It is in the code books stupid! Look in the codes!

It is in the code books stupid! Look in the codes!

I woke up this morning with a question.

What feels good?

Being good, doing good feels good. Doing bad doesn’t feel good to me. And when I am asking my clients, they claim it doesn’t feel good, but then why are they doing it?

I pondered this for about half an hour when I suddenly, like a lightning, saw that good and bad are human constructs. Continue reading “It is in the code books stupid! Look in the codes!”

No guts, no glory… is that even a principle?

No guts, no glory… is that even a principle?

And whatever that glorious future you dream about, no matter which side of the great divide you are on, that glorious future is a stillborn. That is, unless you have the guts to go for it, and go for it with gusto.

And, because it is a principle… as every true principle, it is true everywhere.

Timid souls, careful souls, cautious souls’ good ideas die on the vine. Continue reading “No guts, no glory… is that even a principle?”

You have a chip on your shoulder… help me take it off

You have a chip on your shoulder… help me take it off

You are offended. Most everything offends you.

Things don’t go the way they should: they take too long, they are hard, they don’t pan out.

People do things they are not supposed to. And even you do things that you consider wrong, and that offends you. You don’t know how to do it… arrrgh. Continue reading “You have a chip on your shoulder… help me take it off”

What do you think: can you learn from someone you despise?

What do you think: can you learn from someone you despise?

Yesterday I found out more than I wanted to… all bad news.

It’s all about what people can achieve working with me, working with my products.

The good news would be that they get exactly where they want to get… Which is what I teach: Feeling and being.

    • feel/be free to be yourself,
    • feel that you and your life is in harmony with all of it, with Life, with the Spirit, that you and your life are OK
    • have a sense that you are growing… a sense that you are alive, that life is beautiful, and it is worth to be alive
    • feel that even though you are not exactly where you would like to be, but life is a process, and you are in motion towards what you want

Wherever you are in the process, you are successful. Continue reading “What do you think: can you learn from someone you despise?”

Your level of your consciousness vs that of your culture

Your level of your consciousness vs that of your culture

Your birth is accidental. You are born into a family, into a culture and unless the culture is very conducive to a happy life, you may want to emulate a different culture. (Emulate: match by imitation.)

It is one thing to emulate a person… but unfortunately it is all guessing. You’ll see what someone does, even hear what they say through a filter. And because of your filter you’ll pick and choose what to emulate. You probably will emulate what you agree with, what YOUR culture agrees with. And consequently your results will not be what you were aiming for when you picked who you wanted to emulate. Continue reading “Your level of your consciousness vs that of your culture”

When it comes to words, slow is better…

When it comes to words, slow is better…

There are very few emails I actually read unless they are from readers or clients.

I go by subject line… and today I opened an email that was talking about reading, saying that being a slow reader AND being a picky reader is a good thing.

I don’t like the dude who sent it. Why? I don’t think you have any control over who you like and who you don’t.

Just because you should like someone… please don’t try to like them. It is like trying to have a bowel movement when you have nothing to give… really. Continue reading “When it comes to words, slow is better…”

How your relationship to money says everything about you

How your relationship to money says everything about you

Just so you know, when I wrote that title I had suddenly a sharp reaction in my gut… Fear…

I’ll spend the rest of the day looking at that… very interesting. The word that set it off was the word ‘everything’… So if you reacted the same way… let’s look together!

Your relationship to money, revealed, will shed light to everything in every area of your life.

But it is harder to see them in other areas of life, while in the area of money it, they are easier to see and catch.

The movie Trading Places was funny but wholly and totally psychologically unfounded… Its authenticity ended just after the scene where the Black dude (played by Eddie Murphy) shoves expensive stuff in his pocket to make them his. That was both believable and authentic. Continue reading “How your relationship to money says everything about you”

Why you can’t tell if somebody is smart or how smart…

Why you can’t tell if somebody is smart or how smart…

Why is it that you can’t tell if somebody is smart or not? You can’t tell you are smart… or not either. It is because in the dark all cats are gray

One of the most surprising thing in the world of humans is that humans can’t tell if they are smart or not. This error leads to lives that are not fulfilled. Lives that are filled with fear, trepidation, or on the other extreme: boasting and disappointment.

This is a horrible thing. Do you know what is the worst thing about me for me?

I bet you would not be able to guess, so I’ll share it with you. Continue reading “Why you can’t tell if somebody is smart or how smart…”

What is frustration? And what does it say?

What is frustration? And what does it say?

All emotions speak!

I have, until a few minutes ago, thought that to be frustrated something needs to be block or hinder you in an action…

I am finding out that frustration is actually synonymous with disappointment. Continue reading “What is frustration? And what does it say?”

Let’s redefine who you are for yourself, permanently

Let’s redefine who you are for yourself, permanently

Observe yourself. Look up at the sky. What do you notice? The clouds. The color of the sky? Or the stars?

Do you know know that behind the clouds the sky is always unchanged, regardless its color?

Depending on what you pay attention to, your life will be different. Continue reading “Let’s redefine who you are for yourself, permanently”