Vibrational Review: Gangaji

I used to measure people’s vibration for a small donation. I actually enjoyed it, like you like using your muscles: it feels good.

Then I started to get requests from people with really low vibration, really dark feelings, and I started to associate measuring vibrations with those very oppressive feelings.

gangaji a fake Visiting Gangaji brought all that back, full force, full force of misery.

There are two things you can’t hide because they are not conscious: your feelings and your micro-expressions.

I used to not want to look at people while talking to them, because the feelings and the facial expressions were at odds to such a degree that it was really disturbing to me.
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Vibrational Review: what is enlightenment adyashanti

Vibrational Review: what is enlightenment adyashanti

If I understand correctly, Adyashanti is a guy’s name…

Personal vibration: 90
What he teaches: 90

why so low? Because the guy is talking all Tree of Knowledge, something he has never experienced. I could say he is talking out of his arse, but when I listen to him, I can hear this: he is talking out of his memory, and his self-righteous and self-assured “self” which is a very very very low vibration.

Who does he attract? like attracts like, and he attracts people just like himself. What is the common characteristic of the people who are attracted to what he is saying? He is explaining that enlightenment is not a 24/7 bliss… and yet, the people that he attracts are the MacDonald’s wholesale transformation forever hoping types.

Do not bother listening to him.

Now, a few words from me, and where I am speaking from is the nothing that is outside of the MIND (not ego as he says) and from personal experience through connecting to all-of-it.

There is no 24/7 bliss.
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I have found a great resource

I am thinking of using Osho’s dynamic meditations to guide people to no-mind. Sneak in a little fun, sneak in physicality, sneak in joy… Instead of the anxiety and seriousness most people relate to the getting-out-of-the-mind issue.

As I was searching to download the music of those great meditations, I found a series of articles and quotes, by Osho, on fake gurus. Here is an article on U.G. Krishnamurti. A few months ago I would not have believed him, but I saw a video on youtube, Krishnamurti on his deathbed, and it was so convincing, that I now believe what Osho says.

Osho Quotes on U G Krishnamurti

Just the other day I was reading a lecture of U. G. Krishnamurti. He says he went to see Ramana Maharshi. He was not attracted — because he was chopping vegetables. Yes, Ramana Maharshi was that kind of man, very ordinary. Chopping vegetables! U. G. Krishnamurti must have gone to see somebody extraordinary sitting on a golden throne or something. Ramana Maharshi just sitting on the floor and chopping vegetables? preparing vegetables for the kitchen! He was very much frustrated.
Then another day he went and saw him reading jokes. Finished for ever! This man knows nothing. This man is very ordinary. He left the ashram; it was not worth it. But I would like to say to you: this man, Ramana Maharshi, is one of the greatest Buddhas ever born to the world. That was his Buddhahood in action!
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Why is Osho 300 and I am 990 on the consciousness scale?

Why is Osho 300 and I am 990 on the consciousness scale?

Two questions are answered in this article

  1. What can you do to get out of your mind and back to the flow, so you and your life are part of the flow and start feeling like your life is worth living?
  2. Why is Osho’s vibration 300 and mine 990? (this is an interesting question, because I’ve learned from Osho, factually, more than from any other teacher.)

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Anastasia and the Ringing Cedars of Russia: Fact of Fiction?

Anastasia and the Ringing Cedars of Russia: Fact of Fiction?
anastasia and the ringing cedars of russia is a tale, it is fiction, it is a hoaxAnastasia and the Ringing Cedars of Russia: Fact of Fiction?

A few months ago someone asked about the vibration of Anastasia.

I said 600. I finally bit the bullet and bought the whole set of books.

I was really curious, what is in these books that a whopping 20 million people bought them.

I am halfway through the first of the nine books, and this is, so far, my take (with Source’s help and muscletesting, of course.)

The idea and Utopia that is detailed in this book, vibrates at 600.

