Do You Think You Can Tell WHAT You See? Accurately?

Do You Think You Can Tell WHAT You See? Accurately?
Most of us, we are sure we can see everything. We are sure we see the world exactly the way it is.

We make decisions based on what we see. And our decisions and actions take us to live the life we live.

Most of us live a life of quiet desperation. It was true at the time of Henry David Thoreau, and it is true now.

We don’t even know why we see something that isn’t there, and why we don’t see things that are there… But ultimately we clearly make decisions, act from faulty data, faulty information. Garbage in/Garbage out. Continue reading “Do You Think You Can Tell WHAT You See? Accurately?”

Become your own rainmaker… start using your brain

Become your own rainmaker… start using your brain
Your brain is an Unused Resource

It is what most rainmakers do. Start using unused resources.

Rainmaking is a business/industry distinction.

There is a business that does so-so. A new CEO or leader comes in and restructures the company and their results go through the roof.

But the same thing can be done on any level, including the level of the person, or your own self. Your own life. Continue reading “Become your own rainmaker… start using your brain”

Did Your Personality Get Put Together? Or Born That Way?

Did Your Personality Get Put Together? Or Born That Way?
I got a thank you note today. I get quite a few of those, I must admit.

They are a great way for me to track how the methodologies and principles I use in my teaching work. I mean, how effective I am, how effective the methods are. They track my ability to make a difference in the world. (Someone please remind me to write about how I view my making a difference… OK?)

This note reads Continue reading “Did Your Personality Get Put Together? Or Born That Way?”

Watching Netflix, Plugged Up Toilet, Higher Vibration

Watching Netflix, Plugged Up Toilet, Higher Vibration

If you know me, you know that I love movies. There was a time in my life when I thought that meant that I should, somehow, work in or with movies.

Today I know better. Movies is Source’s way to talk to me, to open my mind, help make me an Expanding Human Being.

So, what about movies… are you going to talk about movies now? Continue reading “Watching Netflix, Plugged Up Toilet, Higher Vibration”

Entitlement is a worldview? Really? Not an attitude?

Entitlement is a worldview? Really? Not an attitude?

entitlementErnest Hemingway once wrote a story on a restaurant napkin In Key West, a story in six words.

For sale: baby shoes, never worn

He could have written about all humans, about my students… who are just like those baby shoes; unfulfilled dreams… unfulfilled potential.

I just finished my ‘Distinctions’ podcast call that today was all about entitlement.

The podcast is the recording of a weekly (Friday) conversation between a student of mine and myself.  I designed it to go deep in some areas of life, an invisible dynamic…

Entitlement is invisible in ourselves… Continue reading “Entitlement is a worldview? Really? Not an attitude?”

Hope, hopeful… are they useful or harmful? let’s look.

Hope, hopeful… are they useful or harmful? let’s look.

One of my students who, on the surface appears optimistic, enthusiastic, and unstoppable, saw yesterday that inventing herself hopeful could change her life.

Hopeful is not one of the ways of being that are considered, traditionally, healthy and high vibration.

Why? Because hopeful, the way people use it, is a mind thing… while beingness is not a mind thing at all.

When you are hopeful, the way people use it, you are waiting for a benevolent universe, or some angel, or some deity to give you what you want… So hopeful, as the way people use it is a passive mindset, which is low vibration. Continue reading “Hope, hopeful… are they useful or harmful? let’s look.”

Reinventing yourself…. Can you do it? How to do it…

Reinventing yourself…. Can you do it? How to do it…

You are always, every moment, are on the verge of limbo or in limbo… so learning how to reinvent yourself to move out of limbo is a good skill to learn

But change, I teach, is not good. It is mostly fixing, and every change carries in itself the seed level of what you didn’t want, what you wanted to change.

So now what? Another way to have something more, better, or different is through reinventing yourself, reinventing your business, your job, your life… But can you do it? How do you do it? Continue reading “Reinventing yourself…. Can you do it? How to do it…”

From a life of resignation to a life worth living

From a life of resignation to a life worth living
a life of desperationLet’s first analyze the title… instead of jumping right in… OK?

What is a life of resignation? What do you resign to?

I say, you resign to being an effect. To not being cause. And that hurts. Continue reading “From a life of resignation to a life worth living”

The Sight capacity and its many uses. What is there to see?

The Sight capacity and its many uses. What is there to see?

The Sight, obviously, is about seeing.

And unless you are blind or visually impaired, you think you see.

But you are simplifying the issue.

The expression: you don’t know that you don’t know it should be re-written to be more accurate: you don’t see what you don’t see. Continue reading “The Sight capacity and its many uses. What is there to see?”

What Are the Tools to Change Your Future?

What Are the Tools to Change Your Future?

I have been listening to a lot of old recordings, reading a lot of older articles.

I always had a direction in mind when I wrote those articles, when I had those webinars or calls.

One could say: I started out in New York, and I wanted to end up in Seattle. I didn’t know much about anything, but I knew one thing: If I always head West I’ll be near…

When you track your current path on the map you will notice that it has a trend. The exact way you can tell from a short section of rails the direction they are heading. If you told the truth where that path is heading, you would say that it is heading not where you want to go… So what is there to do to change your future? Continue reading “What Are the Tools to Change Your Future?”