Is Sophie enlightened? Has she attained to whatever?

Is Sophie enlightened? Has she attained to whatever?

Often (too often!) people write to me telling me that I am not supposed to get angry, not supposed to be stingy, not supposed to be on thing or another…

Why? Because enlightened means, according to them, forever joyful, forever happy, and rich, rich, rich.

Having smooth youthful face, a radiant smile, and a slim body, if you are a woman. Men have no such requirements. They can be ugly, they can be a predator, they can be even disgusting looking. For men it’s OK.

So, what is the truth about enlightenment? Is there such a thing at all?

The answer depends on who you ask, but whoever you ask: they are speaking from Tree of Knowledge.

Why? Because if you say ‘I am enlightened’ according to scriptures you are lying.
And if you say ‘I am not enlightened’ you don’t know what you are talking about…

Enlightened is a trick. Just like it is a trick to call Jesus (if he existed at all) the son of god.

It is to feed the masses with inferiority… you are not like that. Creating a caste system.

Or alternatively, since the last century, anyone who can say ohm, and sit in the lotus position is ‘an enlightened master. I just found a new ‘enlightened master’ Ibrahim Hassan in Egypt. He has 10 spiritual capacities, personal vibration 170, and truth value less than 1%

enlightened masterspiritually aware: having a good and accurate grasp on how reality is… This is the dictionary meaning. When I listen to people, they say: enlightened with reverence… so, I guess, their meaning is something like approaching god-like.
enlightened master ibrahimibrahim-hassanI both listened to this person, and watched this person with the audio off… Both times I felt his impostor syndrome, I felt that he listen with the mind and speaks from the mind. None of what he says is his personal experience. Fake…
enlightened master ibrahim hassanAs I said, bs artist.

‘, a guru, and your job is touch their feet and sit with them so you can entrain yourself to their vibration.

But my measurements of any guru is that they were and are low vibration, full of anxiety, impostor syndrome, who abused their power and had no integrity.

So the so-called enlightenment, looking through the ‘enlightened ones’ is a scam to create a them and you… hunger and greed for enlightenment, no mind, silence, and such.

So the result is more anxiety, more pretense, and more misery. Wahoo… success?!

My claim to fame is not what I have attained to. My claim to fame is that I don’t ask you to do anything I am not willing to do, and 90% of the time I actually do, when I ask you to do it.

My claim to fame is I am a ‘man of understanding’ using Osho’s wording, Osho’s expression. That simply means that I don’t say something from my head, I look, I see, I say.

And given the number of years that I have been doing this, I see a lot more than anyone I know, and a lot more accurately. That is not to say that I am accurate 100% of the time. According to muscletest, I am accurate 93% of the time. 7% of the time I am off. How off? Off…

Compared to the 2%-10% truth value of others, I am up there, but I am not 100%.

Now, with that in mind, that is only when I speak. And mostly when I speak about you to you.

When it comes to me, I am wrong 20% of the time. Why? Because it is very hard to see your own self.

So if I lived till 120, I still would not see myself accurately, even though it is a daily occurrence that I see something I was wrong about.

Can you be with me, can you trust me if I am only accurate 93% of the time? And that with double-checking myself with muscletest, really frequently… Without that I would be wrong a lot more often.

Some people, especially if your soul correction is ‘Silent Partner’, have a serious issue with trust.

It is because you are afraid to trust yourself. Because you have an eye for mistakes you make… and you even pay more attention than others.

So your issue with self-trust is projected to others in the world, and you’ll have a hard time trusting me.

One of the fundamental missings, for a lot of people, is self-trust, the ability to say: if I screw up: I can handle it. If I succeed, I can handle that too.

Self-trust is the ability to say: I can handle it.

When self trust is turned on and is working, you stop resisting, you stop procrastinating, you stop avoiding what you are not sure about… and become an expanding human going on expanding human being.

Because lack of self-trust is preventing you from that…

The activation is, on your end, is quite simple: you need to do, for three days, things you are not used to doing: taking risky steps, talking to strangers, asking for help, taking wrong turns driving, taking on assignment you are not sure you can fulfill but are going to.

