What makes hell hell? Is it a place? Or what?

What makes hell hell? Is it a place? Or what?

I read one or two threads on Reddit every morning.

This is how I stay in touch with what people think, what people say, what people find funny, what grieves them.

Today the discussion was what could convince an atheist to become a believer. What could change their mind?

This is right up my alley… That is all I have ever wanted to know: what would change your mind? Continue reading “What makes hell hell? Is it a place? Or what?”

How to become worth a damn? Because you aren’t…

How to become worth a damn? Because you aren’t…
The only real security is your ability to produce

Want to become worth a damn?

Become a genius at implementation. At getting things done. That is where the magic is…

Honestly, whatever you buy, whatever you learn: make sure you implement it, 100%, 110%… and become the best at it. Continue reading “How to become worth a damn? Because you aren’t…”

Why do the 67 steps instead of just reading my articles?

Why do the 67 steps instead of just reading my articles?

Why do the 67 steps instead of just reading my articles, or whatever you hope will raise your vibration?

This is a question I always expect to get, but I have never actually gotten.

Why do the 67 steps inside a coaching program, instead of just ‘doing it’, or reading articles, watching youtube videos, or reading books, whatever seems to be interesting at the time? Continue reading “Why do the 67 steps instead of just reading my articles?”

A new way of looking at vibration, what it really measures

A new way of looking at vibration, what it really measures

I’ve always considered vibration the height from where you look from, the height from where you experience what is happening, what happened, and what will happen.

And you act consistent with what you see from where you look from. From the basement, from the street level, the second floor, the penthouse level. Continue reading “A new way of looking at vibration, what it really measures”

What does it take to communicate? Not just talk?

What does it take to communicate? Not just talk?

What separates humans from other species, yes even from the dolphins, is language. But dolphins do communicate! WTF?

So we have language. Language that hasn’t evolved, let’s say, for tens of thousands of years.

Language is the visible tool of communication.

We have language. And yet we know nothing about communicating. Yes, we talk. Talk a lot. But we don’t communicate.

What is missing for communication to happen is in the invisible. Continue reading “What does it take to communicate? Not just talk?”

All right… Now, how fast can we find this funny?

All right… Now, how fast can we find this funny?

All right… Now, how fast can we find this funny?

In a Video of Mike Meyers‘ about how he creates his characters, he talks about his father who was funnier than him… And this quote is from the father.

This morning as I was playing Freecell to get to the ‘mode’ of wanting to write an article, I noticed something in how I was… playing Freecell. Continue reading “All right… Now, how fast can we find this funny?”

Shall I create a communication course for you?

Shall I create a communication course for you?
Communication… the power to create

Create through others…

So before we consider communication, we need to look what is power?

Simply, power is the speed with which we can take a thought or an idea to fulfillment.  Creation.

What idea? That is immaterial… Any idea. Continue reading “Shall I create a communication course for you?”

If you could buy one program, what should it be?

If you could buy one program, what should it be?

Why should I bother dealing with your health issues, or your money issues, instead of teaching you how to get enlightened?

Isn’t that a great question? And it makes so much sense… After all there are thousands, hundreds of thousands, who claim to be experts in the health field, your bodily and financial health field… shouldn’t I just leave you to them, and do what only I can do? And just deal with you on the level of self-realization? Continue reading “If you could buy one program, what should it be?”

Why all you’ve learned hasn’t made life good for you

Why all you’ve learned hasn’t made life good for you
You learned rules… and they didn’t make life good.

All rules, moral or otherwise, serve one purpose and only one purpose: to kill your inner guidance. To kill your spirit.

Some exceptional people, most of them part of the 1000, live by their inner guidance… This means they must have, at some point, said no to rules, regulations, commandments, common wisdom, laws, and make up their own minds. Continue reading “Why all you’ve learned hasn’t made life good for you”