Create yourself and your world with your WORD

Create yourself and your world with your WORD

We had our last What’s Missing workshop for the season yesterday.

What a learning experience it was! Again.

I found out that unbeknownst to me I was still hesitant to believe that I am going to live, that I am not on borrowed time, that if I save money, I’ll have a chance to use it. Continue reading “Create yourself and your world with your WORD”

Why and how the hit-bottom method works? Works well…

Why and how the hit-bottom method works? Works well…

hitting bottom is a good thingIn numerology, each number has a special meaning… and even the components of your final destiny number…

My main number is 7, my secondary number is 4.

I like 4. Four symbolizes a chimney: there is only one way to go: up.

Most numbers have sideways moves… and that is what most people do to avoid growing. To avoid what it takes, work, pain, telling the truth… avoiding these at all cost… even if the cost is everything and anything they ever wanted…

So as a coach, I have to take them to a magical turning point: I need to force them to hit bottom. If they let me… 🙁

I had two workshops yesterday… And in the second, two of my participants volunteered to declare that they hit bottom. Continue reading “Why and how the hit-bottom method works? Works well…”

Cancer is Like A Human: desire to receive for the self alone

Cancer is Like A Human: desire to receive for the self alone

how cancer thinks like a human... desire to receive for the self aloneIf you want to understand cancer…

If you want to understand cancer watch yourself and people you know. You will understand more about the condition than through any other “information” source.

If you think you should only watch other people, it only means you are worse than others…

What is the similarity between cancer and humans?

Cancer is not part of an organization, it doesn’t even know about the organization. It knows only about itself. Cancer doesn’t care about the big picture. Cancer is driven exclusively by its mind, which tells him that he is to reproduce itself exactly the same way as its parents: all new members of the “family” need to be exactly the same, no individuality, no variations, not deviation. The new ones need to have faith, be Jewish, Christina, Hindu, Mohammedan, or whatever the “parents” were, no alterations.

The new cells are trained that it’s a competition out there, and their loyalties need to lie with the family, right or wrong, loyalties are your number one concern. The survival of the “family.”
Continue reading “Cancer is Like A Human: desire to receive for the self alone”

What about your negative emotions?

There is a hidden monkey wrench in the title. Emotions are neither negative nor positive, but let’s just forget that for a moment.

Depending on the answer to that question, you are either a happy, well-adjusted person, or a wretch.

Wow, Sophie, isn’t that an exaggeration? The answer to just one question?

I understand your outrage, but yes. The answer to just one question will tell me what kind of person you are. As far as everything… by the way.

I used to be a person you didn’t want around. I came from an abusive background, and spread it to others in spades. Misery loves company… lol not funny. 1

When suppressed, when denied, emotions go underground. What is unexpressed yearns to be expressed. It builds pressure and one way or another it will express itself. In self-abuse, in the abuse of others, or maybe even more violent ways.
Continue reading “What about your negative emotions?”

Your Dark Side: Desire To Receive For The Self Alone, Cutting Your Nose In Spite Of Your Face

All religions are against selfishness. All parents, all people tell you that you are a better person if you are about others rather than being about you.

The problem with this universally accepted principle is that we actually don’t know what we are talking about. It seems that what we are asked is to be selfless, to give up our selves, our self-interest.

Selfless can mean two things, both are a crime, a sin 1 , a horrible thing giving you a horrible life:
  • 1. We now have and know no self. This is a widespread phenomenon 2 in this day and age, and I was a victim of this phenomenon for many decades.

I literally did not know what I liked, what I wanted, what turned me on, what floated my boat, what I was excited about, what would have I wanted.

I knew fairly well what I didn’t like, but just like with everything, there are a thousand ways to miss the bulls eye, but only one way to hit it.

Knowing who you are, what you want, what turns you on, what ticks you off, what your preferences are, what your values are is mandatory, if you want to be on the path to become a human being.

Without that you are just unconscious sheep. 3

  • 2. Giving up your own life, on your own life, on your own interest, on your own enjoyment, on your own fulfillment… for others’ life, interest, enjoyment, fulfillment, whatever…

You cannot be a human being giving away your own life: it is against your nature, you are suppressing your nature, and anything suppressed will get its due: you either will go crazy, sick, or raging angry at the most inopportune times.

