The allure of fast… fast money, fast success, fast reading

The allure of fast… fast money, fast success, fast reading

I write about what is not obvious…

I have said before, that when you feel envy, when you feel a pang of envy looking at someone’s result, accomplishments, you feel THE guidance.

You want what they have, and it points to an area of growth, an area of training where you have enough energy to get to the same level, or maybe even beyond.

A year or so ago I was still a blob… Overweight. I saw it mostly on Tuesdays, when I looked at myself in the big wall covering mirror in during the exercise class.

One of the women, long white hair, was my opposite: shapely. She even had a waist… lol. I didn’t. Not at the time.

I looked at her, and said to her: I want what you have.

Continue reading “The allure of fast… fast money, fast success, fast reading”

The fear of finding out… the fear of being found out

The fear of finding out… the fear of being found out

We have the real self and the false self, there’s nothing wrong with them, and everyone has both of them.

Given the two selves everyone has, being afraid to be found out is normal.

And being afraid to upset the apple cart aka ess (evolutionary stable strategy) is even more obvious. 1

In playing Freecell, one of the things I am experimenting with is moving stuff around, so the covered cards can be revealed.

It’s not a hasty, scrambling type of move… it is methodical, and scary.

Human tendency is to hold onto your gains. The ess. Every time I experience the resistance, I bring in the “upsetting the apple cart” and then I experience the breakthrough.

If it is a principle that all the power is tied up in the hidden dimension, what is hidden from your view…

Continue reading “The fear of finding out… the fear of being found out”

Are you working on your pretend self? Trying to make it better? Read this article for clues…

I have students at all different stages of their personal paths.

I, as a coach, can do only so much. I answer their posts, and then I write my articles. And the rest happens where I am not. Inside them, in their interaction with people, in their interaction with stuff.

This is the hardest part.

My soul correction is Forget Thyself… meaning I want to be personally causing stuff… I did it, Me, Mine. Talking over people, having no patience for people doing things the “wrong way”.

I have been gaining ground in my soul correction, but it is still wicked difficult. Especially when someone has a good result that has nothing to do with me… lol.

So my first reaction to a student breakthrough is feeling let down… I didn’t do it… lol.

This is what happened this morning.

A student of mine had a glimpse, a momentary clarity of who and how he really is… His real self…

Here is what he wrote: Continue reading “Are you working on your pretend self? Trying to make it better? Read this article for clues…”

Become like god… create with your word… but how?

Become like god… create with your word… but how?

I bet you want to be able to create with your word… right? But your attempts have been failed attempts…

Here is some clarification why that doesn’t work, even though you have the capacity… but it isn’t working. Continue reading “Become like god… create with your word… but how?”

The Amish Horse Training… key to the silent mind

The Amish Horse Training… key to the silent mind

Yesterday I had a rude awakening.

In a call with a private coaching client the clarity issue came up… After several instruction sessions, he still didn’t understand how to do the Amish Horse Training Method. You could say that I spoke butterfly and he heard caterpillar…

As I have written before, one of the measures of Axiology, the science of value through measurements, obviously heroes of mine…

Clarity. How accurately you see, hear, read…

Most people have low clarity.

I measure your clarity in the vocabulary measure… #10 which is what I find useful. 1

If your clarity is low, (under 1000) you will not be able to follow instructions. you will not be able to understand what an author said, the way they mean it, the way it is written.

I noticed last night that when I encountered a word in a book, on my kindle, that I only knew approximately what it meant, that unless I went to the dictionary right away, instead of reading what I was reading, the mind hijacked my attention and started to deal with the word, instead of the book, or what I was reading.

This matches my clients’ experience when they listen to me on a call. When they encounter a word they are not sure about, they spin off to a narrative type space (the mind) and stop hearing what I am saying.

Being a teacher, this spells disaster for me and my teaching.

If you can’t follow my teaching, your results, consistent with my teaching, are not forthcoming.
  • The average understanding of my students! of my teaching is 10% (according to muscletest)
  • The average understanding of visitors of my site of my teaching is 3%.

It is caused by the lack of accurate vocabulary 100% of the time.

