What if it is really a 3-year old who is doing your life?

What if it is really a 3-year old who is doing your life?

I HATE non-fiction. Even in audio, listening to it. I hate being when someone lectures me. It makes my brain stop working.

And no matter what the book or course is teaching, I cannot tune in. Even when it is important to me. Why? I cannot feel that I matter to the speaker. And I need to feel that I matter or I switch off.

Whereas when I read novels, it feels like an honor and a privilege to get an over the shoulder private view of what’s happening. And what is happening, at least in the novels I read, is interesting to me. Because I am interested in people, interested in the world.

But not that interested in what non-fiction writers want to teach. They don’t manage to make me want to read it, even when I know I need what they teach. Or that what they teach would benefit me. Continue reading “What if it is really a 3-year old who is doing your life?”

Secret technology to raise your vibration: validation

Secret technology to raise your vibration: validation

Here it is, the secret technology to raise your vibration, instantly and permanently: validation

My Second Phase Activator class just had the hardest session ever: activating validation as a capacity. Continue reading “Secret technology to raise your vibration: validation”

Is being stuck a personal issue that you should hide?

Is being stuck a personal issue that you should hide?
The art and science of getting unstuck… aka ALLOWING

Can I really promise that I’ll take you to freedom? That I can take you to unstuck and moving?

It may be that I have bit off more than I can chew.

This feeling of being stuck, maybe even being trapped, the inability to move, the feeling that there is no place to go… Continue reading “Is being stuck a personal issue that you should hide?”

What does it feel like to be hated? Do you know?

What does it feel like to be hated? Do you know?

anger poison coffeeI found myself humming this in the title, as it got two hours past the time my “friend” was supposed to get here to help me.

Millions of people could ask this question every minute… and yet, the people hated don’t know it, don’t care, don’t feel it. Continue reading “What does it feel like to be hated? Do you know?”