It is only your ego, the one that says: “but I am good…” enjoys it.

Human Being, (not just by looks and physiology, but by consciousness,) a Human Being, takes 100% responsibility for his physiology, for his needs, and takes care of those, without abusing anyone, without taking away anything that belongs to someone else.

A real Human Being does not suppress: instead uses his intelligence to express the needs, fulfill the need at appropriate times and in appropriate places.

You need to own that you are built on animal body, and consciousness, nothing will change that.

Making your nature wrong kills you, kills your body, kills your spirituality, but feeds your ego.
Unless you are Self-ish, your life won’t matter. Your self-expression will be pretentious and fake, or non-existent. Your creative powers will be un-expressed, unused, or frittered away.

Now, let me talk about something that no one talks about: another price of suppression: ego.

Ego, in its eagerness to make you special, make you successful, is doing a horrible number on you.

All Soul Corrections deal with this very issue: I am going to explain it here.

Desire to receive for the self alone is what modern psychology calls ego. Ego desire. Being right, making the other wrong, dominating, avoiding domination, avoiding responsibility, and all the other ego moves. 4

Instead of being Self-ish, (knowing who you are, knowing what is your unique expression, knowing what you need and what you want, without EVER violating another’s right for the same) you have suppressed Self-ishness, and now you feel justified to trample on other people’s rights, interfere with their lives, or withhold what you would naturally give them.

I can see this clearly in conversations, namely in all podcasts, all Playground partner calls… It is so obvious to me, so invisible to the offending person.

Most of your life is about gaining power over others… a clear violation of the base law which is: you can have anything you want without taking away another’s right for self-determination, for fulfilling their purpose, to earn their living, to live in peace and happiness.

Your main ambition in life seems to be making people miserable, upset, feel bad about themselves, get sick, lose the will to live.

I mean it. This is your main occupation, your main, albeit hidden purpose in life, unless you are Self-ish.

When you are Self-ish, you are busy creating, you are busy Self-expressing, or just living.

People suffer servitude, or animosity around you, and you pretend that you have nothing to do with it.

You won’t really do anything else, lest they have some fun, some benefit, feel like they can just live their lives. No, you won’t allow that!

Let me give you a recent example:

I have recently released a revolutionary audio recording, called Harmonize The Planet. Originally it was meant, like the name suggests, for harmonizing the planet. I asked people to join in and I was collecting a “donation” to be able to make a difference in the world.

Making a difference in the world is something very important to me, given that humanity has accelerated the pace with which it is destroying life on the planet. And there are not a lot of people whose activity can make a difference in that arena. I was excited that I could create something, and I thought that people will be excited to be able to contribute. After all this is OUR planet. And I supposed that my readership consisted of high-minded people.

Then something unexpected happened: the audio turned out to be doing two other things, on the level of the individual, things I didn’t know it would do or even could do..

  • It turned out to be an effective antidote for the common anguish and anxiety… Trust me, I had tried everything before, and nothing worked like this audio.
  • The second thing that it does is even more valuable. You see, to go to the next evolutionary level, humans need to use the mind as a tool, instead of being used by the mind… like puppets.

People use their minds to understand things, to listen, to see, to see what they feel. The mind is not a suitable tool for that, so people are completely cut off from reality, and the culprit is the predominance of the mind.

This audio, The Harmonizer, shuts up the mind. It creates a welcome pause, a silence, in which the Beyond can talk to you, in which you can contemplate who you are, in which you can feel your feelings, listen to your inner guidance, hear what others are saying, or just rest.

The audio cost a pittance, but only my students were buying it.

When I muscletested why other readers don’t buy it, I got that people resent that they have to pay for others’ benefit. They’d rather stay anguished, or riddled with a busy mind, lest others benefit from what they are doing.

Now, whether they are thinking of their mother-in-law, their “best” friend, I don’t know. I know one thing: if it benefits another, as well as them, they don’t want it.

Here is another example:

Some 25 years ago I had a lover. Every time I wanted to have sex, he refused. He said he felt used. He said that I was asking for it because it was good for me.

What he could not see, did not see, is that he, a man, always enjoyed sex, whether I did or not. But he preferred that he was the only one enjoying it.

Somehow it made him feel better if he was the only beneficiary of the “act.”

