Kabbalists say: the bible is code. They, of course, mean: the Old Testament, the 5 books of Moses

Kabbalists say: the bible is code. They, of course, mean: the Old Testament, the 5 books of Moses

Kabbalists say: the bible is code. They, of course, mean: the Old Testament, the 5 books of Moses.

If the Bible is code, then it is not a story… or if there is a story there, it is itself code: meaning an illustration of a principle.

Egypt stands for slavery. Slavery to whatever people are a slave to: riches, significance, sex, entertainment, desire to receive for the self alone, their racket, the racket with which they extort goodies from others, justify their nastiness, their domination, their haplessness.

Extorting sympathy, or whatever they extort.

So what did Moses do with this bunch of slaves? Continue reading “Kabbalists say: the bible is code. They, of course, mean: the Old Testament, the 5 books of Moses”

When you go beyond the horizontal plane…

When you go beyond the horizontal plane…

walking through a wallI participated with Landmark Education in all kinds of positions, participant, coach, trainee, leader. After 26 years I quit.

I quit for the same reason I quit Emotions Anonymous, and ACOA, Adult Children of Alcoholics and Dysfunctional Families.

I quit because they were stuck. Stuck in the ordinary world. Stuck in the ordinary mindset. The participants, the leaders… they never moved out of the deep misery… so they were going back, year after year, “sharing” the same stories with the exact same words, with the exact same emotions they shared the year before. Continue reading “When you go beyond the horizontal plane…”

Can you trust yourself? No, not yet… You need…

Can you trust yourself? No, not yet… You need…

Can you trust yourself? No, not yet… You need a Paradigm Shift: Own what owns you

I get affirmation from wherever, when I am on the right path… here it goes: I just finished this article, and here is my Rob Brezsny horoscope…

VIRGO (Aug. 23-Sept. 22): Burrow down as deep as you dare, Virgo. Give yourself pep talks as you descend toward the gritty core of every matter. Feel your way into the underground, where the roots meet the foundations. It’s time for you to explore the mysteries that are usually beneath your conscious awareness. You have a mandate to reacquaint yourself with where you came from and how you got to where you are now.

Make it yours… if you have the courage… So you can become free. The process is more intricate than Rob Brezsny indicates, but it is also more rewarding.

OK, onto the actual article…

I have this very interesting and troubling insight:

People want to learn to act from their inner authority without ever finding out the bad news about themselves:

…who they have been being, that “told” them to do all the things that made their lives not work, or not work as well as it could. Continue reading “Can you trust yourself? No, not yet… You need…”

40% of humanity never learns. But why? They are not stupid

40% of humanity never learns.  But why? They are not stupid

don't get stuck on a pageI have some students who are not keeping up with the other students. These students don’t learn. So much so, that after a whole year, they are still at page 1 or page 2 of a class… that is 100 pages… Of course there are no pages… but pages express more what I want to say than percentages.

It is the middle of the night: I got up to write this article, because I got the insight that has been missing. Continue reading “40% of humanity never learns. But why? They are not stupid”

What is your time worth? What does it have to do with your worth?

what is your time worth? do you value your time?If you are in business… or even if you are only selling your time/work at a job or freelancing, pricing your merchandise, friendship, advice, companionship, your time, your service is going to be something worth looking at.

A few decades ago I published a magazine. The magazine was free, the income came from advertising.

A girl whom I knew from before, who worked at the same architect’s office I worked, called me and asked if she could trade cleaning my office for advertising. Turns out she was turning tricks…

She came to the office, worked for an hour and expected it to cover the price of a quarter page ad, $200 at the time.

Why? Because that is what she got paid by her johns. lol Continue reading “What is your time worth? What does it have to do with your worth?”

Do YOU want to get smarter? What would it mean?

Do YOU want to get smarter? What would it mean?

These come up as questions, because… hell, because I don’t know if they do… If you do… Do YOU?

I don’t think currently living humans appreciate what that question means, I don’t think YOU know what being smart entails.

I think you think that smarts are only

  • to win in computer games
  • finish homework fast… or maybe even skip doing it… after all smart people just get it! this used to be me…
  • entertain and impress people at parties
  • if you have little kids… get them to go to bed earlier… that needs smarts, somehow
  • if you are still in mating age (I am not), get the other want to have sex with you… or if you are tired… be appeased faster
  • get to understand the instructions at work, for DIY jobs, for many thing… understanding is the key word
  • oh, and let’s not forget about remembering stuff… that would make you really smart, right?

And yes, those results all need some kind of smarts. Continue reading “Do YOU want to get smarter? What would it mean?”

The occurrence mental model or personal reality

The occurrence mental model or personal reality

free yourself from mental slaveryThis article was removed from Medium.com… I guess it offended a “star” there…

The person whose articles inspired this one has 10 active predatory genes…

In my next article, the one I am working on, I’ll ponder about that high number… As I just did, in my Sunday call with an old friend who is like the perfect mirror to me…

I don’t publish those calls for general consumption: they are a tad gossipy, I talk about people there… but select subscribers can get it… $15 a pop… and worth it, if you are are willing to change your mind… Most never will. You can email me for a link… and I’ll decide if I want you to have it or not.

Mental Models: relate to and solve problems with different, fundamentally different perspectives of reality

Continue reading “The occurrence mental model or personal reality”

Predatory Genes and Quantum reality: disorder or order?

Predatory Genes and Quantum reality: disorder or order?

Predatory Genes and Quantum reality: There is order in the universe, even if it is not readily observable to you

The visible order, what you can see, is just the top 1%. Below that there is 99% that is order, but you can’t see it.

The more you are of the persuasion that there is a way the world should be, you should be, society should be, to the same degree you are blind, and unsuccessful if you act, and stuck if you don’t.

Of course you expect the order to be obvious, with clear rules, so you don’t have to be responsible for thinking, observing, adjusting your actions to how it is… and ultimately for any of your actions, any of your results.

Too many or too few predatory genes combined with human culture are deadly, deadly in its consequences. Continue reading “Predatory Genes and Quantum reality: disorder or order?”

Transcendence is going beyond right and wrong…

What is real? What is made up? How can you tell?

HAPPINESS is a function of accepting what is
LOVE is a function of communication
HEALTH is a function of participation
SELF-EXPRESSION is a function of responsibility
~Werner Erhard

Sounds amazing, doesn’t it? But, to begin with the phrase “a function of” is slimy… because it doesn’t say it does that… not at all.

So in my work with a bunch of normal people, ordinary people, neither smart, nor stupid, neither diligent nor too lazy, neither brave, nor too cowardly, blah blah blah… I am proving that what Werner Erhard said is largely b.s.

The truth value of Werner’s famous statements is 10%…

Just like 99.5% everything you read on the Internet. That means only one thing out of 200 things, book, article, meme, quote, video, etc. has a truth value higher than 10%.

But 10% truth value means: 90% hogwash. Mistaken, misguided, narrow cone of vision, wearing blinders, or outright lie.

    • The Old Testament: truth value: 30%
    • The New Testament: truth value: 3%

Continue reading “Transcendence is going beyond right and wrong…”

If you just stopped doing what you know is bad for you…

If you just stopped doing what you know is bad for you…

I am not a scientist, not a doctor, but…

I pay attention. I experiment. And I muscletest while I am connected to Source.

It’s cherry time in the United States, and Aldi had a special price on cherries. I could not resist.

I bought a big bag… two and a half pounds… and as predictable, I ate it all in one sitting.

The insights I’ll share in this article are very important knowledge that I have suspected, but haven’t seen it this clearly before. Continue reading “If you just stopped doing what you know is bad for you…”