The physics of happiness… a happy life… The light bulb?!

The physics of happiness… a happy life… The light bulb?!

The article about being nice, and smiling gurus brought me a lot of email responses… some disagreeing violently.

A few years ago I read a story about the Buddha…

In that story someone came to the bodhi tree where Buddha was teaching his disciples, and insulted the Buddha. His disciples were stunned to watch that the Buddha did not show any reaction. When the man left, his disciples told the Buddha how amazing it was that he didn’t get upset.

The Buddha (vibration around 400) said (this is the important thing, pay attention!): I got upset, I got angry, but I let it go so fast that you didn’t catch it.

Reading that changed my life. Dramatically.

Continue reading “The physics of happiness… a happy life… The light bulb?!”

Curiosity, hunger, appetite, are you killing them all?

Curiosity, hunger, appetite, are you killing them all?
Curiosity… Hunger… appetite… sexual desire…are you killing them all?

Your parents, your teachers told you: don’t eat candy, don’t eat cookies before dinner: it will kill your appetite.

The five ‘hardware-type’ needs, the need for energy supply, information, safety, reproduction and group are guided by feelings… all a lot like hunger.

Hunger can be fulfilled with empty calories or good, nourishing food.

The need, the second most vital need is the hunger for information. We also call that curiosity. You can fulfill it, just like the first one, with junk. Continue reading “Curiosity, hunger, appetite, are you killing them all?”

Emotional Intelligence: learning what emotions are…

Emotional Intelligence: learning what emotions are…

Given that I go deep inside humans… deep into the invisible… all the way to DNA, this article is different than what everyone says about emotional intelligence…

So if you want the same b.s. beware… It isn’t. Continue reading “Emotional Intelligence: learning what emotions are…”

Fear in reality vs fear in the cave… Are they different?

Fear in reality vs fear in the cave… Are they different?

Every living thing must have fear or they would be dead already… meaning the species. Fear is a useful warning that life is dangerous, and every species is the food of another one.

So we have a reason to be afraid. In reality. Animals, cars, other people… all good reasons.

In reality fear is like a nudge. Continue reading “Fear in reality vs fear in the cave… Are they different?”

Why does a billionaire read books on physics?

Why does a billionaire read books on physics?

Patterns… or Why do billionaires read books on physics, the ice ages, the shorelines of our planet?

There are many ways to deal with the Universe, with reality, and most of them are ineffective.

The more effectively you ‘deal’ with reality, the more you get out of your life. Continue reading “Why does a billionaire read books on physics?”

Look for it where it is, not where the light is on

Look for it where it is, not where the light is on

Everyone is looking for the lost key under the lamppost…

The current state of humanity is: no one is looking…

Instead, if they do anything, they try to think it out.

It is like trying to think out soup… no ingredients, none.

The only way to be effective in life is through looking IN REALITY, where the ingredients are… and not just for soup, but for everything.

The Streetlight Effect Continue reading “Look for it where it is, not where the light is on”

Are you stuck on the binary level of thinking? Let’s look

Are you stuck on the binary level of thinking? Let’s look

binary thinkingMost people, 99% of the time, are stuck on the systemic judgment level… where everything has an opposite, and it is either one or the other.

Binary thinking. What is Binary Thinking? Binary thinking, also known as dichotomous thinking, happens when even complex concepts, ideas, and problems are overly simplified into being one side or another. The gray area in the middle is ignored or goes unnoticed. Binary thinking helps us feel a sense of certainty.

Another way of looking: reality is 3d… Your thinking is binary… No match. No astuteness. No correct actions possible. Continue reading “Are you stuck on the binary level of thinking? Let’s look”

Can you change? or you just become more of what you are?

Can you change? or you just become more of what you are?

you only live 3% of your potentialLet me start with something I had to sleep on to see: you are not all you can be, even not inside the box you live in.

What box?

Well, you are born with a certain DNA and it gives you a box. Your DNA predetermines the size of your box.

In my experience people fulfill on their box-given potential, to an average 3%. In every area of life… health, wealth, love and happiness. People who do very well: above 30%. (What limits them? really good question… I’ll write an article on that soon…)

People, you, can grow inside their box… but mostly they, you don’t…

You can estimate to what degree someone fills their box (potential) by seeing at what point they become boring. Yes, boring. OK, maybe not to you, but to me at some point I can see them limited by their box: they repeat themselves. My three coaches, for example… 🙁

I started to watch this dude, wheezy yesterday…. Continue reading “Can you change? or you just become more of what you are?”

Being open is the hardest but most profitable ways to be

Being open is the hardest but most profitable ways to be

being open and vulnerableAbout a year ago I bought into a business coaching program where there are several calls a week with different coaches, and, for the most part, I think it is not a good program. Why?

I have been seeing that the coaches look at the program where their job is to say what they have to say… So when you really look there is a them and us, them and me separation… they are up there, and I am down here… and I have a few jobs: 1. admire them 2. participate if asked so they can sound even more awesome 3. if possible, talk only when what I have to say is ‘I bought this thing from this coach and it is awesome’ like a ‘witnessing’.

And the participants, about a hundred people, only want to hear what ‘the coaches’ have to say, like in a church. The coaches are the deity… and you are the whatever they call the true believers… I’ve never really been one. Maybe a little bit in Landmark Education? Continue reading “Being open is the hardest but most profitable ways to be”

Genes, gene adjustment are great, but the human machine

Genes, gene adjustment are great, but the human machine

the human machine is more complicated than a fighter jetGenes, gene adjustment are great, but if you continue looking in the mind to see what to do next, all those gene changes will leave you, most probably, unchanged.

I am doing a lot of ‘gene adjustments’ suddenly. And with that a lot of pondering.

The adjustment takes only a few seconds, because all I need to do is connect to the person, connect to Source, and utter the ‘command’ or request… So it is relatively painless.

But a lot of people also asked for their Starting point measurements… which means I need to stay connected to them for a long time.

And because the non-compliant genes, the baby genes that didn’t turn off, or the permission gene that makes people cling to safety, I am looking at all those 43 measurements suddenly differently… Continue reading “Genes, gene adjustment are great, but the human machine”