About 10% of it is based on facts the rest is fantasy, much like the wildly popular Harry Potter series of the Lord of the Ring Trilogy. Continue reading “Anastasia and the Ringing Cedars of Russia: Fact of Fiction?”

Vibrational Review: dattatreya siva baba, dr. Pillai, vipassana, Osho Updated

  • dattatreya siva baba: (Dr. Baskaran Pillai) is the founder of Astroved, and The University of Astroved Vedic Sciences. He has researched Vedic Sciences for the past 40 years and is a world leader in educating many cultures and countries on the benefits of remedial astrology. Dattatriya Siva Baba is an enlightened Vedic Astrology Master and is also the first to bring a systematic approach to Nadi Astrology to the Western world. Personal vibration: 190. Teaching: 190: 8% truth, 92% made-up.
  • Vipassana is a meditation technique. Its claim to fame is that the Buddha used it and one night he became enlightened (whatever that means). If I know correctly (sorry, I am unwilling to research it) it is simply watching the breath. Osho (someone I do read!) says that if you can watch your breath for 45 minutes without thought you will become enlightened.That is a horrible way to use your life, I say. It may take several lifetimes, and so what? The consciousness is not in the technique: the consciousness is in connecting to the Beyond. That is from where the knowledge comes and there are much easier methods to connect, the Tangerine Method being one.Vibration of the method: 300
  • Osho: personal vibration: 300. Teaching: 310. Why so relatively low? Osho tried to accommodate the thought processes of the Westerners and corrupted his own. Nevertheless, if you read it while connected, or if you read it while your vibration is lower and you are struggling with the basic issues, if you locate yourself in the mind, Osho is a great master to read.But only about 40% of what he says is accurate, but the untruth should not bother you: combined his techniques and stories with my methods of stepping back, flashing out your cone of vision, connecting, and activators, you can surpass him in vibration.

Let me measure your vibration?
Click on the link to request a vibrational reading…
The Map of Consciousness will show you what it means.

Vibrational Review: Case Study of a student of the second phase Activators course

raise your vibration by facing your shadow, facing your dark side Vibration went from 200 to 330 in three months. Case study: Student in the 2nd Phase Activators Course. Photographer, female 55 years old

Had a difficult start. Started on just the border of the acceptable minimum, 200 vibration.

Had she had these difficulties with a vibration below 200, she would have disappeared.

She had to access the connection webinars from her phone. I can’t see someone who calls in on the phone, on my webinar control panel, so she could never be sure whether she was connected or not, really.

She came to every call. She bought the Unconditional Love Activator, but I refunded it: I told her flat out that she is not suitable to be my student. I practically threw her out…

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Ode to an exceptional teacher, Robert Plank

Robert Plank and Sophie Benshitta Maven I “met” my business/marketing teacher, Robert Plank, 37 years my junior, red-headed punk programmer genius at the time, in early 2009.

I wanted to learn php programming from him, because I didn’t know what I wanted to do in life, so learning programming sounded like a good idea.

I had been learning marketing, mindset, everything and anything… when you don’t know where you are going, every path takes you there… lol.

I remember being on the first webinar with him. I didn’t know I was an empath and I could feel the tension between the two partners like my own, and I was rooting for Robert. He stammered, he talked to fast, he was eager and loved teaching!

I could not learn anything in the first course, nothing in the second course, ditto the third course, but I was coming back.

Then on the fourth course I could do three out of the 10 assignments, and I knew I found a home.

Doing the assignments is both a capacity issue and a mindset issue.