I can’t train your vocabulary, that is your autodidact process. But I can train the Amish Horse Training Method

Without being able to do the Amish Horse Training Method, accurately, the way it was meant to be done, without cutting corners, inside and empowering context, you will NEVER in a million years will be able to reclaim your power from the mind, from the voices, from the memes, from the Dark Side.

It is frustrating to teach people who cannot hear you. You can imagine.

But when I ask the question: is it worth it? The answer is yes. Even if I can only manage to teach one person… and that one person becomes an expanding human being, the practice has proven itself to be accurate, and to work.

And then I can have a choice to add others to that side, or call it a day, and retire or die.

Until then: my work is not finished.

As long as you habitually go to the mind, nothing new can enter.

Your clarity will actually decrease. Any and all course, book, teaching will be misunderstood. And you’ll go deeper and deeper to the place where you have no control over your inner environment meaning, no control of what runs your life, and no control of how you feel.

I have a plan for a solution. It may not work… but you never know until you tested it. That is how it is with everything in life. Theories are nice, but unless they work in the real world, they are not worth the paper they are written on.

And 99% of theories have never been proven… and yet they are treated as the truth. All of the theories in this space: self-development, raising vibration, self-growth… are unproven theories, proven to me by the low personal vibration of their originator.

So what is the plan to start moving you out of the influence of the mind?

The Amish Horse Training Method Training.

Will it work? We shall see. They may work for those with a tad more clarity, and won’t work for others.

The workshops will be in a webinar format.

I haven’t decided on the time and day yet, but you can register and send me your time preference.

You won’t be admitted if I don’t have your 20 point Starting Point Measurement…

Here is the cost schedule for the training:

one time pass: $29. You can book additional sessions with a discount in the checkout process.

In the training I’ll explain the Amish Horse Training Method. Then I’ll ask you to repeat back to me what you heard. Based on the discrepancy between what you heard and what I said, I’ll add clarifications.

Even though I cannot ask you to “do” the Amish Horse Training Method on the call, the quality of your listening will be revealing of your clarity, and of your ability to hear what is being said and the voices.

The Amish Horse Training method, in essence, is a self-training to be able to hear the voices as voices, and not yourself.

Your clarity will depend more on your level of being able to hear the voices that are narrating what I say, than even your vocabulary.

My recommendation is to come back and do the training again and again, until you get what it is you are supposed to do to become free of the mind, at least on the level of the voices.

The client I mention in the first part of the article has practically gone through this training three times, and is still not able to do it. He can recite what he is supposed to do, but for now they are just words.

Like with everything that is worth doing, this is hard.

I didn’t realize it until yesterday. For me it was easy. Why? Because by the time I got to it, I already had lots of spiritual capacities open, and a much higher level of clarity than most people.

When was it that I began this particular training? I first heard of the voices as voices from Paul Turro, a Wisdom Course leader in 2003. He illustrated it too… and because I am an empath, I could feel the separation: the voices were not part of him… they were just voices, disembodied, outside of him.

That clue was what had been missing.

His vibration is, just checked, is 200… and he still leads the Wisdom Course in San Diego.

So it’s hard. The payoff of not even attempting to climb this mountain is that you can remain comfortably in pain.
The cost: the same.

OK, here is the payment button

and if you haven’t gotten a 20-point Starting Point Measurement, get it here

PS: Someone asked: why aren’t you making these sessions free?

Two reasons. 1. I need to eat… 2. I don’t want people who are not serious. This is hard, because the Dark Side is working diligently against this method. So I need people who are, at least, in their heart are serious. I don’t expect a lot of people… because TLB 1-s are not able to look even as far as tomorrow.

If I offered a “wipe away all your negativity” I bet I would have thousands of applicants for this price.

PS: some people call the voices Self-talk… and may even suggest that you cultivate it. They are speaking for the Dark Side…

I remember participating in a course, and buying books on self-talk (affirmations are self-talk methods). The more I did it the more miserable I was. I started to have more emotional distress than ever before. The emotional distress is normal: the marker feelings come as a result of self-talk, or the voices.