Is this the world you intended to create with your word?

Is this the world you intended to create with your word?

Integrity: The Key To A Life That Works. Key to Peace Of Mind, Accomplishment, Satisfaction, And Happiness

When I measure your integrity, it is low. The average integrity of people on this planet is 1%…

Integrity is the relationship between your word and your actions, your word and your beingness, your word and your attitude… Continue reading “Is this the world you intended to create with your word?”

What do people love when they say they love you?

What do people love when they say they love you?
Everyone is worthy of love, except him who thinks that he is. Love is a sacrament that should be taken kneeling.

Why? because love, real love has nothing to do with worthiness. Or deserving.

You either love or you don’t love. Continue reading “What do people love when they say they love you?”

You have the power to heal in your hands…

You have the power to heal in your hands…

Some 15 or so years ago I was using the Healing Codes to make money. I ran small ads on Google. The money I made (commission) more than paid for my living at the time.

The slogan I used in the ads was something like ‘you have the power to heal in your hands…‘ or ‘the power to heal is in your hands‘. Subtle variations of the same.

Today, I just realized that ‘the power to create a new you, a happier life, even healing is in your mouth…Continue reading “You have the power to heal in your hands…”

What does it take to get lots of joy in your life?

What does it take to get lots of joy in your life?
joy: just the right amount of sleepJust the right amount of sleep!

That is what I say when I wake up with a light-clock… its light comes on at 3 am slowly, and by 4 am, between sleep cycles. I wake up and have a choice to get up or to sleep more.

Today I got up. But I was very sleepy. It felt like someone inside, not me, wanted desperately to sleep more. It’s been an hour now, and the ‘person inside’ is still whining, insisting that i go back to sleep. Continue reading “What does it take to get lots of joy in your life?”

So you want to be a winner? Let’s see how to go about it

So you want to be a winner? Let’s see how to go about it
Let’s say you would like to be a winner… Create yourself as a winner…

What do you need to chuck, discard, leave behind, toss if you really want to create yourself? Continue reading “So you want to be a winner? Let’s see how to go about it”

What is it like to be an empath and connect to you?

What is it like to be an empath and connect to you?

That I have never been asked, so I am volunteering the answer: What it feels like to intentionally connect to someone through their picture, so I can measure stuff about them?

I get to be paid ‘the big bucks‘ because connecting to most anyone is like going under the knife without anaesthesia. It hurts. It’s jarring. It is painful. And then, with some people, the pain doesn’t go away.

So first I am feeling my own feelings of being violated. Continue reading “What is it like to be an empath and connect to you?”

The ignorant is easily mislead. And we are all ignorant

The ignorant is easily mislead. And we are all ignorant

The ignorant is easily mislead. And we are all ignorant and thus mislead to one degree or another. It is on the scale of 1 to 100 like most things in life.

Ignorance, ignorant simply means: lacking knowledge, information, or awareness about a particular thing… often most things to be precise.

Ignoring, the verb, interestingly, means: make room for it, pay it no heed, grant it no significance. Continue reading “The ignorant is easily mislead. And we are all ignorant”

Truth repeated is a lie… but why? Isn’t truth truth?

Truth repeated is a lie… but why? Isn’t truth truth?

Why can a doer teach you what they do but not their results?

Said in another way: if you do exactly, all the moves of what another does: will you get the same result?

And can another’s principle, credo create the same for you as it has created for them?

if you repeat the words of another’s credo, they are just words, and you are lying through your teeth.

Like causes cause like effects, is Nature’s base law.

Continue reading “Truth repeated is a lie… but why? Isn’t truth truth?”

Why aren’t you happy most of the time? Or ever?

Why aren’t you happy most of the time? Or ever?

It’s not what you could see, what you hope to see, it is what you actually see, consciously, that defines your actions and therefore your results, your thoughts, your mood…

What you see is not reality. It is ‘occurrence’ and contains a little bit of reality, and an awful lot of words.

Words that explain, words that interpret, words that give meaning of what is actually happening: reality. Continue reading “Why aren’t you happy most of the time? Or ever?”

Case studies. Who will and who won’t grow and why?

Case studies. Who will and who won’t grow and why?

In this article I am going to point out the difference between students and clients who grew and those who won’t grow. Didn’t grow. Most likely will never grow.

The goal is so you can find yourself and if willing, change what there is to change about you, so you can change.

Here is the simple truth: what gives you being, doing, is what you see. Now, or in the future… for yourself.

So your main organ that initiates action that creates what you want is your eyes. Continue reading “Case studies. Who will and who won’t grow and why?”