Is T. Harv Eker a better teacher than me?

Is T. Harv Eker a better teacher than me?

is t harv eker a better teacher than me?Is T. Harv Eker a better teacher than me? Will you make money like him if you do his courses?

Is what he teaches better than what I teach?

Yesterday I watched T. Harv Eker’s ‘Don’t Believe A Thought You Think’ presentation yesterday. He is funny, he knows how to teach.

He was spectacular. Everything he taught was taught well, and yet his presentation’s truth value was only 50%. It seems it is not only how you teach but WHAT you teach that will matter in the end.

Only? Most things on the market clock in at 10% or lower truth value. And yet, 50% means that 50% wasn’t true. Continue reading “Is T. Harv Eker a better teacher than me?”

Do you have to go down with the ship? the economy, war?

Do you have to go down with the ship? the economy, war?

going down with the shipDo you have to go down with the ship?

In 1987 I did the More Money Workshop… I have fond memories of that

Back in 1987 I was working as an architect in the luxury architecture field. We were building or remodeling Caribbean villas for rich people. Nice when you can have it… lol.

I myself was dirt poor, a recent immigrant.

But I never skimped on my education, so I enrolled in the More Money Workshop. It was two Saturdays, and in between I lost my job. Continue reading “Do you have to go down with the ship? the economy, war?”

Eudaimonia… living a life you love and live it powerfully

Eudaimonia… living a life you love and live it powerfully

This morning I woke up and have been up now for more than two hours, and not a lick of work has been done… I have been musing.

Hungarian songs swirl in my mind, I look up words I never knew what they meant… but in the age of google you can look up anything, and find…

Old, forgotten words in songs belie the history of the people changing… what they eat, what animals they keep around, how they think.

And then this old movie song sneaks up, in my mind, and I cry and cry again. Continue reading “Eudaimonia… living a life you love and live it powerfully”

Do you even know what you really really want?

Do you even know what you really really want?

Henry Ford once said, “If I’d asked customers what they wanted, they would have told me, ‘A faster horse!'” People don’t know what they want until you show it to them.

I am reading/listening to a book, The Remembering Process. It supports my Future Self series very nicely. In fact I would have to make it a required read for people who want to do the Future Self process.

The biggest difference is the difference I haven’t quite explored in my previous articles. Some people are visionary and others, like myself, are turtles.

Even turtles have a ‘trajectory’… Continue reading “Do you even know what you really really want?”

Could you take advice from the more successful future you?

Could you take advice from the more successful future you?
Course-correction is the nature of Life

Scorpio horoscope: Don’t allow a longing for impossible perfection to derail your commitment to doing what’s right

I got an interesting question this morning from a client who is trying to get healthier.

She asks: I also have another question as I really have to and want to take this food issue really seriously now.

Is there also a test you do where one can see: this is the food the body is really designed for and food which is better to avoid.

A list where I can see this is what the body really needs when its in a good condition and to keep and maintain the health with its appropriate food?

Pay attention to how many time the client uses the word “really”. Continue reading “Could you take advice from the more successful future you?”

I can’t handle it. Are you sure about that? Did you look?

I can’t handle it. Are you sure about that? Did you look?

I can’t handle it

Yesterday in the growth workshop I decided to look at my relationship to money. I have been trying to crack this tough nut for many years: in every business I have had everyone said I was sitting on a big mountain of money… but not actualizing much of it. 🙁

So I set out to work on money… Asking: how come I don’t make as much money as I could… with what I have…

Of course I am the course leader, so I don’t have time to deal with my own sh-it, but now it is on the sheet… documented, and the table. Continue reading “I can’t handle it. Are you sure about that? Did you look?”

If you can’t grow, you don’t grow, you can’t fit growth into your life…

If you can’t grow, you don’t grow, you can’t fit growth into your life…

I have been thrown a curveball…

Most people deal with stuff being taken away from them… But what do you do when stuff is added to you… like a gift?

But when you buy into any of my programs, you will need to deal with this: too much to deal with.

You already have too many irons in the fire… if you even have any, your hands are full, and now you need to grow new hands if you don’t want to drop the ones you already have.

This is what happened to me this week, and I predict I’ll deal with this for a while… until I reorganize myself and my life to the increased activity I am taking on.

Many people buy programs, try to adjust earnestly, but abandon ship… because organization, especially re-organization is most people’s weak skill. Continue reading “If you can’t grow, you don’t grow, you can’t fit growth into your life…”

Selfish? let’s look at selfish, let’s look at unselfish

Selfish? let’s look at selfish, let’s look at unselfish
Life is best when it is lived where what you want for yourself is a side effect.

For half of humanity that sounds like liberal nonsense… but this is how life becomes the most enjoyable, and maybe the most ‘life-earning’ as well, in spite of it being counter intuitive.

And this is true in every area of life…

I can’t write a better article on this than Zat Rana on Medium.

What I can write best about is the wretchedness of going straight for what you want, and quitting when anyone else benefits… And I can share how this… getting what I need as a side effect, consciously, has been one of the secrets of my inner peace, fulfillment, and happiness. Continue reading “Selfish? let’s look at selfish, let’s look at unselfish”

Why do we have an ego? how can we make it useful?

Why do we have an ego? how can we make it useful?

Why do we have an ego, and how can we make it really useful? You don’t have any part that is not useful!

I just had a ‘conversation’ with a student, where I suggested that she uses ego to support her growth.

From her answers it has become clear that ‘using ego’ is not a commonplace conversation, and that it needs instruction.

Culture condemns ego… as if it were a bad thing.

So let’s see what ego is, and what it isn’t.

Ego is a lot like a kitchen knife: you can use it for good, for useful, or for harm… kill with it. You can also use it to clean it under your nails… somewhat useful, but not the right tool… Continue reading “Why do we have an ego? how can we make it useful?”

Vibrational review of ‘Create Abundance 2020’

Vibrational review of ‘Create Abundance 2020’

Plan to create abundance plus a vibrational review of “Create Abundance 2020”

First off, this is not the cash gifting illegal pyramid scheme that Carly and Thomas Smith are promoting.

What is a cash gifting program? It’s much like a chain letter: You buy in, and hope that eventually, from the monies that people you enroll personally, you will get more money back that what you paid in.

It’s illegal. I have seen many of these spring up, from time to time. Human greed has no boundaries.

Most people that I know lost what they invested. Some, with lots of salesmanship and a lot of acquaintances, made some money, but they made it on the misery of others.

What is the vibration of that program? On a scale of 1-1000 it is, the vibration, 5. Depraved.

Now, if you came here because you were looking for that cash gifting program, Create Abundance 2020 or any other name, please leave. You won’t be interested in anything I have to say.

You are probably desperate, or too greedy to be interested.

The average vibration of people who are interested in that is 100. Look it up on the Map of Consciousness…

Now, let’s look at stuff that people with a higher vibration, with a higher level of consciousness would like to read. Something that isn’t illegal…

By the way, if you haven’t read my Effortless Abundance 39 page ebook/PDF, it’s a great read and will give you a great foundation for the rest of the article.
Continue reading “Vibrational review of ‘Create Abundance 2020’”