You can raise your energy by listening to a simple audio

You can raise your energy by listening to a simple audio

I don’t quite know why it works so well, but it does. So let me try to decipher. and see why it works, what it does, how it creates such a dramatic difference in your energy level… OK?

As usual, my students, volunteering to be guinea pigs, tested it. And this morning I connected to them and measured their cell hydration… and the numbers are proof: the audio works directly on their cell water level, meaning the cells are willing to use more water because more water is coherent inside your body.

Coherence is like the difference between orderly and chaotic. Cells are not willing to use chaotic, incoherent water. Coherence, just like boiling point, is at a set level of energy: 653 on the vibrational scale. Being that natural waters found on the planet are between 150 and 250 vibration, it takes a lot of energy to make water coherent. Continue reading “You can raise your energy by listening to a simple audio”

Can the Water Energizer audio energize your cells directly if you listen through headphones?

Can the Water Energizer audio energize your cells directly if you listen through headphones?

energize your body while you are doing other things water energizer audioUpdate 10/5/2018: I didn’t realize this when ‘i wrote this article: I should have tested the energizer audio’s effect on my cell hydration, not direct download from source.

What is the difference?

When I download the energy into the water a five gallon container gets energized to coherence in less than a minute. Using the audio it takes between 48 hours and 72 hours… so9 that means that the audio does not raise your cell hydration directly. oops, my bad.

Do the remedy creating audios work on your body too? Does the Water Energizer energize your cells directly?

I haven’t heard this question in a long time, which is interesting.

Regardless, I tested it.

Because 60% of your body is water, some body parts more, if you listen to the audios through headphones they get infused in your body.

How did I test it?

I just downloaded the Water Energizer energy into my body. I measured my cell hydration before, in the middle, and after.

My cell hydration number was 30% when I started, and it rose to 70%.

Continue reading “Can the Water Energizer audio energize your cells directly if you listen through headphones?”

Are not getting well on the diet I muscletested for you?

Are not getting well on the diet I muscletested for you?

Some people’s health number first rises and then plummets again. One in ten, on average.

What do the people whose health number behaves like this have in common?

First off, let me say that they mean well… but…

They violate some basic ground rules of the system I suggest for well-being.

The system is based on the theory, that if you eat and behave consistent with what your personal genetics suggest, then you will be well. But it seems that a food list used in the 21st century way is not able to do it for most people.

What is the 21st century way? You have vegetables, supplements, spices, fruits from all the five continents. Many are hybridized. Many are GMO. Many are sprayed to stay fresh, irradiated, cooked, pasteurized… All of which was impossible for your ancestors, and only came about in the past maybe 50-100 years. The same time span that people are getting fat, getting chronic diseases, and human intelligence, creativity, and hardiness are diminishing.
Continue reading “Are not getting well on the diet I muscletested for you?”

Could reading Charlie Munger’s favorite books be considered being mentored by Charlie Munger?

Could reading Charlie Munger’s favorite books be considered being mentored by Charlie Munger?

Could, reading Charlie Munger’s favorite books be considered being mentored by Charlie Munger? 1 Or how to learn to do what people did through reading what they read… So you can do it too. So you can see what they saw.

People with humility and success quote a lot. They know where their views, where their knowledge comes from. And their knowledge is deep, instinctive driver of actions. Not book knowledge, not Trivial Pursuit knowledge. NOT Tree of Knowledge.

I read eclectically. The next few books that are on my list now come from Charlie Munger’s suggestions.

He sees things I don’t. He has wisdom I don’t. What he reads has something to do with it. How he reads, how he thinks… He says: “Becoming rational is a slow, arduous process.” You need to build up to developing that skill. Most of us have very small capacity to use our brains. But it can only be grown like a sculpture. So most don’t even start.
Continue reading “Could reading Charlie Munger’s favorite books be considered being mentored by Charlie Munger?”

The other sculpture method of creating your life, creating your Self

The other sculpture method of creating your life, creating your Self

I have been testing a theory that 5-15 minutes of doing something, every day, is more effective than taking one two-hour class a week.