The people that say: no, “I won’t buy the Harmonize The Planet audio, because it also helps others,” are just like this one-time boy friend of mine.

A direct result of pretending all your life to be generous and selfless… while you withhold yourself and wish everyone dead around you, so you can finally have your day.Get your Harmonizer audio

PS: Misery loves company, the crab bucket are examples of desire to receive for the self alone. Each soul correction has their unique way of sucking the life out of life… maybe I should write an article about that. Do you know what is your soul-correction?

How the about-me score effects everything in your life

How the about-me score effects everything in your life

How the about-me score effects your relationships, how you appear in the world, how successful you can be?

Everyone, always, wants to effect the results directly, but that is not the nature of reality. The result comes from many many factors, that together and individually can be effected… and the synergistic effect finally gets all the way to the end result.

In some contexts the end result is your vibration. In others your worldly results, like how much money you make.

Because most people have no idea how the world works, what is the nature of reality, they are highly ineffective in the world, and they are highly dupable.

If you cannot see cause and effect, the connection between things, you’ll do stupid things, put the cart in front of the horses, and spend time and money on ineffective practices, ineffective programs.

Religion is one of these ineffective practices, ineffective programs. Continue reading “How the about-me score effects everything in your life”

How the Avatar State Activator takes you to abundance

How the Avatar State Activator takes you to abundance

Everyone wants stuff, it seems we live in the age of wanting. Strong wanting. Desperate wanting. All consuming wanting.

The entire paradigm of manifesting and law of attraction paradigm uses it to make money for the “teachers”, experts, writers, youtube broadcasters.


Billionaire Charlie Munger says: Everybody wants the good life but not everybody gets the good life. “To get what you want, you have to deserve (earn!) what you want. The world is not yet a crazy enough place to reward a whole bunch of undeserving people.”

And deserving is being at the right place at the right time with the right attitude, doing the things that earns the stuff you want. Health, wealth, love, and happiness.

Earning it.

If I asked you what you do to earn what you want, you would say “nothing,” or you would say “I do this and that.”

…and when I ask you: how much of this and that do you do, timewise? we would find out that mostly you just think about it. Fantasize about it.

I remember as a child I fantasized a lot about how I was going to spend the million bucks I win on the lottery. My brother is not a child (he is 65) but he still does exactly that…

For years I supported him and his family, financially, and he never appreciated it. Why? Not because he is a bad person, and he may be a bad person… My contribution paled in comparison to the millions he fantasized about.

He wanted millions, and he was unhappy with my meager contribution to him… like 90% of humanity. 90% in the same trap. The technical term for that wanting is “the desire trap”.

We live in an age of wanting, we live in the age of the Desire Trap.

You don’t even know what you would have to do, how much and with what attitude to actually earn what you want. Your wanting is just that… a gnawing dissatisfaction, with zero foundation in reality.

Life can be lived on two distinct planes (paradigms), the horizontal plane and the vertical plane.

Wanting keeps you squarely on the horizontal plane, the Valley of The Shadow of Death… every day you get one day closer to death, you are in a hurry, to avoid death, to avoid pain, to avoid discomfort, to avoid getting older.

You even do spirituality on the horizontal plane. You act how you think spirituality is… or should be.

Here is an email showing what I mean:

I see Orbs with me all the time, my outdoor cameras capture amazing Light Beings, since April I am able to feel the vibration from crystals and before that I feel vibrations from trees, especially if they are really old. At times I can feel their emotions. Wild cats come to me especially when I am sad or vibrating high.

Or your health:

I am very healthy and do not contract cold/flu. I’ve been sick once in the last few years. My skin is glowing. My hair lustrous. My skin on my body very soft to the touch. I am 42 but look much younger. I’m lean and fit. My body does not look it’s age or even close to my age.

Could you please explain this to me?

None of it is what spirituality or health on the vertical plane are.

On the vertical plane you see rightly. You see reality the way reality is, no distortions. No preconcieved notions. No Tree of Knowledge second-hand knowledge. You see.

Your wanting, on the horizontal plane, acts as a distortion filter what narrows your cone of vision, and blurs your vision.

If you want to deserve what you want, the good life, or any component of it, you need to get first to the vertical plane where you can see rightly, where you can have the right attitude.

Seeing rightly allows you to see where you are. See it with sober eyes, and see how from where you are you can get to where you want to get to.

