What is word in ‘my word is my bond’ statement?

What is word in ‘my word is my bond’ statement?

Integrity, the bottom line, is your word. WORD.

What constitutes your word, you should ask… Why? Because if you are like most people, you babble all day, inside and outside.

Homo Sapiens lives through babbling.

The evolutionary state humans are at is Homo Sapiens. NOT Human Being. Human Being lives through BEING… not available on the level of Homo Sapiens.

So our most important aspect, babbling, is our Achilles Heel… and that we say more, much more than we are willing to commit to. Continue reading “What is word in ‘my word is my bond’ statement?”

Unless you can repeat the words, you didn’t listen

Unless you can repeat the words, you didn’t listen
Unless you can repeat the words, you didn’t get it, you didn’t learn it, it is not useful…

This is a half truth. I do have a client who has trained her brain to hear but she herself doesn’t hear what you said, and yet she can parrot back what you what you said.

If you never learn… then most likely you are a SKIMMER

If you are a skimmer, you neither hear nor can repeat what was said.

Most people read, listen, watch, and don’t, can’t recall names, places, and the exact words in a book, and audio or a video. Continue reading “Unless you can repeat the words, you didn’t listen”

The tiny elite that sees reality accurately…

The tiny elite that sees reality accurately…

Want to grow as a person? You think you have energy to grow… you just need guidance, or someone to hold your hand?

OK, it is hard to give so much output as it is needed to write an article, but because it is important, says I, I am going to give it a shot.

OK… this is going to be hard core teaching.

I expect a grand total of one person to get it… not more.

Are YOU going to be that one person?

We shall see… said the blind man… lol. Continue reading “The tiny elite that sees reality accurately…”

Why is a dog happy and you are not? Wanna know?

Why is a dog happy and you are not? Wanna know?

I bet the title of previous article, “Are you a taker” got instantly translated in your head to “Are you bad?”

What you don’t know is that if you are not allowed to take, you won’t be allowed to give… the ultimate stingy…

If you are not allowed to live according to your nature, you will do cartwheels to avoid it… even if and even when your nature would take you where you want to go. Continue reading “Why is a dog happy and you are not? Wanna know?”

The secret of becoming impervious… the secret that really successful people don’t even know they have…

Impervious means: unaffected by, untouched by, immune to, invulnerable to, insusceptible to, resistant to, indifferent to, heedless of, insensible to, “he seemed impervious to the chill wind”, impervious to insults, impervious to fear

Of course no one is impervious to anything really, or they would be dead… You need to be present and notice attacks, malicious intention, fear, pain, and everything that you need to protect yourself from.

The impervious we are talking about is the emotional unshakeability that spares you from a life of a roller coaster, from being reactive, from being judgmental, for going into despair or going to mania.

The kind of inner environment where you can actually have joy, contentment, and workability. Where you “horse” doesn’t run away with you, hijacking you at the slightest irritation. Continue reading “The secret of becoming impervious… the secret that really successful people don’t even know they have…”

The best diet interview I have ever listened to

I have known Glenn Livingston for about 10 years now as a marketing guru… and it was weird to find out that he wrote this best selling diet book, Never Binge Again. Kindle edition is free on Amazon.

Here is an interview on youtube, 30% truth value, and he is the clearest, most accessible I have ever seen him.


PS: he uses a version of the Amish Horse Training method, and speaks it clearer than I do. So if you have been struggling to make sense of it… here is your chance.

How do you know what you are afraid of? Why you are afraid

How do you know what you are afraid of? Why you are afraid

what are you afraid of?How do you know what you are afraid of? Why you are afraid… even when you have no reason to be.

It was 1991. Georgia… some miles from Atlanta, in a hunting lodge. November. Communication Commando Course.

Just the name was enough to put the fear of god in me. But then they ushered me in this little room where I needed to answer some questions about myself, name, age, where I live, who I live with… in front of a camera.

Now, by that time I had been on television twice, seen and recognized by millions of people. And yet, I was terrified.

What was I afraid of?

This is what this article is about… what is it that you are afraid of, that you cannot tell what it is, but it is as real as that if they keep you underwater long enough, you’ll be dead. Dead dead…. Continue reading “How do you know what you are afraid of? Why you are afraid”

The Dark Side. is there a Dark Side? if there is what is it?

The Dark Side. is there a Dark Side? if there is what is it?

In my view, there is no god, there are no angels, entities, and such. There is also no devil, no hell, no heaven, no afterlife.

But, because humans even on this level of evolution where we are, can create stuff with their thoughts… gods and angels and entities and other stuff.

So at this point (it may change in the future if research and experiments reveal stuff I am not seeing now) my theory is that there is Dark Side and it is created by humans. It’s all thoughts.

Now, with that said, where does it come from what I say, that the voices you hear in your head are the Dark Side? Or the memes…

Because I say that.

So, what do I consider Dark Side? Continue reading “The Dark Side. is there a Dark Side? if there is what is it?”

The price you pay for being casual and democratic

The price you pay for being casual and democratic

I have been telling you, telling my students, telling my clients, that you hear what I say… approximately. You follow instructions… approximately. You read… approximately. You keep your diet… approximately. You live… approximately.

You only got up this morning because you didn’t die the night before.

I am re-reading The Baroque Cycle by Neal Stephenson. 2600 pages… What can I say, I like long books. lol.

I have started to check every word in the kindle’s built in dictionary some time ago. Maybe a year ago, maybe two. I originally read the Baroque Cycle four years ago.

The book has plenty of words I needed to check. And to my dismay, I found that the first time around I only understood what happened… approximately.

Approximately is missing 90% plus of what you read, and you are left with the inconsequential 10%. The stuff you already knew. The gossipy stuff. The mundane stuff. The stuff that allows you to remain the same, your worldview to remain the same.

Continue reading “The price you pay for being casual and democratic”

Looking at things from a burka… can you take off the burka and yet see the same?

I read. I read a lot. I read and re-read books that I like.

So now I am re-reading Neal Stephenson’s historical fiction of the 17th-18th century… 1

One of the characters in the book is Eliza who in her very young years was a slave, harem girl. She is about 45 at the time of the book.

She is in a carriage, that reminds her of the time of her harem-girl time, when she and other girls were taken to outings dressed in a burka… the point of similarity between the two times.

Seeing the world through a slit or the small opening of a burka. Continue reading “Looking at things from a burka… can you take off the burka and yet see the same?”