It will not eliminate fear: I am still afraid from new things… but I am rarely stopped by them. Now that I have included being homeless as something I can be with… I can see that I can handle a lot more… Jail? dealing with authorities? Still scares the living out of me… So self-trust is 70% working.

And this is what you should expect with every capacity: it is a 1-100% thing… For example, generosity is only 30% active and working for me. I still interrupt people, I still connect their success with my no-success and react with anger…

Whether I am ‘enlightened’ or not, I am still human.

PS: If self-trust is your big issue, here is the link to order the activation of self-trust. Self-trust is sorely needed for most of the things on the Tree of Life.

Especially it is needed when I ask you to choose something, or invent something, as in the upcoming Invent Your Self course…

What do you use to avoid process?

here-is-the-processI just noticed that guessing is not a good method in process… neither is faking it, winging it, etc. It’s not a process if someone else cannot follow in your footstep! Ugh.

I can see that I need to change more things than one… especially guessing… I find it irresistibly funny… lol… even though I am not sure what is making me laugh out loud. But it tickles my funny bone that all my habits fly in the face of process.

Ego is trying to assert itself, yelling that it’s boring…

Some 30 years ago I participated in a seminar series on and for creativity. I have one thing I still remember: don’t bring creativity to how you wash your teeth. Bring creativity where it is called for…

And only having the process capacity now 7%, that I can see that I have been trying to do creativity on mundane actions, because I was locked out from where real creativity would have mattered: creating working processes.
Continue reading “What do you use to avoid process?”

The capacity of accomplishment… the capacity of process

richard branson has the process capacity activatedI have tested every single person who I deal with regularly, and none of them have the “process” capacity turned on.

  • Warren Buffet has it on.
  • Steve Jobs didn’t have it on.
  • Bill Gates has it on.
  • Sir Richard Branson has it on.
  • Frank Kern (marketing genius) has it on.
  • Brendon Burchard (marketing genius) has it on
  • Jeff Walker of Product Launch formula fame has it on.
  • President Obama doesn’t have it on. The Donald doesn’t have it on.
  • Ryan Deiss (marketing genius) has it on
  • You may have it on if you won the Nobel Prize… But Einstein didn’t have it on.

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Capacities… what does it mean? How do you know someone only has a few capacities active?


Capacities… what does it mean? How do you know someone only has a few capacities active?

I was on a marketing webinar… actually it is still going on as I am writing this.

The presenters are two brothers in Ireland… genius as far as building a piece of software, morons in every other area that I can see.

One has nine, the other has ten capacities working.

So, in the brief duration of the webinar, what were the capacities that weren’t turned on and made it pure hell being on the webinar:

  • not having a sense of what they sound like
  • talking about a screen not aware that that is not what the attendees of the webinar see
  • building an offer that timed poorly, presented poorly, salesy…
  • overselling…

Those are behaviors that are underlied by 10 capacities that they don’t have…
Continue reading “Capacities… what does it mean? How do you know someone only has a few capacities active?”

Does having more capacities raise your vibration too?

Does having more capacities raise your vibration too?

presidential-election-2016Superiority… The word comes up a lot in my coaching. Mostly in the context of your soul correction.

But in reality, some things are superior to other things… because all exists on many scales.

On the DNA capacities “scale” someone with 30 capacities is superior to someone who has 29, 20, 10, 7.

I haven’t found anyone with less than seven capacities, though I am sure there are.

So superior is not the issue. Acting superior is the issue.

It attacks people’s egos, the part of a human that makes sure the person survives. And as in any competition, it can get ugly. 1

People tend to cultivate the capacities that they consider an unfair advantage in the competition for survival.

In politics, it is mostly lying convincingly, trashing the other, promising, and such. In many areas that is physical strength.
Continue reading “Does having more capacities raise your vibration too?”

DNA… how many strands of dna does a human have?

DNA… how many strands of dna does a human have?

eric_pearl_bookLet’s talk about DNA… frauds, misinformation, bull crap

I am reading Eric Pearl’s book, something or other Reconnection.

The book has a 2% truth value. Which means that 98 percent of it is untrue. And 20% of it is deliberate lie… the rest is delusion, tree of knowledge, etc.