Continue reading “Ode to an exceptional teacher, Robert Plank”

Vibrational review

Do you LIKE the color PURPLE? ~ Raise Your Vibration, Transform

Do you LIKE the color PURPLE? Posted by Raise Your Vibration on 6:30 AM Raise Your Vibration, Transform Your Life be available in eBook format on December 24th at Here are some healing

Metaphysics 102: How To Raise Your Vibration (Consciousness

Call it what you will – resonating faster, raising your vibration, or …

How to raise your vibration & lift your spirit? Process your fear! « The

How to raise your vibration & lift your spirit? Process your fear! The anti-human invasion on earth and the manipulation into the recycling of souls · How to live powerfully in 2012 · What does it mean to be ‘a good man’ in the

Education Line How to Raise Your Vibration: The Power and Impact

How to Raise Your Vibration: The Power and Impact of the Law of Vibration. Our vibration is the emotional and spiritual energy level inside our body and our awareness. It is our current inner state, our feeling of frequency, CheckPoint 156-110


Five Ways to Raise your Vibration – Naturally! – Holistic Healing

This is the connection between raising your vibration (frequency) and improving health! Everything in nature vibrates at different frequencies. In fact quantum physics describes the universe as nothing more than vibrating

How To Raise Your Vibration: HELP! My Partner Is Negative And

How To Raise Your Vibration. This blog spot has been created to assist you in the Raising of your Vibration. It will provide tips, tools, techniques and knowledge to help you expand your consciousness and raise your energetic

Raise your vibration and belief for 2012 | EFT Therapist

Raise your vibration and belief for 2012. Published December 12, 2011. Listening and reading national news at the moment, is not pleasant. We all live our lives at certain levels of vibration. If our level is set at low, we can feel anger, fear,

Do Spiritual Pictures Raise My Vibration? Equal Life Magazine


In fact a picture does not have the power to create feelings or ‘raise your vibration‘. All such experiences – if you just look at it – are created by YOU in your own mind through your positive and negative value judgments placed

Raise Your Vibration! Be Happy, Stay Happy! | Chakra Chic – Energy


Raise Your Vibration! Be Happy, Stay Happy! November 30, 2011 by Staton | 0 comments. Get tips and understanding of how to raise your vibration and keep yourself clear of blocks in this video…

Healing the Body and Raising Your Vibration


The power of thoughts in healing the body, what level your currently vibrating at and ultimately, how to raise your vibration to a level where you can allow all of the good things to come into your life that you’ve been asking for.



To raise your vibration consider the basic approach you have towards your life. Are you ‘tired” all the time, feel ‘sick”, or just in a “bad” mood? Are you searching for meaning but can’t find any? Are you unhappy? Do you

The Eternal Temple of Nun: RAISE YOUR VIBRATION IN 60



Who Are Our Spiritual Helpers? | Holistic Health and Me


You might be wondering why you need to raise your vibration. The universal Law of Attraction states that like energy attracts like energy; and because the beings in the spiritual realm will not lower their vibration, you must

The Science Behind Luck – Raising Your Personal – Evolution Ezine


Join Energy Coach Christie Marie Sheldon as she reveals the hidden forces blocking your manifestation efforts, and guides you through an immersive group meditation exercise for raising your vibrations. Just Visit: Love or

How to Raise Your Vibration | Talk to Spirit


Looking for ways to elevate your mood & vibration, without needing to go on a weekend retreat? Click here for simple techniques on how to raise your vibration.

Gaia’s Daughter of Truth, 16 Dec 2011 – The Ascension Path

And at that time, if you told yourself (in your mind) something like: “It’s okay to feel this way Love, you’ve had a rough day/week/time, and you just do not have the energy to be able to raise your vibration to that level right now.

Let me measure your vibration?
Click on the link to request a vibrational reading…
The Map of Consciousness will show you what it means.

Vibrational Review: Amma The Hugging Saint or what is love in the Original Design?

amma the hugging saint Vibrational Review: Amma The Hugging Saint, aka Ammachi

Personal vibration: 200 (Updated value on 6/20/2013)

Why so low? because she has been holding her face to the light. But all the vibrational rise comes from looking at the darkness and transforming it.

The problem with Eastern religions is thus revealed.

The very few high vibration people in the Indian subcontinent do the same thing. Live a lower self, selfish, self-centered life and meditate holding their face to the light, smiling, as if it made a difference.
Continue reading “Vibrational Review: Amma The Hugging Saint or what is love in the Original Design?”