If life looks and feels like it’s the same old, same old…

If life looks and feels like it’s the same old, same old…

If life looks and feels like it’s the same old, same old…

And for most people it does…

And it does look the same old, even though the only thing we know for sure that in reality the only constant is change… So why doesn’t what you see, change?

The answer can be unsettling… I hope for your sake that it is. Continue reading “If life looks and feels like it’s the same old, same old…”

Who you are was created… An empath, Kabbalah, the words

Who you are was created… An empath, Kabbalah, the words
Part 1: the empath

If you have to suffer, make it meaningful. It will hurt less

Empaths have a glitch in their brain, I say, that makes that feel not only their own bad emotions, but others’ as well.

I didn’t know I was an empath until the year 2000. I was 53 years old. And I hadn’t known such a thing existed. I thought what I felt was all mine. And I suffered. For a decade or so I was under doctor’s care, often hospitalized.

I had some indicators I can see with 20/20 hindsight, but I still thought nothing of them.

Whenever, wherever I was around or near horny people, I felt what they felt. Horrible, if you ask me. Continue reading “Who you are was created… An empath, Kabbalah, the words”

A good murder, like good wine, takes time…

A good murder, like good wine, takes time…

A good murder, like good wine, takes time… It is only reasonable if a man is going to spend the rest of his life paying for a murder, he should be entitled to take his time while committing it.

It is not just murder that people are hasty about, impulsive about, it is nearly everything that is potentially impactful on the rest of their lives.

People, you, are either procrastinating about important things, or jump in with two feet, holding your nose, closing your eyes. Continue reading “A good murder, like good wine, takes time…”

What makes hell hell? Is it a place? Or what?

What makes hell hell? Is it a place? Or what?

I read one or two threads on Reddit every morning.

This is how I stay in touch with what people think, what people say, what people find funny, what grieves them.

Today the discussion was what could convince an atheist to become a believer. What could change their mind?

This is right up my alley… That is all I have ever wanted to know: what would change your mind? Continue reading “What makes hell hell? Is it a place? Or what?”

What’s your security blanket? That keeps you anchored

What’s your security blanket? That keeps you anchored

My younger brother, is six years my junior. So I was able to observe him growing up.

His first word was khao… the name of his security blanket. Tattered, pink and blue… and he never let it go until he was 10. Blanket is takaro in Hungarian…

He also had code words for other things. My older brother, Gyuri was duyi, and I was uyi… Make sense, right? It is not what other people call things that is their name, it is what YOU call them. Continue reading “What’s your security blanket? That keeps you anchored”

Pivoting. You can’t pivot in your head. Only in reality

Pivoting. You can’t pivot in your head. Only in reality

find a fixed point and a long enough stickFirst let me set the context for this article: For the past almost 30 years I have been mainly a mindset coach, and secondarily a healer.

It seems that in today’s climate, in today’s low vibration, low consciousness climate my work is not appreciated. Continue reading “Pivoting. You can’t pivot in your head. Only in reality”

Repetition is a superpower. It puts you on top of any heap!

Repetition is a superpower. It puts you on top of any heap!

repetitionOne of the reasons people are so unhappy is they don’t talk to themselves,‘ says author Elizabeth Gilbert (Eat Pray Love). ‘You have to keep a conversation going with yourself throughout your life, to see how you’re doing, to keep your focus, to remain your own friend.

I bet Elizabeth Gilbert doesn’t know that part of becoming cause in your life requires you to have a structured conversation with yourself… That is what the responsibility questions do.. this is why I gifted the ‘Portkey’ recording where I demonstrate the power of that conversation.

It’s not an ordinary conversation. Continue reading “Repetition is a superpower. It puts you on top of any heap!”

I am not ready! What if I choose the wrong path?

I am not ready! What if I choose the wrong path?

what if monsterWhat if? Let’s look at it, shall we?

You see, the ‘mind’ is only concerned with future… while it squarely looks at the past. Yeah, the mind looks in the direction of the future, but it looks at the rear view mirror…

And it makes its decisions from the past, past failures, past track record, past mistakes, past pains and punishments.

Moreover, the mind is only interested in the bad stuff… it wants to protect you from it.

I have a track record of 70% good decisions, and I can see what the mind is doing: it looks straight at the 30%… not at the good decisions. Continue reading “I am not ready! What if I choose the wrong path?”

How is the Tree-of-Knowledge alive and well today?

How is the Tree-of-Knowledge alive and well today?

Tree of Knowledge : sleepIn this article I will tell you about the health aspects of the Tree of Knowledge… 1
William, a rehabilitation trainer from South Africa sent me one of his clients’ DNA testing.

It would have been interesting to also get the client’s picture, so I can compare the results with muscletesting, with what Source has to say about her health… but I think that is pushing it… we’ll see if William is willing.

Hey… I just checked… and found the client’s picture… But I will muscletest her AFTER I publish this article… If you want to know what I find, email me at [email protected]. Continue reading “How is the Tree-of-Knowledge alive and well today?”

Is personality fixed? Or can you change it?

Is personality fixed? Or can you change it?
personality…or How powerlessness is ‘inherited’ to you… How your personality predetermines what you can do, what you will do…

I did my first transformational program back in 1985 in beautiful seaside town of Haifa in Israel. We were on the top of a hill that jutted into the Mediterranean sea, in a room with windows on three sides… No matter where you looked out, you saw the endless blue sea… The perfect environment for a course where you were promised that finally you could join the rest of humanity, that finally you won’t be left behind.

Yeah, the promise also said: Creating a world that works for everyone with no one left out.

The world wasn’t working for me… and I felt left out.

Continue reading “Is personality fixed? Or can you change it?”