So I’ve taken on learning Hebrew. On a website called

I had to learn typing in Hebrew, and I had to learn a bunch of grammar, a bunch of words. Without memorizing. Without really much effort. 2

The secret is to not miss a day. After a missed day it is hard to go back to an activity. The first week I did all my sessions at the end of the day, just before I went to bed. But even then I could put in my 5-10 minutes. It’s been 19 days.

  • First off: it’s satisfying. I have an experience of myself that is pleasant. A feeling that I am growing. That I am not living an empty life… hm… interesting.

Continue reading “The other sculpture method of creating your life, creating your Self”

I don’t feel like writing an article today…

I don’t feel like writing an article today…


I don’t feel like writing an article.

It feels like unless I am careful, I am slipping into a depressed state. This happens around Daytime Savings Time… I get confused and sleep too much. And the body decides that it’s time to go into hibernation.

I have been able to stop this process every time for the past few years… so I am confident that I’ll be able to come back fast.

But this post, instead of an article, will be a few links… links to stuff I found useful reading.
Continue reading “I don’t feel like writing an article today…”

Confidence? overconfidence? confident or overconfident?

Confidence? overconfidence? confident or overconfident?

the dunning krueger effect of overconfidenceAn open and well-reasoned person might be very wrong, even if they’re rightfully confident. A falsely confident person could well be right, even if their confidence is false. Confidence is a feeling, a state of mind, and a way of presenting oneself. It isn’t in itself a good measure of correctness.

False Confidence, overconfidence, confident or overconfident… What is the measure of correctness?

The measure of correctness, (from value science, Axiology,) is clarity. You can be visible, clear and crystal clear. These are categories of how accurately you see reality.
Continue reading “Confidence? overconfidence? confident or overconfident?”

What do you have to prove? That you are smart? That will make you ignorant AND miserable

What do you have to prove? That you are smart? That will make you ignorant AND miserable

I have shared with you in my previous article all the juicy principles I gleaned from my conversation with the student who hated the idea to become proud of his ancestral heritage.

But I had one insight that, for me, was worth a lot more than the rest of the two hour long conversation.

I actually saw, for the first time, why my decision to accept being stupid, was so dramatically effective for me.

When you live your life inside smart and stupid… you live inside a circumstance.

You don’t have much to say about your abilities… I mean, it is true that if you hydrate your cells, you get smarter. It is true that if you make peace between your two selves with the Unconditional Love Activator: you become smarter. Continue reading “What do you have to prove? That you are smart? That will make you ignorant AND miserable”

Awareness: what the heck is that? A word… OK. But what does it mean?

Awareness: what the heck is that? A word… OK. But what does it mean?

It is said that awareness 3 , the awareness factor is the best predictor of someone’s chances for success.

Simply put: your awareness is a measure that expresses how far your head is out of your anus, and how much of what you see, hear, feel reaches your conscious awareness and triggers an APPROPRIATE response there.

That is quite a mouthful, right? So to make it easier, I am going to speak computer language… if you don’t understand, I am sorry. I use many different analogies later on in this article, so just hang in there… OK?

The brain receives all the signals the sensory organs provide, but is selective about bringing it to the conscious, because of bandwidth limitations. Continue reading “Awareness: what the heck is that? A word… OK. But what does it mean?”

No man is an island. You need others if you want to succeed… How to get people on your team

No man is an island. You need others if you want to succeed… How to get people on your team

One of my students said to me: “you are like a scientist. And yet so much of your work lies in the realm of the not easily measured.

I have always had a difficulty answering the question: What do you do?

Defining what you do is important. To whom? To you: if you want support. Unless THEY know what you do, they don’t know if they are aligned with what you do or not…

It is a need and a must to “meet the expectation of others”. It is a survival need. You can’t skip it.

Depending on what stage of personal evolution you are, it may be a lot more important to you than meeting your own expectation.
Continue reading “No man is an island. You need others if you want to succeed… How to get people on your team”