Fly, crawl, be stuck… Or what it takes to become flexible…

Why some people fly, others crawl, and most are stuck stuck stuck… Or what it takes to become flexible…

They say: Climb your way to your end goal, one insight at a time… Oh, you can’t? Not willing to be light on your feet? Stuck in your opinion and in your view of yourself and the world?

I had a group coaching session with one of my coaches yesterday.

He taught something that can be useful for everyone, not just marketers and business owners, like we all are in that group.

He made us draw a pyramid, and divide it to three tiers… The bottom tier is knowledge. The middle tear is wisdom. and the top tier is insight. (Insight is the glimpse you get behind the curtain, like in the Wizard of Oz, the insight was that Oz was a little old man… not a god.)

For businesses, the higher your product is on that tier, the less competition you have, and the higher prices you can command.

For an individual, getting higher vibration, better health, more productive lives happens through insights… not knowledge, and not wisdom. Continue reading “Fly, crawl, be stuck… Or what it takes to become flexible…”

What if respect is not what everyone says it is…

what if respect means seeing yourself and the other a person?

After I checked the election’s vote counts this morning, I cried. The cry of the innocent on trial… no, make it the sob, when the jury comes back and the verdict is read: not guilty.

Of course it is not over until it is over, but the little flames of hope are starting to break out from under the ton of soil I poured on the fire of hope: that America becomes the country I want to live in, instead of being ashamed of living in.

I am for all people. Whether I like them or not.

Whether they make more money than me, are heard more than me… for all people. But, it seems, that unless some principles are held up, like the ones in the Constitution, this is not how the world works… and the Constitution has been made a decoration instead of the cornerstone of this country for the past four years, and I was losing hope so much, that I had to bury it.

Now it is threatening to come out… thus the sobbing. Because 50% of this country, roughly, has voted, twice in a row, against being a country for all. Continue reading “What if respect is not what everyone says it is…”

The Pendulum: Descent to the age of madness

What is madness? There are probably more medically approved ways to say what I am going to say. but madness is simply when you interact with figments of your imagination considering it real or reality.

And it seems that it has taken over 70% of humanity…

including one of my revered teachers. The teacher whose teaching has caused me to finally make a living instead of just get by the skin of my teeth.

But he is a goner. He is in la-la land. His once 200 vibration is now dropped to 70. He rants and raves. and looks at anyone who thinks differently from himself as mad. Continue reading “The Pendulum: Descent to the age of madness”

Why can a Mongol be well on meat, blood and milk?

Some ethnicities live on a very limited variety of foods, a diet that doesn’t sound healthy… yet they are healthy, vibrant, smart, and vigorous.

Why can’t you? What would happen to you if you suddenly decided to eat like the Mongols in the 12th-14th Century, some 800 years ago?

I am going to entertain you with my tale… of no health…

I used to buy every expensive vitamin and supplement, and yet I wasn’t well. EVER. I really haven’t been well since high school.

All the supplement, superfoods, this and that did not make me well.

Nowadays I muscletest supplements before i take them, and most days I taken none, and occasionally I need one.

My kitchen counter has about a hundred bottles of the unneeded stuff.

What happened?

OK, if your IQ is not at least at or above average, stop reading here… you won’t understand. I don’t mean to be mean, I don’t mean to be rude, but your comprehension is limited, and what I am going to teach here is science. Continue reading “Why can a Mongol be well on meat, blood and milk?”

Remove just one attitude… and your happiness will grow 60%

The only effective method to make something work is to remove, little by little, all the things that make it not work, or not work as well as it could.

This is true in every area of life.

So what can be removed?

Continue reading “Remove just one attitude… and your happiness will grow 60%”

What robs you of the ability to be astute?

Astute, astuteness has a bad reputation… so do the words: selling, ambitious… or taking care of yourself. But it is unjust, in fact it is against Life.

But, unfortunately, we live in an age where being selfless seems like a virtue… but it isn’t a virtue, it is imposed upon us.

It is stupid and a learned ‘value’…

The best people in the world are selfish…

Selfish… meaning: they take care of themselves… instead of hoping that others will be selfless and take care of them. And then they can contribute… from being well and being taken care of.

No matter how many times people understand, on airplanes, that when the oxygen masks are dropped at them, they should put on their own first… and then assist others… Because they see it there, but the ability to see it everywhere would require a wider cone of vision than they have… Take care of yourself first doesn’t live like a distinction, it lives as an example that is true on airplanes. Continue reading “What robs you of the ability to be astute?”

Narcolepsy, adrenal fatigue, brain fog, panic attacks…

narcolepsyI started this article 3 years ago, but the topic is as fresh as a daisy… Adrenal Fatigue and its nasty side effects.

I just measured a woman’s Starting Point Measurements, and suggested that she gets her Health Measures… so she can start behaving in a way that builds her up, instead of behaving in a way, living in a way, that destroys her. Continue reading “Narcolepsy, adrenal fatigue, brain fog, panic attacks…”

I am starting to change my mind about Jordan Peterson.

Yesterday I found a quote that shook me to my core… So I want to start with that. You could say: that quote accurately expresses my attitude about life… and I am moved by that.

Sandy Koufax was Jewish, and his attitude was what made Jews survive all those thousands of years of exile, all the persecution, and come out, when and if they did, on top…

Continue reading “I am starting to change my mind about Jordan Peterson.”

The Michelangelo Method of becoming you

As I said it before, I have a strong affinity to the dramatic… in every area of life. This may be part of my bipolar personality… taking things to the extreme.

I do that with food… I call them experiments, but largely these are experiments taken just too far or too long…

And, of course, I pay the price. With my health, mainly.

But… as in everything, there is a silver lining, a benefit, that I would be amiss not to appreciate.

I have discovered almost everything in the area of health this way. Or in the area of training, self or others… or in anything else.

So my latest “fad” thing has been sorghum. I cooked up a huge vat of sorghum seeds with sauteed (fried?) onions and butter… delicious. Continue reading “The Michelangelo Method of becoming you”

Tactic or strategy… growth or stagnation… choose!

invisible strategyMy notes:
If you feel like you want to transcribe this audio and let me have it, please do so. I’ll appreciate it and you’ll learn ton from it.

Miko transcribed this audio: thank you very much, Miko!

This post is going to be about something really important. If I look at all the people that contact me, all the people that I teach, all the people that I know, they have no idea about it, and even I am just starting to scratch the surface. I mean, maybe I am years ahead of you, but even that is just scratching the surface.
Continue reading “Tactic or strategy… growth or stagnation… choose!”