What can geniuses teach you… no matter what is your IQ

What can geniuses teach you… no matter what is your IQ

I just finished reading an article online, a National Geographic article on genius.

Like Tai makes us look at billionaires to learn from. I am looking at genius to learn from how to teach you.

I’ve read the article. I found it occasionally irritating.

It’s not a conscious irritation, like “nooo, you don’t know! or Nooo, not true!” you often experience when you hear something or read something you don’t like.

This was an irritation I just noticed… after I read the article. Continue reading “What can geniuses teach you… no matter what is your IQ”

The crucial difference. People on the top and you. Part 1

The crucial difference. People on the top and you. Part 1

I slept in today.

I had a dream up till the very moment I opened my eyes.

In the dream I talked to lots of smart people. So I didn’t want to wake up… I was hanging around longer than usual in the threshold. I talked to Warren Buffet, Charlie Munger, Bill Gates, Michael Jordan… I also watched them.

I wasn’t looking for answers, I was looking. And I got some answers.

I was curious to see how they were that they could go so far further than most in wealth, success. In fame. Continue reading “The crucial difference. People on the top and you. Part 1”

An experiment will prove or disproves a theory

An experiment will prove or disproves a theory

This won’t be my first experiment that either succeeds or not. Either prove or disprove a theory.

We live in a culture that wants answers, certainty, security, and abhors uncertainty. We live in a culture that we want instant results… and we act accordingly.

So my work doesn’t appeal to many people, because I am an experimenter. Continue reading “An experiment will prove or disproves a theory”

Raising your vibration and having agendas: can you do it?

Raising your vibration and having agendas: can you do it?

you attract what you fear, you repel what you wantWhether there is such a thing “law of attraction” or not, there is a phenomenon that I have observed.

If you want something, it tends to get away from you.

Whether it is love, having a community, being well thought of, or money… the wanting it renders you tense, reactive, and closed off. Act in predictable ways, the ways we have revealed for some of you in the Upsets workshop. (Started as Feelings webinars)

Wanting is a mind thing. Maybe a desire trap, maybe not, but definitely not from the Tree of Life, where it is obvious that if you want something, then you go for it, and do the things that get it for you. Not what you always do…

No tension, no tightness, no tight throat… just doing the things that get it for you. Continue reading “Raising your vibration and having agendas: can you do it?”

The person who is most adaptable and willing to change..

The person who is most adaptable and willing to change..

The person who is most adaptable and willing to change is going to win in life

Changeability, adaptability: what prevents you from being changeable or adaptable so you can win?

Darwin may have said: The species that is most adaptable wins the genetic lottery. Humanity’s, society’s emphasis is on smarts, but smart people are often losers.

Groups of people survived in history if they could adapt to the changing environment, the changing of the world successfully.

This is also true for the individual who wants to be successful and live the good life. (Success in one area does not translate to the good life, where you are successful in health, wealth, love and happiness equally). Continue reading “The person who is most adaptable and willing to change..”

Confidence? overconfidence? confident or overconfident?

Confidence? overconfidence? confident or overconfident?

the dunning krueger effect of overconfidenceAn open and well-reasoned person might be very wrong, even if they’re rightfully confident. A falsely confident person could well be right, even if their confidence is false. Confidence is a feeling, a state of mind, and a way of presenting oneself. It isn’t in itself a good measure of correctness.

False Confidence, overconfidence, confident or overconfident… What is the measure of correctness?

The measure of correctness, (from value science, Axiology,) is clarity. You can be visible, clear and crystal clear. These are categories of how accurately you see reality.
Continue reading “Confidence? overconfidence? confident or overconfident?”

Awareness: what the heck is that? A word… OK. But what does it mean?

Awareness: what the heck is that? A word… OK. But what does it mean?

It is said that awareness 1 , the awareness factor is the best predictor of someone’s chances for success.

Simply put: your awareness is a measure that expresses how far your head is out of your anus, and how much of what you see, hear, feel reaches your conscious awareness and triggers an APPROPRIATE response there.

That is quite a mouthful, right? So to make it easier, I am going to speak computer language… if you don’t understand, I am sorry. I use many different analogies later on in this article, so just hang in there… OK?

The brain receives all the signals the sensory organs provide, but is selective about bringing it to the conscious, because of bandwidth limitations. Continue reading “Awareness: what the heck is that? A word… OK. But what does it mean?”

Violence: is it innate, or is it imposed on humanity?

Violence: is it innate, or is it imposed on humanity?

the path to self-actualization... the tree of lifeOne of my students wrote to me:

Self-care. I perform the poorest and I’m not consistent. Not sure what one category it fits under, in a way I can see it being a part of all big four areas of life.

To me it’s like I need to steal it in order to get it, it doesn’t come naturally or where I don’t feel guilty. Even reading by myself I feel guilty of being selfish. It’s etched in me and so when I do want to take care of myself it feels like I have to fight for the right, when I really don’t.

Now, it should be obvious for anyone who has read the Feelings book that what she is talking about is the basic needs of a human. That the phenomenon she talks about is not personal, that most women, especially in different male-centered cultures will mistakenly behave like this: violently deny their own needs. Rights vs. needs. Continue reading “Violence: is it innate, or is it imposed on humanity?”

Even if the movement starts in the direction of hell…

Even if the movement starts in the direction of hell…

As you can see, I republished one of the most important articles I have ever published.

What is important in that article is the insight. It is an insight about a life well lived. Einstein said:

“If A is a success in life, then A equals x plus y plus z. Work is x; y is play; and z is keeping your mouth shut.” 1

The insight is that you can use the laws of physics in your life to succeed.

We can use Newton’s first law to achieve great things, to live a life we were meant to live, to live the life Life meant for us to live.

Continue reading “Even if the movement starts in the direction of hell…”

Who or what has the power in your life. You? something else?

Who or what has the power in your life. You? something else?

struggling to make ends meetMarch is a survival month. I have been observing it for 30 years. If a business can make it past March, then it will make it another year. This is due to people’s (the buyers who keep business in business) spending habits…

For people, the reason they don’t have money to spend in January, February and March, I think, begins by overspending in December. Then they scramble through January, February and March to make up for the Christmas indulgence.

Most people live hand to mouth, YOLO (you only live once), Epicurian… Continue reading “Who or what has the power in your life. You? something else?”