I read the book on Kindle, and I am at 40% in reading it.

I am reading it as a novel, a fantastical story, and as such, it is funny, witty…

He meant it as telling the truth, and teaching how to heal people…
Continue reading “DNA… how many strands of dna does a human have?”

Should you read Kabbalah? I mean popular Kabbalah, Kabbalah the way the Kabbalah Centre teaches it

kabbala vs. kabbalah centre kabbalah

  • Kabbalah the way the Kabbalah Centre teaches it: Truth value: 10%
  • If you take out god, and incarnation, karma, law of attraction, etc., all the religious connotations: 19%

Compare the 19%

  • Compare it with the Old Testament: Truth value less than 1%
  • Compare it with the New Testament: Truth value less than 1%
  • Compare it with The Law of Attraction: Truth value less than 1%
  • Indian scriptures: Truth value 2%

Obviously your best bet is to read Kabbalah books, but to read them with the capacity of Discernment, also known as Astuteness, Mental Acuity, so you can allow the not true things to be there, but soak up the truth that is 19%.

So, obviously, Kabbalah doesn’t have all the truth. It has 19%.
The truth value of what I teach is 70%, so I don’t have all the truth either.

Does reading what I write give you 70% of the truth? I wish. You can’t get it, don’t get it, for two reasons:
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What is a revelation really? Was Moses’ accurate?

What is a revelation really? Was Moses’ accurate?

moses made up a whole story from an insightPeople who say the whole truth was revealed to them are lying. Even if their name was Moses…
The nature of “revelation” is that you get a glimpse beyond the veil, then the veil closes.

People who talk about “grand” revelations are filling in the gaps in sight and memory with their imagination, that is why most things you read have a very low truth value. 1%-10%… very few over 20%.

So what is the process that allows revelation to create a system of higher truth value?

My experience has been that experimentation, using the fresh and dramatic information as a starting point, you start to poke the edges of the unknown and get little bits of new information. Thus you enlarged the “hole” but not with your imagination, but with truth.

This is my method. It takes time, it takes creativity, it takes all I’ve got. And it takes willing participants who are willing for me to experiment with them.
Continue reading “What is a revelation really? Was Moses’ accurate?”

More vibrational reviews: is she an empath? is she a psychic? is she a witch? Rose Rosetree a second view

A client had his attachments pulled in March. He came back after seven months for a checkup. His vibration dropped 60 points.

I checked him for attachments, and he had nine, two of them healer attachments.

These are the people he bought classes from, or watched their videos.

1. Henna Datta, the wealth alchemist: personal vibration: 100.

2. Kristeanna Alfonso: “psychic” Personal vibration: 70

3. Belinda Davidson: personal vibration: 130. powerful dark energies. casts darks attachments on you

4. Michelle Lowbridge: erase money blocks… personal vibration: 160

5. Andrrea Hess personal vibration: 120

6. Teresa Dietz: can’t find her

7. Rose Rosetree Personal vibration: 170. even her videos distribute attachments. beware. the attachment on your forehead is from her. By the way, she calls herself an empath, but empaths connect without an energy cord… so she isn’t an empath. She is a witch… of the worst kind.

He asked how he could avoid getting more attachments in the future. I recommended that he asks me first… but given his attraction to low vibration people I don’t think I can hold him back: he is attracted to Dark Side, to shadow.

Vibrational reviews Abdy Electriciteh, Val Tignini, and Mohammad Eshtehar

Vibrational reviews Abdy Electriciteh, Val Tignini, and Mohammad Eshtehar

Most of the reviews were written at students’ and clients’ request.

Here is one:

“How interesting that my vibration is so low. I have been working with Abdy Electriciteh , Val Tignini, and Mohammad Eshtehar.? I have had wonderful experiences with them and the energy is strong.
I have had dreams most of my life that tell me messages. So now…. very confusing!!!”

The client’s vibration is 100. So let’s see what is her “gurus” doing in the area of vibration.

Remember: vibration is the degree to which you are growing in the direction the DNA gives you… towards the next evolutionary phase: human being.

Dreams and experiences probably mean: you are decorating your cave… not moving out of it.
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