It may take one action, it may take a million, but you’ll be able to see some actions that will, at least, take you to a place closer to where you want to be.

None of this is visible on the horizontal plane. And that means that every single action you take, or plan to take on the horizontal plane is misdirected. Based on a distorted view of reality, a distorted view of yourself as well.

  • One of the distortions is that you are better than you are.
  • Another is that it can be fast, maybe even instant… And when you believe that, when reality will look as if it supported that distorted view, you’ll do things that are designed to cause instant results.

Prayer, incantation, energy healing, schemes, goalsetting, vision boards, mind movies.

Some of those actually work on the vertical plane… but they never work instantly… because the nature of reality is that everything is a process.

Now, if you wanted to do what is the most expeditious action to get you what you want, your first step would be to get yourself in the position where you can see what is real, and act from there.

I have a bunch of short energy audios you can play in the background, looping, called Avatar State Activators.

They carry you onto the vertical plane as long as you consciously work with the energy.

I, for example play the Abundance Generator audio in my office. It has the audible birds in the meadow recording combined with the energy audio.

I am present to the audio, to the birds a few minutes in a normal day, and present and co-creative with the energy even less than that.

I asked one of my students how long he hears the audio. He told me he turns it on for a few minutes a day, the rest of the time he uses the speaker for something else.

And even when he hears the birds (he bought the Abundance Generator as well) he is not actively helping the energy to lift him to the vertical plane.

Joel Salatin says: I don’t mind carrying a man but I don’t want him dragging his feet… The co-creative energy is the same way: it will do half of the work, and your cooperation, your mindset, your attention will do the other half.

On the horizontal plane you expect everything to work without your input. If you bring that same attitude to getting to the vertical plane, to listening to the Avatar state activator audio. Your attitude is dragging your feet.

In my coaching methodology I only pay attention to the actions, attitudes, behaviors that keep you away from the heaven you seek.

And clarifying your vision, your target. Because without a vision, without a target to move towards, you are still dragging your feet.

Without a target you’ll be busy, but will go nowhere.

I am always suspicious of busy people. Busy-ness covers up that you don’t know where you are going, that you are scared to set a target, or that you just want excitement.

Even on the vertical plane it takes time for the eyes to see clearly, and to know what you are seeing. How do I know? I am observing myself, my eyes, and my own experience.

Obviously I don’t go to the cave of my mind to see…

Targets, visions, created in the cave of the mind are not based on reality, neither the outer reality, nor your inner reality. They are dreams.

I do most of my looking and pondering of what I want to pick as a target either while talking to someone who knows something about what one needs to set a realistic target. About 10% of coaches can do that. The 90% is utterly clueless.

I once had a coach who created plans and targets for people that completely ignored reality, but baited them to stay and pay her the big bucks.

I have a student who is getting good at being a brainstorming partner with me: this may be the direction his life is moving… we shall see.

Having a conversation with someone who cannot see reality is not useful. Someone who lives fully on the horizontal plane…

I once, doing a project in a Landmark Education course, had a coach who was like a cheerleader… utterly useless.

In my accountability coaching I pair up people who work on this exact thing: observing reality, inner and outer, and experiment… Post their results daily, read my feedback, daily, and in a weekly conversation with each other, they go deeper, and can brainstorm.

That program, the accountability coaching is suitable only for people who make time to do the work it takes to get better, and get closer to their target.

Often the first target is to choose a direction, by the way. A target picked out of thin air is a mind-product: useless, and a false start. The target needs to come from your inner and outer reality… not from your head.

But in the accountability coaching you can test it… it will prove itself… or not.

And, as you interact with your accountability partner and me, DAILY!!!, your inner and outer reality is becoming easier and easier to see. Your eyes become sharper, and your actions become more and more in line with the direction you want to go.

How long does it take?

It’s a tricky question. In my experience,

unless I see your direction through the inner and outer reality your revealed in your posts and actions, I can’t help you get there.

This is the main reason I refuse to take on many new participants. The more stuff they talk about, I know that they less they will be willing to reveal their reality.

The distance between their real self and their precious I they want to shove under my nose, is too big.

It takes courage and WORK to bring the two selves closer, no energy by itself, no course by itself, no person by themselves will be able to do it for you.

