Success doesn’t teach anything. Failure does…

Success doesn’t teach anything. Failure does…

But only if learning is welcome. Failure is deemed both wrong and unnecessary by today’s man.

Let’s look first what is the meaning of success and what is the meaning of failure, so we have the same picture of what we are looking at. Continue reading “Success doesn’t teach anything. Failure does…”

What is the opposite of arrogance? Any ideas?

I wrote about the Baby genes yesterday… The two entitlements genes that were supposed to turn off, one at age 3, the other around age 6.

Thinking that it is an end point would be a mistake.

A bunch of people paid me to disable the baby genes for them, some paid me for the second time. And I was left with a sense of ‘it is not over till the fat lady sings‘ and the fat lady hasn’t sung yet.

So in this article I am continuing this whole entitlement issue… and look to see what’s underneath it… Continue reading “What is the opposite of arrogance? Any ideas?”