Something historic may happen today… Unnoticed

Something historic may happen today… Unnoticed

Something historic may happen today and it probably will go unnoticed in the news. It’s something every man, woman, and child in the world should know about.

Before this event can make sense to you, there is a crucial bit of history you must first know …

July 16, marks the 40th Anniversary of the day man first stepped foot on the Moon.

It was indeed ‘one small step for a man, one giant leap for mankind.’ Continue reading “Something historic may happen today… Unnoticed”

Do you ever wonder how life would have turned out, had you made different decisions? Different choices?

Do you ever wonder how life would have turned out, had you made different decisions? Different choices?

The other day I didn’t feel like working at all… so I watched two movies in a row.

Both were interesting, but the one… about choices, made a deep imprint on me, and made me look at this issue: choices.
Continue reading “Do you ever wonder how life would have turned out, had you made different decisions? Different choices?”