If you live an inauthentic life, if your livelihood, marriage, social standing is entrenched in having a façade, I most likely won’t take you on as a client.

I don’t mind carrying a man, but I don’t want them to drag their feet.

When you want to maintain appearances, that is dragging your feet.

Only in fables, like Jesus and the two sets of footprints FABLE suggest that you can be taken to heaven… No. Someone can walk you to heaven, but you need to do the walking.

Bad news? Hey… there is more where this came from.

Now, what would I do if I were you?
  1. I would pick an avatar state activator audio (it activates the avatar state… aka the vertical plane) of any flavor you like.
  2. And start playing it in the background, Just don’t play it in your bedroom: it won’t let you sleep… the energy is too strong. In fact it is too strong for your brain… so don’t listen too closely, no headphones, please.
  3. Start learning how to lift your feet of the ground, so you don’t drag them. Get the hang of it… Feel the lifting power of the energy. It lifts you by your chest…
  4. And when lifted, start looking at your life, at yourself, at what you’d want even if it cost you much.
The more successful you are at this stage, the more suitable you become for coaching of any kind.

What do you need?

  1. You need to pick one focus for the audio… not two-three-four like many have done. ONE.
  2. You need a good quality speaker that you can power without any other instrument… computer audio won’t work too well for this.
  3. The audio needs to be on the speaker itself.
  4. And you need your willingness to work WITH the energy. Consider the energy a fireman, a Jesus, who wants to carry you to safety, but cannot do it without your participation. That is how I do it. I move my chest up… and that, reliably, starts the process. In fact it works just like a switch or a signal…

I do that with every energy audio I have, by the way.

No energy does what it is designed to do without your conscious participation. This even includes the Dark Side energies that make you worry about what’s wrong… and that acts as a signal… from that point on the energy carries you where it was designed to carry you.

Heaven and Hell are real… Don’t kid yourself. Please.

OK, what’s next?

You can get the Abundance Generator Avatar State Activator here:

What can you expect from using this audio the way I explained above?

The Avatar State Activator Audio can pull you, like a vortex, onto the vertical plane where your intentions, your vibration, your attitude harmonizes themselves with making money.

While hearing and working with the audio on a freestanding speaker, not on headphones

  • You’ll be able to look at reality, yourself with sober eyes… to see what is realistic for you to do, what you can succeed at…
  • You’ll experience more affinity towards your work and will see how to make it more enjoyable
  • The audio will redirect your attention to behaviors and attitudes that are conducive to money
  • The audio will help you appreciate what you have, what you make, what is.
  • The audio, while you work with it, return you to a sense of power over yourself and over your life.

Instant access…

Or if you want to pick a different focus… here is the page with all the Avatar State Activatior Audios

Avatar State Activatior Audios

Clarity… the opposite of brain fog, of no clarity

Clarity… the opposite of brain fog, of no clarity
The opposite of clarity is best expressed with this statement: ‘for you: everything is the same as everything else, except that not always…’

This is the condition of the current humanity. Continue reading “Clarity… the opposite of brain fog, of no clarity”

Add 20 points to your IQ by flashing out your cone of vision

Add 20 points to your IQ by flashing out your cone of vision

It is starting to dawn on me that the intellectual action of seeing the forest, in spite of the individual trees is not something everyone has been able to do.


Some people, when they are asked to say what is the forest, in our conversations: what is the principle, what is the context, they use jargon… like integrity, or responsibility, the word.

They remember it.

But remembering hearing it doesn’t mean that they actually saw it.

Seeing the forest for the trees is 90% from the DNA capacity: Seeing the big picture, and 10% habit.

After courage, it is the second most missing capacity in humanity.
When activated, it adds 20 points to your IQ.

Continue reading “Add 20 points to your IQ by flashing out your cone of vision”

Let’s talk about the dividing point between low vibration and high vibration… 200

Let’s talk about the dividing point between low vibration and high vibration… 200

What are the first signs that your vibration number went up?

The average vibration of all people on the planet is 130. That is a level where people are low of energy, so low that even anger, or saying no takes effort.

Recently I witnessed as two of my students raised their vibration from 130 to 200 and then fell back the next week.

I don’t remember what it was like for me… because at the time I didn’t know i could measure my own vibration.

But I do remember that there was a markedly different way I saw the world.