behavior has calmed down a lot.

What am I talking about?

A Twitchy Little Bastard is someone who acts without regard to the future, without considering if the action is sustainable or not. 1

I am looking at this phenomenon from a different vantage point: your quick to react, your high-sprung state.

I am looking to prove to you that your physiology and your psychology, your body and your mind are intimately connected.

That you calm down one and the other calms down too. Continue reading “Your physiology and psychology work hand in hand”

Vibrational Review: Heartmath Institute

Vibrational Review: Heartmath Institute

heartmath reviewFirst: Heartmath has a theory, that the heart has a lot of brain cells in it and they can be influenced just like the brain can be…

The promise is of Heartmath is to help you calm down and handle life’s stresses better at will.

I first heard of and listened to recordings, exercises from the Heartmath Institute around 2003. I found the idea very seductive, and really wanted it to work for me… but it didn’t. When a few years later Dr. Alex Loyd used them to prove that the Healing Codes work I revisited them… and found the methodology still not working.

The truth is: they are both, the Healing Codes and the Heartmath, a nice idea… but neither of them works reliably, consistently, and for anyone. If something is NOT reliable, NOT consistent, then in essence it doesn’t work… what works is the Placebo effect.

I am not discounting the Placebo effect: it is powerful, but it is used to sell snake oil…
Continue reading “Vibrational Review: Heartmath Institute”

Benefit from the teachings of the “Law of Attraction”?

Benefit from the teachings of the “Law of Attraction”?

What can you do, what must you do to benefit from the teachings of the “Law of Attraction”, of “The Power of your Mind”, and Natalie Ledwell’s Mind Movies?

If you read yesterday’s article on coherence, my 21 hour (so far) experiment of playing the Coherence Generator… (new name old audio) I can promise you that it is nothing short of miraculous.

Creativity, innovation, growth, learning, takes a lot of coherent energy. When your energies are incoherent, you are troubled, are in a hurry, or are afraid, creativity is impossible.

Just imagine yourself a juggler… because that is what creativity is: being able to keep and move around multiple objects ‘in the air’ at the same time, so you can see new connections. Really… Continue reading “Benefit from the teachings of the “Law of Attraction”?”

From time to time I get incoherent. What do I do then?

From time to time I get incoherent. What do I do then?

heart coherence Coherence is when all your energies, all your fibers share the same direction and the same rhythm.

Much like having a six-horse carriage, and the horses pull in the same direction.

Incoherence is like herding cats… hopeless.

I am rarely incoherent. And when I am: I am acutely aware of it. Very unpleasant.

The truth is: I used to be incoherent most of the time.

What is the cause of incoherence? I think, for me, too many choices. And an inability or unwillingness to narrow them down, and maybe choose. Continue reading “From time to time I get incoherent. What do I do then?”

A piece of the vibration puzzle just fell into place

A piece of the vibration puzzle just fell into place

Today was one of those days where the plenty resulted in only confusion and nothing got finished. 1

I started four articles, and ran out of steam, or focus, or attention after half a page or 120 words.

I was a lot like you… lol.

Anyway, when nothing goes well, then the best thing to do is to go out for a walk, or in my case, climbing the steps. Some call this “changing the state”, or you could call it: changing the field inside which life is happening. So…

67 steps audio on my ears, I merrily walked down the steps, 160 steps, 20 cm high each, 3200 cm, not a high hill, about 10-11 stories high. 110 feet or so…

I turn around at the end at the bottom and start the climb. That’s when I ran into this guy who I see on the steps occasionally. I stopped him to ask how many times he climbs, and found out he climbs the steps 7 times at a clip, 3-4 times a week.

I do it once a day… and it “cripples” me… lol.
Continue reading “A piece of the vibration puzzle just fell into place”

Afraid to make a mistake?

Afraid to make a mistake?

incoherenceThis past week almost all and every input scrambled my mind. Made me incoherent. Made me restless, and I ended up tired with nothing to show for my feverish-feeling brain activity. I even continued the activity when I slept… or when I couldn’t sleep, like last night.

Familiar? I bet it is.

You can only move forward if and when you are coherent. 1
Coherence is akin to driving a four-horse carriage… it’s powerful, and it goes where you want it to go. Continue reading “Afraid to make a mistake?”

Why you don’t heal fast? Why do you get sick?

Why you don’t heal fast? Why do you get sick?

Without understanding how your body works, you’ll remain NOT SO WELL

Your body is like a factory,

  • manufacturing daily energy units that you need to do what you need to do, and
  • energy units to protect you from pathogens, toxins, and other trouble.
  • and thirdly, that in case something did get through… that you heal fast.

Your doctors are mostly trained to give you tools to fix what is already visibly wrong with your body. Continue reading “Why you don’t heal fast? Why do you get sick?”

New insights on cell hydration, tiredness, diabetes, etc

New insights on cell hydration, tiredness, diabetes, etc

New insights on cell hydration, tiredness, your immune system, diabetes, cancer, and your life expectancy

  • If you pee often
  • If your pee is light
  • If you have to get up in the middle of the night and pee
  • that means: your cell hydration is low.
  • it may also mean: you have diabetes or pre-diabetes. Diabetics have low cell hydration. this may be the reason they don’t accept the sugar into the cell… Because sugar would break even bigger havoc in the cell… it would dry out the cell completely.
My hunch is that hydrating the diabetic’s cells can end the diabetic misery… But it needs testing. If you have diabetic friends, family members: you owe it to yourself to test the Energized water on them. Diabetes can cost tens of thousands of dollars to the person, and makes 250 billion dollars to the medical establishment… lucrative. More lucrative than recommending a $60 audio… for sure.

If you get tired in the middle of the day, or are just plain tired… that means that most likely your hydration is low.
Continue reading “New insights on cell hydration, tiredness, diabetes, etc”